the crux relationship tarot spread

The Crux Relationship Tarot Spread

the crux relationship tarot spread

The crux of the matter means the central point of an issue or matter. The Crux Relationship Tarot Spread cuts to the crux of the matter of whether a relationship has potential or not.

In essence, the Crux Relationship Tarot Spread is like reading the summary section of a composite chart. In an Astrological composite chart, you look at the relationship as its own entity. But with the Tarot, you get the added bonus of an easy-to-understand overview of future potential.

This is a good way to gain some objectivity at a start of a relationship, especially if one or two red flags have already cropped up.

How to Read the Crux Relationship Tarot Spread

Look carefully at the cards. First along the vertical and then along the horizontal axis. The vertical axis gives you a clue about the depth of connection; the horizontal axis gives you an overview of how the relationship is most likely to progress and the final card tells you if there is long-term potential as things stand.

Now shift your focus to your central card (1). The power to change lies in the now. If you have a strong card here, like Strength or The Sun, you have every opportunity to shift the future in your favour if you do not like the final card. However, whether or not you will want to should really depend on the depth of the connection.

If card 3 indicates that things are cold/indifferent… 2 of Swords, 4 of Swords, 4 of Cups etc… or even contentious (any of the 5’s), do you really wish to pursue this relationship? You could have a strong connection due to fantastic chemistry but if the heart isn’t in it…

If card 2 is less than fabulous ask yourself how important a strong intellectual connection is to you and be honest about it. If cards 1-3 line up really beautifully but the future still looks bleak, this is a relationship you may want to fight for!

The 4th card gives you important clues about the foundation of your relationship as this is how you arrived at where you are now (card 1).  If the Devil falls here or in position one, it is very likely that this is a connection you are better off without.

It’s all about the energy…

Really focus on getting a feel for how the energy flows along both axes. Feel free to ask for help in the comments if you get stuck on a particular card.

Hopefully, today’s post will help you understand the flow of reading the cards in all kinds of spreads a bit better. It is very much about getting a feel of how the energy flows between the cards and reading for overview as well as details. I would love to hear how you get on with this spread and look forward to your comments.

CLICK HERE for more love & relationship Tarot Spreads!

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