ansuz rune meanings

Ansuz Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

Ansuz Rune Meanings

Ansuz – Rune of Divine Communication

The etymology of the word Ansuz may be mostly conjecture but it’s fun looking into if you’re a word geek like myself. Essentially, it means ‘god,’ the same as the ancient Norse ‘As’ from where we get ‘Asatru’ and ‘Asgård.’ It is also thought to mean ‘mouth’ and after reading about the various possible roots for this word, I get a feeling of divine communication from this sacred rune which is associated with Odin Allfather among Asatru practitioners.

Stripped back meaning based on the actual word and shape

Ansuz looks a bit like a flag, both when it comes to the Norse and Anglo-Saxon versions of the rune, which tells us to pay attention. There is a divine message waiting to be begotten.

We may need to seek the message in silent meditation or even through dreamwork unless we are completely attuned with our Higher Selves and able to think/speak prophetically.


  • Polarity: Masculine
  • Zodiac correspondences: Mercury
  • Tarot card correspondences: The Magician
  • Colours: Blue-ish white, silver, blue, gold
  • Archangel correspondences: Archangel Raphael
  • Chakra correspondences: Crown chakra, throat chakra
  • Health: Central nervous system, the mouth and speech organs

Divinatory Meanings

General: divine communication, prophetic revelation, truth – reversed: lying, deceit, blocked communication

Love & relationships: freely flowing communication which promotes greater intimacy and understanding between partners – reversed: blocked communication leads to power struggles

Health/wellbeing: being at peace and feeling connected with Source, ease of learning – reversed: learning difficulties, lack of peace, problems relating to the CNS or the mouth, speech organs

Business: successful business proposal, divinely inspired business idea  – reversed: dodgy proposal (read the fine print carefully), a business idea inspired by a desire to gain power and riches rather than to be of service

Holistic Healing Tips for Ansuz

When Ansuz shows up in a reading, you may need to look at both vertical (divine) and horizontal (interpersonal) communication issues. Look to surrounding runes for more clues where a better connection and clearer channel may be needed.

If this is the only rune you pull in a one-rune draw, you do well to act on it by spending some time in meditation.

It can also be a flag that you are using language in a way that enforces the illusion of isolation from Source and your fellow man.

If you use the runes for spellcasting, pulling this rune for if now is a good time or the spell is a good idea in general, Ansuz (upright) would be a big fat ‘Yes!’

Chanting AHN-soohz can help clear a fuzzy head.

The reversal of this rune carries its own medicine. Ansuz Rx means that you suffer from negative looping thoughts and/or can only hear negativity. The words you speak make you impure because your heart is suffering a disconnect caused by believing the illusion that you are separate from God. Ask Archangels Uriel and Raphael for help with regaining your peace of mind and hearing Heaven clearly.


  • The mind of God guides me every step of the way.
  • I am a clear channel for divine guidance.
  • I choose my words based on what is for the Highest Good.
  • My words are powerful and I choose to use them with kindness.
  • I speak the truth from a heart aligned with the mind of God.
  • My mind is clear and I am at peace.
  • I speak only to affirm the reality of Oneness.

Ansuz Prayer

Dear Mother-Father God, Thank you that I can know your truth through being silent and allowing your Holy Spirit to guide me. Make my speech undivided against my Higher Self, and my mind clear and at peace for the Highest Good of All. Amen

Ansuz and Hyperborean Water Magic

In addition to the uses indicated above which still remain true after all this time, in ancient Hyperborea, Ansuz was used as an amplifier for Light Language. It was also used as an elixir for those who struggled to open up to the benefits of using or receiving light codes and downloads this way.

How to Charge the Water

  • Draw the rune over your glass or another glass vessel with the pointer and middle finger on your dominant hand.
  • Chant the name of the rune three times.
  • Visualise the rune glimmering in the colour of your choice as you chant (see colour correspondences above)
  • Visualise the light from the rune charging every molecule in the water until the light expands beyond the glass. When the light has formed an aura around the glass that you can either see or feel with your hands, it is ready to drink/use.

Ansuz Water Magic for Yourself

  • When you need to better understand and write/speak a language
  • For opening up to using light language

Ansuz Water Magic for the Environment

To amplify the effect of healing energy. Charge the water that you intend to use for environmental healing first with the rune. Then use light language and channel it into the water. Seal the light codes in with Ansuz and then sprinkle/pour the water where it is needed.

Try the Ansuz Words of Power Rune Tarot Spread!

Take me back to the Elder Futhark Rune Index!

love raven liora

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