transform your life with the tarot

10 Ways the Tarot Can Transform Your Life

transform your life with the tarot

Can a pack of cards change your life? After all, they are just drawings on 78 pieces of cardboard, right? Yes, that is correct – the Tarot is a pack of 78 pieces of cardboard with images… but it is also the Book of Life. All the major themes and lessons we navigate in any given lifetime are in the 78 Keys. As such, this deck of cards does have the power to transform your life. In today’s article, we examine 10 different ways of using the cards for profound change and transformation.

All of life’s lessons are encapsulated in a language of symbols and represented by the archetypes found in the 22 Major Arcana cards. In the Minor arcana, we find symbolic representations of every possible scenario or problem we could possibly encounter on earth.

Use the Tarot as a Map for Life’s Challenges

The Tarot is a map to help us navigate life’s challenges and to do the healing work we came here to do with greater ease, faith and grace. Below you will find 10 tried and tested ways the Tarot can begin to transform your life!

1. Focus on the Bigger Picture

The Tarot can help us be mindful of the bigger picture and avoid getting lost in our own problems. The visual representation of the Universe as having an orderly structure makes us realise that ‘This too shall pass’ when we feel confused or inadequate in any way.

2. Pinpoint Location

Furthermore, the Tarot can help us pinpoint where on Life’s Journey we are right now and what main spiritual lesson we are navigating. A great Tarot spread to help us do just that is ‘The Clarity Tarot Spread‘ (aka The Only Spread You’ll Ever Need).

3. Action Advice

The Tarot helps us see clearly how to best navigate the current lesson/situation and integrate the learning so that we may progress on our path. It provides us with the most relevant and useful action advice for any given situation. But please remember–Change only happens once you take action! Receiving guidance that includes action advice but not acting on it places the Seeker in a state of guidance overwhelm.

4. Know Thyself – Transform Your Life with Self-knowledge

The Tarot can help us know ourselves – even the ‘shadow stuff.’ Shadow is about the aspects of self that our conscious mind rejects and refuses to integrate with the personality. This aspect is instead shoved into the unconscious/subconscious/deep mind. Unless we resolve our shadow issues, we tend to project them onto others and this creates a lot of drama in life. The Tarot is truly the mirror of the soul, so if we have the courage to see ourselves as we truly are, the Tarot is more than happy to help with the rest.

5. Improve Relationships

The Tarot can help us understand and better relate to others. In the Tarot Court Cards, we find all 16 Myers Briggs personality types present. It is quite funny when you have always felt like the Queen of Cups and come out as an INFJ in an MBTI personality test. Give it a go and see if you can pinpoint your friends and family members too!

If you want to go a bit deeper into understanding the spiritual reasons for why you relate the way you do, I recommend relating your Court Card to the Kabbalist Tree of Life. There, for instance, we find the Queens in the sephira of Binah (Saturn) on the Pillar of Severity. However, beware! This is one of the deeper rabbit holes you can go down.

6. Spiritual and Personal Development

The Tarot can help you grow spiritually through pathworking and meditating with the cards. Again, I refer you to the Kabbalist Tree of Life mentioned above. However, you can also pathwork intuitively by relying on the symbolic imagery in the 22 Major Arcana cards. Other ways to use the Tarot for personal and spiritual development involves working actively with the imagery in conjunction with the corresponding systems of alchemy, astrology and numerology. Also, don’t forget the hundreds of Tarot spreads created especially for personal and spiritual development.

7. Problem-Resolution

The Tarot can help you problem-solve any situation. For most day-to day issues, pulling one card for the situation, one for the challenge and one for action advice is enough. For more complex issues, I once again recommend The Clarity Tarot Spread. Another great spread for more in-depth problem resolution is the Traditional Celtic Cross, especially if you use the version that has a card for action advice. If it is a relationship problem you wish to resolve, make sure to check out the Angelorum Love & Relationship Tarot Spreads.

8. Transform Your Life with Tarot Magic(k)

The 78 cards in a regular Tarot pack are literally the only tools you need to do magick and co-create your own destiny. You can, for instance, cast your circle of protection using the four Aces of the pack in the cardinal directions. Through spellcasting, you can use the cards for visualising any outcome you wish to manifest.

You can also use the Tarot symbolism to clear any blocks in the deep mind that stand between you and your dreams.

Tarot Magic(k) is simple and effective once you have learned the basics. Simply charge the card that symbolises the outcome you desire and place it on your altar. You can also carry it with you as the screensaver on your phone until you achieve the outcome you desire.

9. Energy Medicine

The Tarot can be used for vibrational healing as well as healing through wisdom and understanding. Try charging some water with the energy of a card by placing the glass of water over the card (covered in cling film if you wish to make sure you do not damage the card). You can strengthen the intent by combining the card’s energy with a corresponding crystal that you place in or near the glass of water.

For example, you can use the 2 of Cups with rose quartz to improve your intimate relationships. Once you have charged the water for at least half an hour, simply drink the essence/elixir you have created. Another method is to keep the card on your body while meditating on the healing outcome you desire. For instance, Strength (Leo) over the spine for back problems.

10. Forecasting

Last but not least, the Tarot can be used for forecasting and divination. I hesitate to use the word fortune-telling because it indicates that the Seeker is a passive receiver of whatever fate might throw their way, when clearly this is not the case. What you think today is usually what you end up living tomorrow and you always have the power to change your life.

Divination is about using the Tarot to align with your Higher Self. It has the power to guide the seeker in the process of co-creation of their highest timeline. At least, this is how I prefer to work with the cards in my readings for both myself and my clients.

The reason we are able to create forecasts with the cards is actually quite similar to how weather forecasters work. Energies/events have already been set in motion and are on a trajectory. The beauty of forecasts is that once we are aware of the trajectory, it is often possible to change it.

How do you use the Tarot to create change and promote personal growth? Let us know in the comments!


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