Angelic Correspondences in the Tarot

Angelic Messages and Correspondences in the Tarot

Do you want to learn how to talk to the angels through the Tarot? You’ve come to the right place! The Tarot cards can be used for communicating with Spirit and receiving messages from the angelic realm. You do not need one of the popular modern Angel Tarot decks for this, you just need to understand the angelic correspondences and symbolic clues in the cards.

The Four Angelic Majors

The Angelic Majors

The Lovers (Archangel Raphael), The Wheel of Fortune (Archangels of the Four Elements), Temperance (The Angel of Temperance) and Judgement (Archangel Gabriel).

The most obvious way to receive messages from the Angelic realm with a traditional Tarot deck is, of course, to look out for cards with angels in them. In the traditional Waite Smith Tarot, you have four angelic Major Arcana cards. Spirit really made it easy for us to stay aligned with our Higher Selves when the Tarot Picture Book of Life was created. Those who have eyes will see.

If we look only at the angelic message for each of these four cards we get…

The Lovers – Listen to the heart and make sure that your mind is aligned with your heart before you make this next important choice

The Wheel of Fortune – Centre yourself and balance yourself elementally so that you can make the most of the opportunity now presenting itself

Temperance – Practice moderation in all things and temper your passion with logic and kindness

Judgement – Heed your calling as your angels prepare you for aligning perfectly with your Life Purpose

Found at my local gym, made me smile :)
Found at my local gym, made me smile 🙂

The Angel Number 444

444 is the number of the Archangels. Any time you pull four 4’s  (yes, the The Emperor counts too) this message applies. Simply pause and ask what their message is for you. It should be fairly easy to tune in as this number is a sign that your connection with angelic realm is growing stronger.  However, it’s OK if no message comes through immediately. Simply sit quietly and feel the angels wrap their wings around you. The angels are cheering you on as you work toward achieving any goals aligned with the highest good of All and they want you to know that they are working with you on this. You are not alone and can always call on them for assistance.

Tarot Cards Corresponding with the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra Tarot Majors

Those of you who are clairsentient may have felt angels touching your crown chakra. I recommend pausing for a minute and listening for an angelich message any time one of the crown chakra cards appear.

The Fool – Your angels are making you aware of new beginnings
The Hanged Man – Your angels are urging you to seek a new perspective
The Star – Your angels remind you to focus on Oneness and transparency in your dealings with others
Judgement – A message about your calling/life purpose; a spiritual awakening

Seven Classical Planets of Astrology

The Planetary Angels

Each of the classic seven planetary zodiac sign rulers has a corresponding angel. These are also the seven angels of the days of the week. The planetary correspondences are repeated again in the Minors but for now let us simply look at memorise the seven Majors corresponding with these Archangels in the Golden Dawn tradition.

Monday: The High Priestess / The Moon – Archangel Gabriel
Tuesday: The Tower / Mars – Archangel Camael
Wednesday: The Magician / Mercury – Archangel Raphael
Thursday: The Wheel of Fortune / Jupiter – Archangel Sachiel
Friday: The Empress / Venus – Archangel Anael
Saturday: The World / Saturn – Archangel Cassiel
The Sun / The Sun – Archangel Michael

the four elements angelic correspondences

The Elemental Angels

Other than the planetary trumps, we have the zodiac sign trumps and three trumps that are pure elemental trumps. The fourth elemental trump, Earth, shares the Saturn correspondence. Eventually, as the outer planets were discovered, they were each made to correspond to one of the elemental trumps too.

The Fool – Air/East – Archangel Raphael – Uranus (Uriel)
The Hanged Man – Water/West – Archangel Gabriel – Neptune (Asariel)
Judgement – Fire/South – Archangel Michael (and yes, sharing with Gabriel who is depicted in the card!) – Pluto (Azrael)
The World  – Earth/North – Archangel Uriel – Saturn (Cassiel)

As you can see, it gets complicated because the outer planets each have their own angel guardians too. 

