Energy Healing vs Faith Healing


ETA 2 June, 2020: Since surrendering my life to Jesus Christ during the Covid-19 lockdown, I have had a rethink on this subject matter.

Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant when he said ‘All these things and more shall ye be able to do also?’ I especially started wondering this once I discovered I had the gift of healing. So far I have yet to cure my first blind person… never mind raising people from the dead!

My healing crisis happened shortly after the birth of my second child. I was 27 and not far off my first divorce, as well as my first Saturn return. My world came tumbling down around me. The last thing I needed at this point in time was a crisis of faith but that is exactly what happened and not long after, I left the church after being an active member for just over a decade.

Once I began the healing journey in earnest, I started questioning… well, everything. I had been told that anything ‘New Age’ was of the devil… and if that was the case, I became hellbent on letting New Age seduce me because I felt badly betrayed by the church and that point in my life, I hadn’t learned to differentiate between church (people) and God (truth). My inner locus of control was pretty weak in psychological terms.

The one inner reality I was not willing to part with was Jesus himself. I knew him and loved him but I felt that the church had fucked up his message so badly that I couldn’t possibly identify as a Christian any more.

As I started reading about the chakras, the aura and energy healing in books by Barbara Ann Brennan, Caroline Myss and Deepak Chopra in the late 90’s, I wasn’t afraid of experimenting. I got lucky too because one of my fellow physiotherapy students at Karolinska was a Reiki healer who wanted to start practicing and asked me to be her guinea pig. Together with her, I was able to verify objectively that what I sensed was actually real. I had the experience of having my third eyed opened during a treatment she gave me. Later, we arranged a meditation circle with some other students. It was quite the experience!

My friend told us to meditate for 30 minutes and she instructed us to not rely on a timing device but to simply set the intent to open our eyes at the same time, after exactly 30 minutes. Not only was this part of the experiment successful, my friend had also arranged a surprise for me. She sent me an energy ball at the start of the meditation session, without me knowing about it. However, as I sat there with my eyes closed in meditation, I felt a ‘blob’ of energy very clearly pass through my body and it was completely unlike anything I had experienced before. After the session, I turned to her with a look of delighted surprise on my face and asked her ‘What was that?’ My friend started giggling and said ‘That was an energy ball – you can create those with your mind and send them to people!’

Huh! Well, if she could do it so could I, I quickly decided, though I, at that point in time had no previous training in any energy healing modality. But how? And what did I wish to transmit this way? I gave it some serious thought and decided that the next time we meditated, I would transfer the feeling of Holy Spirit descending – something I was familiar with from church. It feels like a powerful wave of energy that comes in at the top of the head and illuminates the whole being (although I struggle to describe it with words).

I told her nothing of my intent, nor did I tell her about my experience of the Holy Spirit. At the next meditation session, it was only she and I. A few minutes in, I opened up to receive Holy Spirit and then simply asked for/willed this energy experience to be transmitted to my friend. Again, we opened our eyes after exactly 30 minutes (without a timer) and my friend looked at me, almost shocked, ‘Lisa, what the hell was that?! It felt like my head was going to explode!’ Yes, an explosion of light is exactly how it feels… and then some!

It was my turn to giggle with delight when I told her what I had done.

So, yes, it could be argued that it is all just energy and our intent alone decides how it flows and that energy healing is nothing but the result of setting the intent and directing energy to flow a certain way. Yet I knew then and still know that this is far too simplistic a view of energy healing in relationship with faith.

In the Bible it is often stressed that as our faith is, it will be done to us.

Before my healing crisis, I only had one experience of a faith-based healing miracle and it feels almost silly to say that it concerned a blister on my toe. But the blister was huge and threatened to prevent me from continuing my travels and I was on my own in a foreign country – quite nervous about the whole situation… when I suddenly remembered to have faith and pray. I was sitting in a train carriage, with nobody else around, so I was able to relax as I put the foot on my lap and prayed over it. When I opened my eyes, the blister which had covered pretty much the whole top of my big toe, was gone without a trace and I was able to continue on a journey, which turned out to have an impact on the rest of my life. I look back and believe that I was healed because a) I prayed with faith and b) it was God’s will for me to continue the journey.

The second healing miracle I experienced was also faith-based and this one happened after I had separated from my first husband. I was a young mother with two toddlers and most of the people in my circle of friends also had little ones. All except one, a lovely young lady who wanted nothing more than to be a mother but wasn’t able to conceive due to complications after radiation treatment. As we sat around her dining room table (it was her birthday!) and everyone was chatting away about their babies, I could tell that my friend was getting increasingly upset although she did a good job of hiding it.

Before I knew what was happening, I heard myself saying the words ‘Would you like some healing for this?.’ She couldn’t get me away from the others to receive the healing fast enough! We left the others chatting away and as I walked into the other room, I quietly thought to myself, ‘Now what?’ because I had no idea what I was supposed to do. But again, I stepped out on faith, knowing that the Holy Spirit had spoken through me. We sat down on a sofa, I placed my right hand on her shoulder and put my left hand in the air, asking the Holy Spirit to come with healing in the name of Jesus Christ…

…and you know what I said about the explosion of light earlier? It was there but times a thousand and every time I remember this, my eyes well up with tears of gratitude because it was the most beautiful experience of my life. Wave upon wave of not only light but heat descended on us until our faces were streaming with tears of joy and wonder.

