The Rememberance from Brian Froud's Heart of the Faerie Oracle

Your Memory Tool Kit

Your Memory Tool Kit - The Rememberance from Brian Froud's Heart of the Faerie Oracle

The Remembrance comes right after Tuesday’s card, ‘The Leaving‘ in the Heart of the Faerie Oracle. The Leaving was all about preparing properly for our new adventure and making sure we don’t leave a mess behind. The Remembrance is about knowing what to take with us in terms of learning from past cock-ups and assessing how this learning might serve us in the future. Today we’ll do just that by stocking up on all the right tools in our Memory Tool Kit.

This is a good practice and one that most of us don’t bother with in today’s fast-paced world. In times when the world moved slower and bards shared their stories around campfires, we had a chance to learn from the mistakes of heroes as well as from our own goofs.

Share Your Story

So here is what I propose: Let’s gather some nice dry wood and kindling for the fire. Let’s sit together, share the stories we know and discuss what lessons can be learned from them. Bring your runes, Tarot, and oracle decks too since there may be aspects hidden from our waking consciousness in those stories.

Share your story of that failed relationship and the learning you took from it. Or how about the story of the time you got passed up for promotion or found yourself in a work environment where bullying was rife. Share the story of when your spending got out of control and you had to spend a very long time freeing yourself from debt. Share the story of that time when you got in trouble with the authorities and how you dealt with it.

What you will find is that you have learned some wonderful life coping skills from all those times when you really struggled. On this new adventure, you will meet fresh challenges but many of those challenges can be resolved thanks to useful skills you have already learned on your own hero’s journey.

You Literally Cannot Fail

“Nothing is ever wasted and nothing is ever lost as long as we learn from it.”

In your #mysticmisfit journal, write down three things you learned in troubled times. They may be different scenarios to those mentioned here – Simply go with the first three scenarios that pop into your mind.

If you feel brave, you can go ahead and share yours in the comments below. It’s said that a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others so that he never has to make any mistakes. Let us be generous with our stories and help those who are truly wise… As for me, I am slow on the uptake and often repeat mistakes more than once before the lesson sinks in. Much proof of this can be found across the blog… 🙂

Three life lessons learned from costly mistakes

  • From ditching my boyfriend when I was 20 because of religious differences, I learned that religious dogma is divisive, fear-based and can block true love.
  • Staying way too long in jobs that slowly killed my soul and my will to live, taught me to trust my ability to make a living from something that lights me up from inside instead.
  • From crippling chronic illness, I learned about the mind-body connection and that faith, emotional harmony + peace of mind are the three most important ingredients of good health and the ability to heal.

So much love!

Lisa xo

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