The Star as feelings in love and relationship tarot readings

The Star As Feelings (with a Ritual + Love Tarot Spread)

The Star as feelings in love and relationship tarot readings

The Star, corresponding with the Zodiac sign Aquarius, is a beacon of positive expectations, inspiration, and renewal in the Tarot. The Star as feelings signifies optimism, spiritual connection, and hopes for a brighter future. In love and relationship Tarot readings, The Star represents healing, growth, and the potential for deeply meaningful connections. In the system of correspondences I use, The Star corresponds with the Angel of Grace.

Go to the Angelic Tarot Ritual for Optimism and Equity

Jump to the Guiding Star Love Tarot Spread

The Star as Feelings of a Love Interest (Upright)

When The Star appears upright in a love reading, it suggests that your love interest feels hopeful and optimistic about your relationship. They see great potential in your connection and feel a sense of renewal and inspiration when they’re with you. This aligns them with the intimacy component in Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, as they likely feel a strong emotional bond and closeness to you. Your love interest may also feel:

  • A sense of spiritual connection with you
  • Inspired to be their best self in your presence
  • Grateful for the healing and growth you’ve brought into their life
  • Excited about the future possibilities of your relationship

The Star as Feelings when Reversed or Ill-dignified

When The Star is reversed or ill-dignified, it can indicate that your love interest is experiencing doubt, disconnection, or a loss of faith in the relationship. They may be struggling with self-esteem issues or feeling overwhelmed by past relationship traumas. They might be reassessing their commitment and satisfaction levels in the relationship.

In this context, your love interest might be feeling:

  • Disconnected from their inner guidance
  • Uncertain about the future of the relationship
  • Struggling to maintain hope or optimism
  • Overwhelmed by negative thoughts or past experiences

The Star When You Are Single and Looking

For those who are single, The Star encourages you to focus on self-love and personal growth. This period of singlehood is an opportunity to heal from past relationships and cultivate a strong sense of self. The Star reminds you that by radiating your authentic self, you naturally attract compatible partners. You might also wish to approach relationships more from the point of view of ‘let’s be friends’ to see if something grows from that.

The Star As Your Attachment Style in the Relationship

The Star as your attachment style suggests a secure and optimistic approach to love. You likely have a healthy balance of independence and intimacy, aligning with the secure attachment style. You’re open to emotional connection while maintaining your individuality.

The Star As the Attachment Style of Your Love Interest

If The Star represents your love interest’s attachment style, they likely approach relationships with hope and openness. They may also have a secure attachment style, valuing both intimacy and independence. They’re likely to communicate openly and work towards creating a balanced, fulfilling relationship.

The Star As the Energetic Connection

The Star signifies a harmonious and inspiring energetic connection. Your relationship may have a spiritual quality, with both partners feeling uplifted and renewed through their interaction. In terms of Lee’s Color Wheel Theory of Love, this aligns with “Agape,” characterised by selfless, all-encompassing love.

The Star As the Potential Outcome

As a potential outcome, The Star promises healing, growth, and renewed hope in the relationship. It suggests that by working through challenges together, you can create a stronger, more fulfilling partnership. This outcome resonates with the Social Exchange Theory, where both partners perceive the relationship as equitable and mutually beneficial.

The Star in a Relationship Breakdown

Even in a relationship breakdown, The Star offers hope for healing and personal growth. In terms of Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown, it aligns with the “resurrection” phase, where individuals learn from the experience and move forward with newfound wisdom and self-awareness.

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

Angelic Love Tarot Ritual for Optimism and Equity

This ritual is designed to align your energy with the qualities of The Star card—hope, renewal, and balance—while invoking angelic support to foster equitable and optimistic dynamics in your relationships.

Materials Needed:

  • The Star tarot card
  • A blue candle (symbolising peace and communication)
  • A rose quartz crystal (representing love and harmony)
  • A small bowl of water (symbolising emotional clarity)
the angel of grace


  1. Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Arrange the materials in front of you, placing The Star card at the centre, with the blue candle on one side and the bowl of water on the other. Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand.
  2. Light the Candle: Light the blue candle, focusing on its flame as a symbol of hope and clarity. Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.
  3. Invoke the Angel of Grace: Close your eyes and say aloud: “Angel of Grace, I invite your presence into this space. Surround me with your light and guide me towards optimism and equity in my relationships.”
  4. Meditate on The Star Card: Open your eyes and gaze at The Star card. Visualise its energy filling your heart with hope, balance, and fairness. Imagine this energy extending into your relationships, promoting mutual respect and understanding.
  5. Set Your Intentions: Holding the rose quartz crystal, speak your intentions clearly: “I embrace optimism and equity in my relationships. May my actions reflect fairness, love, and mutual growth.”
  6. Water Ritual: Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and gently sprinkle it around The Star card. As you do this, visualise washing away any negativity or imbalance in your relationships, leaving only harmony and positivity.
  7. Express Gratitude: Thank the Angel of Grace for their guidance and support: “Thank you, Angel of Grace, for blessing my relationships with optimism and equity.”
  8. Close the Ritual: Extinguish the candle safely, knowing that its light continues to guide you towards a balanced and hopeful relationship.

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

The Guiding Star Love Tarot Spread

the guiding star love tarot spread
  1. The Guiding Star: What is the overarching energy guiding your relationship?
  2. The Waters of Emotion: What emotional needs must be addressed for both partners? You can pull one card each here and for card positions 3 + 4 if you are doing the reading together.
  3. The Naked Truth: What vulnerabilities need to be embraced for a deeper connection?
  4. The Pouring Vessel: How can you contribute to the relationship’s growth?
  5. The Fertile Ground: What shared values form the foundation of your partnership?
  6. The Distant Tree: What long-term goals can you work towards together?
  7. The Ibis of Wisdom: What lessons from past experiences can strengthen your bond?
  8. The Shining Hope: What potential for growth and renewal exists in your relationship?

This spread encourages you to explore the various facets of your relationship, promoting open communication, mutual understanding, and shared growth – key elements in building a strong foundation of equity and friendship in a romantic partnership.

Love Tarot Card Meanings + Rituals Index

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