About five weeks later, my friend phoned me up. ‘Lisa, you’ll never guess what! I’m pregnant!’ I remember going for a walk in the forest after this phone call and not feeling my feet. What was real and what was a dream? How could God be so good to allow me to experience grace and healing on this magnitude – I truly had done nothing to deserve it!

You might think this would be enough to bring me back to the fold and if it weren’t for my energy healing experiments it might have, but I needed the freedom to explore and try to understand why and how these things happened. I wasn’t happy with the church’s lack of explanation when it came to the reality of the energy body which I had come to know as a factual reality at this point in time.

About a year and half after this healing miracle, I moved to the UK and was able to study spiritual healing, Western Reiki and Jikiden Reiki, along with Bach Flower Therapy. I know that Reiki and other energy healing modalities work. Spiritual healing is really only another energy healing modality these days, though it may have started out differently. Faith is not needed – it is supposed to (and does to a certain degree) work anyway. But I have yet to witness a single miracle on the scale I described above, with the healing that happened through simple prayer and faith in the healing power of God.

So I struggle with which way to take my own healing work. The thing with faith healing is that it’s not something you can offer ‘on tap’ or for payment. It could never be part of my ‘professional services.’ And I need to earn a living. I also don’t need to look like a wacky cook in the public eye but it’s probably too late for that now, anyway.

I’m writing this because in 2016, my focus word for the year was ‘integrity’ and I was feeling dissonance between what my mind thought I should be saying about healing and what I truly felt deep down in my heart. I have shared my heart in this post.

Below is a reading I did on the two main healing modalities of interest to me now. I used the Intuitive Two Choices Tarot Spread.

tarot reading about which healing modality to focus on

The bottom three cards speak of where I’m at on my journey to become a healer. The 8 of Cups, Knight of Cups and Queen of Pentacles together speak of a desire to level up and to bring the Holy Grail the Knight of Cups is carrying out into the world to be administered by the grounded and practical hands of the Queen of Pentacles.

To the left are three cards speaking of my Jikiden Reiki work. I’m still a novice (Page of Cups) and feel I need more wisdom and guidance (High Priestess) in order to understand what I’m doing here… the 7 of Pentacles, of course, speaks of a need for patience. Even having the level 2 (Okuden) certificate, I can’t expect to be an expert Reiki healer until I have done many more treatments. I also see the ‘little Lisa’ here (Page of Cups) looking for guidance from within, seeking some kind of system or mystery tradition that will make me look less like a crazy person in the eyes of the world. What I seek is the validation of the High Priestess so that people will come to me in that capacity… but in reality, it will take a very long time before I will feel like that on the Jikiden Reiki Path. It is a foreign system with foreign symbols that I love but do not fully comprehend and therefore I may always feel like I need to buy a clue.

To the right are the three cards speaking of my journey with faith healing. Death signifies how the ego must die completely and the King of Swords is my intellect putting up a mighty fight on behalf of the ego. But when the ego dies, I will finally feel at home (10 of Cups).

I pulled a card from the Majors only Pictorial Key Tarot for the spiritual theme/lesson and got Judgment – If you were here at the time, you would note the lack of surprise on my face when this card showed up. Of course. This is about my calling.

Not long after my healing crisis, the palms of my hands started heating up. At age 27, I went to see a pastor at the church I used to go to ask for guidance about this because I had no clue what was happening to me and why I felt so drawn to put my hands on people when the heat started. He told me, without hesitation, that I had the gift of healing… but he also said ‘You are not ready to start using it.’

I know now how right he was. I had to learn everything the hard way first in order for my intellect and ego-mind to be satisfied.

In the end, I can only refer to what has been real in my own life and that is that the power of the name of Jesus heals when nothing else works. And no, my ego still doesn’t like it. I’m 46 and still doing a battle with my ego. To surrender is surely to lose all credibility in the eyes of the world. That is why I choose to do this battle in the open now… It is the only way to end it! I’m not here to help those who look for a slick solution. I’m here to do the bidding of the One God.

I pulled a final card from the Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle and got ‘Yes!,’ which is about trusting my feelings in this matter… but it’s not the words on the card that draw my attention… it’s the image of the infant Jesus. The miracle of his birth lead to many other miracles and what everybody else does or thinks of faith healing is no concern of mine if I wish to experience more of the same… and I do. I really do.

Blessed Be!

Lisa Frideborg

Book a reading

Comments 13

  1. What an amazing experience you had. I’ve also experienced some faith healing in my serious church days, but I’ve experienced a lot of emotional and spiritual healing from Reiki. I believe that Holy Spirit and Reiki are basically the same thing. As well as magic. Do you feel the same way? I also see HS as the divine feminine. 🙂 The most powerful experience I had was when we were being hijacked at gunpoint and I chanted the name of Jesus which delivered me, my then husband, and my two babies out of danger – the attackers gave me back my children and let us go without harming us.

