A Return to Innocence Tarot Spread

A friend forwarded a link about a portal event taking place on Yule this year – A Return to Innocence. As this resonated with my own personal journey over the past few weeks and a considerable raising of my inner wattage thanks to letting go to blocks to love, I decided to prepare for the event as best as I could – with some advice from my cards.

I went looking for one deck but was guided to use another and as soon as I picked up the Flower Spirit Cards, I realised why. I want my heart to open to Divine Love – the love that makes us One – as innocently and sweetly as a rosebud unfurls its petals to the sun.

A Return to Innocence Flower Spirit Oracle

Rather than me deciding on positional meanings, I allowed the flower oracle itself to give me the meanings, using the keywords on the back of each card…

A Return to Innocence Tarot Spread Flower Spirit Oracle

I then overlaid the flower oracle cards with Tarot cards from the Crystal Visions Tarot (trimmed) for practical, hands on guidance. You can try this for yourself and use any oracle you feel drawn to work with or you can use the meanings provided here:

1. Central card: I allow myself to connect with the infinite power of Mother Earth (shows you how to ground your energy as well as how to draw on vital life force energy from within Earth Herself)
2. Top: I am pure within and honour my own truths (shows you a natural expression of your own inner purity and innocence)
3. Bottom: I accept my own perfection (shows you which portion of yourself you need to accept and express)
4. Left: I stay in the present by keeping my energy field clear (shows you how to connect with Archangel Michael for clearing negativity)
5. Right: I’m willing to find new ways to express my creativity (shows you a way to let go of creative blocks and become inspired)

A Return to Innocence Tarot Card Reading


1. The Empress resonates deeply. I’m on an Empress Soul Path in this incarnation and the more time I spend in Nature, the more fertile (in the creative sense) I will find myself. The Cabal wants to remove us as far from nature as possible. They live in cold architectural structures themselves and fear the power of Mother Nature.

2. The 5 of Pentacles here shows me that my natural purity makes me compassionate toward those less fortunate and helps me inspire faith in them.

3. The Hierophant shows me that when I accept my own perfection, I automatically function as a teacher.

4. The 6 of Swords here is a reminder to detach and look up toward heaven as soon as I feel tempted to think negative thoughts.

5. The 4 of cups in this position shows me inspiration flows freely when I allow myself to daydream, something I find I do best while out walking.

This will be my final post for 2013, so I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed Yule/Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

See you on the flip side 🙂

Blessed Be!


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  1. Love this! I did a version with goddess oracle cards & Glastonbury tarot over the top. Found that without setting card position meanings, they were very in tune with the ones you posted above xxx

  2. A beautiful soft and gentle combinations of decks. So appropriate for this reading.
    I wish you very happy holidays and lots of Love for the new year

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