When casting your magick circle, you can use either your four aces or the four Majors above to invoke the guardians of the four quarters.

12 zodiac signs with 7 classical planetary rulers astrology

The Zodiac Angels

And as if that wasn’t confusing enough, let’s look at the Zodiac angel correspondences for each of the 12 Zodiac trumps. I have included both Doreen Virtue’s correspondences from Angel Astrology 101 (DV) and the traditional correspondences based on the planetary ruler of the sign. You get to choose! Beware that these are not necessarily the same angels Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine chose as correspondences on the Angel Tarot cards though… You might get a bonus third angel to work with if one of their decks is your deck of choice 😉

The EmperorAries – Ariel (DV) / Camael
The HierophantTaurus – Chamuel (DV) / Anael
The LoversGemini – Zadkiel (DV) / Raphael
The ChariotCancer – Gabriel (DV) / Gabriel … what, a MATCH?! Yes, FINALLY! 😀
StrengthLeo – Raziel (DV) / Michael
The HermitVirgo – Metatron (DV) / Raphael (or Raziel)
Justice Libra – Jophiel (DV) / Anael
DeathScorpio – Jeremiel (DV) / Azrael
TemperanceSagittarius – Raguel (DV) / Sachiel
The Devil – Capricorn – Azrael (DV) / Cassiel
The StarAquarius  – Uriel (DV) / Cassiel (or Uriel) Yay, another match!
The MoonPisces – Sandalphon (DV) / Sachiel (or Asariel or Barachiel)


Comments 10

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I really enjoy your site and have found so much to learn about. I have been trying to learn so much and I am very thankful to you for sharing your knowledge. I don’t even know where to begin so here goes…I have been having a lot of what I’ve been learning is connections with my angels. I’ve been trying to connect with my angels and ask for guidance since the past couple of years have been so crazy, to put it mildly, and I’ve had so many experiences and instances that I knew I had to step aside and really try to listen. I found a guardian angel tarot spread from the Aeclectic tarot forum (reposted from Angels Companions In Majick by Silver Ravenwolf…I normally don’t post questions and new to it all so I hope I am giving the correct credit)…and have tried it a couple of times. When reading the part of The Angel Number 444 I went back to a reading I did for myself about a week ago and curious if it has to be four 4’s (4444) or would three 4’s (444) also be a possible message? I’m curious if for the purpose of this being a guardian angel spread, if there is possibility four 4’s in it. I have the reading below to help show you what I mean:

    1. What is on your mind – 4 of cups, reversed
    2. What is in your spiritual world – Ace of wands
    3. What is in your heart – 4 of swords, reversed
    4. What is in your physical world – 3 of pentacles
    5. Message from your guardian angel – 4 of wands, reversed

    The possibility I thought of it being four 4’s is my own, and possibly wrong, idea that the ace of wands is a 1 and then there is the 3 of pentacles = 4. I know the spread itself is trying to get a message from my angels, but I would like to know if there is something even more to it. I’m still new and learning and I really wish that my learning would catch up with my need and want of figuring it out…lol not just the four 4’s, but it seems like everything going on in my life 🙂 I apologize for writing so much…I’m new and didn’t know how much info you would need based on the question. Thank you for reading and if you have the time I would greatly appreciate it and I look forward to your response!


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      Hi Misty, No need to apologise! Both 444 and 4444 are a message that your Angels are with you… Here we have three fours:

      As you read more on the site, you will realise I have moved away completely from reversals, which I feel limit the readings too much. You can read more about that here:

      Angel Blessings

    2. Hi Lisa,

      Thank you so much for your response! I have read the link that you sent me and I actually am familiar with it. I found it a while ago when trying to figure out all the messages I’ve been receiving and it has definitely helped and I appreciate your help too. Thank you again!

      Blessed be!

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  2. I have angel cards but this is awesome!!! I love learning new stuff. Very informative. Thank you Lisa!! ♡♡

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