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      “I believe that Holy Spirit and Reiki are basically the same thing.” Yes, I did an experiment that proved that. Magic is more dependent on personal emotions than is healing. The emotions fuel the magic. What an amazing deliverance you experienced… Wow! Thanks for sharing <3

  2. Lisa thank you for sharing. You are helping me through this act u have no idea! I am 26 n I am about to be 27 in January 6 I never felt so me so at home of the thought of healing but it’s been a struggle but I know I was born to do this(my path) “patience” I know, I know I need to expirance and learn more. To read this makes me feel at peace. I cried a little bit when you got called to heal your friend soo beautiful. I am on the train heading to work! I don’t think no one saw me hehe. See you soon I have faith you will even be a great teacher one day! Those that put work and gain expirance are great teachers!! Happy new years! BleeSS be so be it!

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    Ja, Jess, toppen om du kan söka det lokalt – gärna av en grupp av troende som kan be över dig. Det är din tro som helar dig men vi kan stärka varandra i tron! Kramar och BB <3

  4. Hi Lisa and Jess, So lovely to read both texts. I hope you find help, Jess.
    As I see it, Lisa has the gift to feel what others need, and to cure as well 🙂
    In the Seer, by Lars Muhl, a book I don’t really know what to think about it, I read very interesting passages about healing, totally different from what I read or heard before.
    And about what others think of you Lisa, would people judge you?
    I surely wouldn’t judge you, Lisa, why would I? You don’t judge others when you help them to find their own true path.

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      How was what Lars Muhl writes different to what you read or heard before? As for being judged, I’m already being judged… but it is ultimate divine madness to proclaim that Jesus heals. If people think I’m some kind of religious nutter, I loose all cred in my community of peers as well as with most clients. That is serious because it affects my livelihood… but not serious enough for me to be stopped by it – which is why I chose to hash it out here… to share AND to clear my own mind 🙂

      1. Hi Lisa, the book is with a friend now so i cannot quote from it now and also is part of a trilogy and i only read one book.More on
        You are a healer and you work the way which fits you best. Why can’t you ask money for that regardless what your healing source is? Sorry of this sounds dumb.

        The story is what’s important and it can be read as (non)fiction. You and the reader can choose how your story is read. In the meantime the sick can be cured by you in a way that fits best. No?:)

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          Faith healing is not something you can bottle and sell on tap, Ann. Not everyone who thinks they want to be healed, actually wants to be healed… so no, the stories can’t just be considered stories that can be read either way for the purpose of faith healing. I’m not the healer – Jesus is. You either believe this or you don’t – that is the essence of faith healing… But I wasn’t even talking about it from that point of view. I talked about how sharing these ‘stories’ could see me lose my livelihood because I no longer fit within the current New Age paradigm. Nobody wants to believe that what they need is redemption… and that is what Jesus brings us: redemption from our sins. Only those who are entirely lost and know they are lost will get on their knees. Faith healing is poured from heaven when people are ready to humble themselves… Do you see now how this can’t be ‘sold’?

          1. No i’m not following i think. It’s not about selling something, it’s about being able to do your work and live as well.

            Do i recall it right that you mentioned that a transfer of energy schuld be ‘paid’ for in a way?
            Why would Jesus want that to be different nowadays?

            Or do you mean that you have your divine source and cannot tap into it on your own choice? Or that you cannot have ‘customers’ coming to you with a healing question, because they aren’t aware of their question. Well then it’s something different indeed.
            Hm, …

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          A faith healer can only be a vessel for healing to flow when the H.S. guides them to heal someone, so not possible as part of a business. That is one aspect of what we are dealing with here. Jesus did not charge for his healing work but dr Usui did. That is the difference in the nutshell and I can’t go into the philosophy in-depth here… though I may do it in another blog post.

          1. So i understood right. I’m looking forward to the following posts.
            Just wondering why people should live without your gift and why Jesus would want that
            The strength of your idea to me is your sensitivity to the difference between the cultures. Could your own experience that could be the one of a mystica or be acquinted to it.
            The question then is how to be able to follow that path nowadays.
            That’s not only a philosophical question but also a very practical one.
            Sorry, Lisa, that i’m going on about this. I do understand you want to close the discussion.
            But you bring up not only a personal but also an acute question in this world nowadays.
            Forgive me my blutness, English is not my mother tongue and I talk better that i write ( at least i hope so :))

  5. Ibland blir jag mer än förvånad övet att när jag grubblar över något så skriver du något som löser hela eller delar av problemet. I detta fall om healing…Jag lider av flera kroniska värksjukdomar bl a en mycket ovanlig njursjukdom som kallas LPHS och de senaste åren har värken nästan knäckt mig, jag har funderat över de olika healingar jag har fått av andra och varför inget biter på den. Kanske är det så att det enda som kan hjälpa den(mig) att sluta är en “faith healing”…
    Så om det kan vara svaret så ska jag söka efter någon som utför dem således…
    Tack för att du finns och guidar mig i livet även om det är omedvetet.
    Du får översätta texten om du vill till engelska, jag blev så överväldigad att jag inte kan formulera det på engelska.
    Varma Kramar and Blessed be

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