starseed self-activation process

The Starseed Self-Activation Process

starseed self-activation process

The Starseed Self-activation process below is one I downloaded during meditation this morning. Feel free to modify it as guided by your Higher Self. Before saying each statement out loud or silently within, take a deep cleansing breath in through your nose and out through the mouth. After saying the second statement, sit and receive with your palms up for as long as it takes. Breathe calmly without forcing your breath. Trust yourself to know when it is done.

You can repeat this process daily and make it part of your morning routine. Obviously, you can’t receive the name of your Higher Self more than once. So the swap for that would be to choose a feeling-state to centre yourself in. It could be peace, joy or compassion, for instance.

You can also omit any of the statements that you feel are no longer relevant. And feel free to change any of the wording so that it suits your specific intent. Basically, this process is all about learning to trust your Higher Self so don’t take my word for any of this. Have a play with it and experiment until you find the perfect fit for you!

Zero-point Alignment

I open up and activate zero-point alignment. I receive the transmission now and for the Highest Good.

DNA Repair

I activate the repair of any damaged DNA in my body. I receive this transmission for the repair of my DNA now.

Starseed Self-Activation of ‘Junk DNA’

I open up to receive activation of my dormant divine DNA. I receive this activating transmission of my dormant divine DNA now.

Boosting Cellular Repair

I open up to receiving healing energy to repair any damaged cells in my body. I receive this healing transmission now with gratitude for the full repair of any damaged cells.

Clear Guidance

I open up to clearing the communication lines with my Spirit Team. I receive this transmission now with gratitude for the ability to receive clear guidance from my angels and spirit guides.

Your Sacred Name

I open up to receiving my secret/sacred name to activate my life purpose. I receive the transmission of my divine soul name now.

Feeling-state for the Day Ahead

I open up to centring myself completely in a feeling of _________. I receive any clearing of blocks needed for this to take place now.

Let me know how you get on with your Starseed self-activation process in the comments if you decide to give this a try!

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