fairy godmother nix the ex tarot spread

Fairy Godmother Nix the Ex Tarot Spread

fairy godmother nix the ex tarot spread

So I made this little ‘Fairy Godmother’ TikTok video yesterday for a laugh. The theme is the ever-popular ‘Will my ex come back to me?’ Surprisingly, the kind of went viral on YouTube last night. (Let’s not mention the fact that hardly anybody saw it on TikTok.)

Obviously, there are not three Death cards in the deck and yes, I borrowed the idea from Father Ted… but wouldn’t it be neat to have access to your own Fairy Godmother every time you feel tempted to try to get your ex to come back? Well, now you can! I created this Tarot spread to help you stay strong and to remember that love shouldn’t have a flavour of Death. Instead of reaching for your phone to text the ex, reach for your trusty pack of Tarot cards!

Fairy Godmother Nix the Ex Tarot Spread

  1. The real reason I want to get back together with my ex (the wound)
  2. Unresolved karmic challenge (the poison in the wound that prevents it from healing)
  3. How to resolve the karmic challenge for myself without involving my ex (the remedy)
  4. A message from Spirit about the lesson I was meant to learn from this relationship (use an oracle card here if you like)
  5. How to be my own best friend (medicine to prevent future wounds)
  6. – 8. What I need to know about love and romance over the next 6-8 weeks

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

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