heart authority

The Authority of Your Heart: Tarot Card of the Day

the authority of your heart

Happy Friday, Angelorum fam! Our card of the day is the 9 of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces). This is a card of joy. To me, it signifies the kind of happiness that comes from trusting in the authority of your heart.

The Suit of Cups corresponds with Archangel Gabriel.

The Thoth Tarot

Embracing the 9 of Cups

Today’s card, the 9 of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces), serves as a beacon of emotional fulfilment and contentment. Often referred to as ‘the wish card,’ it suggests a state of inner happiness and satisfaction. It shows up when our desires are about to align with our reality. In the astrological context of Jupiter in Pisces, this card amplifies feelings of generosity, compassion, and a deep connection with our emotional selves.

Practical Ways to Connect with the Energy of the 9 of Cups

1. Practice Gratitude

Start or end your day by writing down three things you are grateful for. This simple practice can shift your focus from what’s lacking to the abundance that is already present in your life, aligning you with the contentment energy of the 9 of Cups.

2. Set Clear Intentions

Consider what you truly wish for and set clear intentions. Spend a few moments in meditation, focusing on these desires. Visualising your goals as already achieved can help manifest the joy and satisfaction symbolised by this card.

3. Trust in the Authority of Your Heart

Engage in activities that bring you joy. Listen to your heart and then act on it. Whether it’s art, music, spending time in nature, or enjoying a hobby, doing what you love can invoke the emotional fulfilment associated with the 9 of Cups.

4. Share with Others

The energy of Jupiter in Pisces encourages benevolence. Spread joy by sharing your time, resources, or knowledge with those around you. This could be as simple as sending an uplifting message to a friend or volunteering in your community. By giving, you often receive emotional rewards and deepen your connection to others and the universal energy of contentment.

The 9 of Cups reminds us that happiness is often closer than we think, waiting for us to recognise and nurture it within our daily lives.

Relating the 9 of Cups to My Life Experience

With my own natal Jupiter in Scorpio, I tend to expand more into the depths than into what could potentially bring me joy. Add to that that the ruler of my Sun, Mercury and Venus is Saturn, you get the picture. I actually have to get disciplined about seeking and spreading joy. And the older I get, the more seriously I take this task because I do have my Moon, Mars and North Node in Pisces. Piscean energy is very much about transmuting fear into love. However, as my fellow Pisces-energy folks will know, this is an energetically costly process. Still, I think we are doing okay and often much better than we think we are. Perhaps all we need to do is cut ourselves some slack.

Trusting in the authority of my heart has been a long and arduous journey for me. It really only became possible after I recovered from Religious Trauma Syndrome. The church taught me that my own heart was evil (sic!).

” The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?”

~Jeremiah 17:9

Affirmation of the Day

I collapse the external fear programming into the inner authority of my heart.

Never Has it Ever…

With spraying undemocratically going on the skies, there is a new form of terror appearing. It can be traumatising to souls who have already been in a state of shock at the lies from authorities since 2020. It is very tempting to transmute that fear into hatred. However, if we go down that route, they win. Never has it ever been more important to choose love, joy and light. Nor has it been more important to trust that this is how we make a difference. If we choose fear and hatred we can’t even connect with our soul family in the capacity we need to. Choose instead to trust in the authority of your heart.

Wishing you a joyful day, filled with magic and laughter!


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