how to create a sigil

Using a Witch’s Sigil Wheel to Create a Sigil (with FREE download)

how to create a sigil

Sigil magick is an ancient and versatile form of symbolic art used to influence outcomes and manifest desires. This practice harnesses the subconscious mind by transforming a specific intention into a unique symbol, known as a sigil. There are different ways of crafting a sigil, each method infusing the symbol with its unique properties and energies. In today’s post, we are going to concentrate on using a witch’s sigil wheel.

This structured yet intuitive method allows for a systematic way to create personalised sigils. By following the steps below, you can transform a clear intention into a powerful spell. Let’s delve into the process and unlock the potential of your magick!

1. Set Your Intention

Start by defining your intention clearly. This is usually a short sentence or phrase that expresses what you want to achieve. For example:

  • I am confident.
  • I am abundant.
  • I am joyful.
  • I am peaceful.
  • I am full of vitality.
  • My intuition is my superpower.
  • My communication is clear.
  • My home is protected.

Make sure your intention is in the present tense and positive. Avoid negative language (such as ‘I don’t want to be stressed’), as it’s important to focus on what you do want.

2. Eliminate Vowels and Repeating Letters

To simplify the intention, remove vowels and repeated letters from the phrase.

For example, if your phrase is ‘I am confident’:

– Remove vowels (A, E, I, O, U): M C N F D N T

– Remove repeated letters: M C N F D T

The resulting string is the letters you’ll work with.

witch's sigil wheel

3. Draw the Wheel

Create a circle divided into segments, similar to a clock face (see image above), with each segment corresponding to a letter. Ensure each letter from your simplified intent is present. Alternatively, you can download a FREE witch’s sigil wheel without letters HERE or a wheel with the English alphabet HERE. The PDF download pages have enough space for you to write your intention and go through the whole sigil creation process.

I am confident sigil

4. Create the Sigil

Using the segments of the wheel, draw lines connecting the letters of your simplified intent in order. The result should be an abstract shape that represents your intent. Refine this shape as needed for aesthetics and simplicity.

Practice drawing it a few times and place the finished symbol on a separate piece of paper or other biodegradable material (such as a bay leaf etc) if you plan on burying it. If you are aware of planetary correspondences for your working, you may wish to use matching colours in the paper and/or ink. However, this is not necessary for the spell to work.

Adding an unfilled circle before the first letter helps you know where the shape begins. Close the sigil with a filled/coloured circle after the final letter. Remember that a strong intention and focused energy are more important than artistic ability.

5. Charging

This step involves imbuing the sigil with energy. It is essentially ‘programming’ it with the intent you’ve set. Charging is a preparatory step where you focus your thoughts and energy on the sigil. The idea is to infuse the it with enough power so that it becomes a potent tool for manifestation.

  1. Focus Your Mind: Enter a meditative state, focusing entirely on the sigil.
  2. Focus Your Emotions: Experience the feeling of having achieved your desire in as much imaginary detail as you can muster.
  3. Direct Energy: Channel your personal energy or draw energy from nature, visualising it entering the sigil. This can be done using visualisation, chanting, or using a tool like a wand or crystal.
  4. Recognise Completion: You’ll feel a sense of completeness or tingling sensation when you have charged the sigil.

6. Activation

Activation is the process that sets the magick in the charged sigil into motion. It’s like flipping the switch on a powerful machine – the energy and intention you’ve imbued in the sigil are released into the universe.

Methods of Activation

  1. Fire Method:
    • Set fire to the piece of paper with the sigil on it.
    • Drop it into a fireproof bowl or cauldron.
    • As the paper turns to ash, visualise your intention being released into the universe.
  2. Burying the Sigil:
    • Write your sigil on a biodegradable material.
    • Find a spot in nature (your garden, a favorite tree).
    • Bury the sigil in the soil, visualising your intention growing and manifesting as it decomposes and merges with the earth.
  3. Water Method:
    • Write your sigil on a piece of paper.
    • Place the paper in a bowl of water.
    • Visualise your intention dissolving and spreading through the water.
    • Discard the water outside, in a stream, or in your garden, helping the energy to flow into the natural world.
  4. Sigil Gazing:
    • Place your sigil somewhere you can see it easily.
    • Spend several minutes each day gazing at it.
    • Focus on your intention and visualise the energy transferring through your gaze into the sigil and being released.
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