timing in the tarot

Timing in the Tarot with FREE Cheat Sheets!

timing in the tarot + free downloads

Timing in the Tarot is a topic that warrants a book of its own. But I wanted to give you an inkling of how I work with timing. Almost all readers end up developing their own unique way of timing events. It is a method which has been used by Western Mystics and Occultists over the past 100+ years. It originates with the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, with some of my own additions.

This Astrological correspondence method of timing is the one I have found works the best. But it is also very important to know when it is possible to read on timing. Because often it is best left alone.

Is the Future Set in Stone?

The discussion we need to have before delving into the correspondence tables is ‘How much of the future is set in stone? Is it even possible to predict timing at all?’

Obviously, how you choose to read (or not read) on timing questions depends entirely on how you answer this question. Personally, I believe that very little is set in stone and I hold fast to the old occult saying: ‘Spell long, divine short.’

However, in certain scenarios, all the influences are in motion and on a pretty firm trajectory. This is like witnessing a cloud formation that foretells precipitation at a later point in time. All the signs are there for those who know how to see. These are the scenarios where you can use the cards to nail the timing with an error margin of a week and a half either way. Especially if you choose to work with the system of Astrological decans in the Minor Arcana. Each decan covers a period of 10 days.

Timing in the Tarot – Download Cheat Sheets

Below you will find three cheat sheets with Astrological Timing Correspondences for the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana and the Court Cards. Simply right-click, choose ‘Save As’ and print the images out for your Tarot Study Journal or Book of Shadows!

timing in the major arcana
timing in the tarot court cards
timing in the minor arcana

Another way of reading on timing that I use quite a lot is to set a time frame for the Tarot spread of choice. The near future (6-8 weeks) works best; the further into the future you project, the greater the error margin becomes.  Typically, I do this for romance forecasts, where I look at the next couple of months and a maximum of six months. The Celtic Cross Tarot spread is a good example of a spread that is suitable to use with a 6-8 week time frame.

If you found the information in this post useful, please share it with friends and on your social media platforms. Thank you!

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    1. Author

      10 of Cups indicates the third decan of Pisces. That doesn’t mean the influence will last or pass within ten days; it means that what you are likely to read on will occur in that decan time slot.

  1. Thank you, Lisa for the post, and the cheat sheets. I look forward every week to your email. I also am going to be learning to read Tarot, so the sheets will come in handy!
    May you always be Blessed
    Karen Anne

  2. I wouldn't… but you could read them the same as the Aces – Swords for Spring, Wands for Summer, Cups for Autumn and Pentacles for Winter

  3. Thanks for sharing this Lisa. How would you read the Pages in terms of timing?

  4. Lisa, did you post the cheat sheet for the Court Cards, or is my browser acting funky again and not displaying the image?

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