Ceccoli Tarot Review and Deck Interview

ceccoli tarot review

I’m going to open by stating that the Ceccoli Tarot by artist Nicoletta Ceccoli is NOT a deck for the beginner reader who is still learning traditional meanings and symbology, as I do not wish to waste anybody’s time. It is a beautiful and surreal modern deck that is suited to the experienced reader who wishes for a bit of whimsy to crack open deeper intuitive/imaginative layers.

Like all Lo Scarabeo Tarot decks, the Ceccoli Tarot comes with a Little White Book with snippet card meanings in five languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French and German. Personally, I never found the LWB helpful but I understand some do. Thankfully, Lo Scarabeo has stopped cluttering the card borders up with card titles in four languages and replaced them with numbers and symbols. This works much better for intuitive readings!

If you are a beginner and feel drawn to working with this deck in spite of my warning, I suggest you approach it the way you would an oracle deck and allow your imagination fly free.

The reversible card backs represent the Fire Element Wands suit in this deck and have a Christmas-y feel to them.

Ceccoli Tarot Deck Interview

1. Who are you?
4 of Pentacles (Sun in Capricorn): I am Princess of the Surreal and I live in a castle high above the clouds.

2. What is your strength?
Ten of Wands (Saturn in Sagittarius): I can help you push onward on your journey when you feel drained, stuck and/or running out of creative juice… In my castle, you will always find new doors to open that will get the old cogs turning again!

3. What is your weakness?
Death (Scorpio):
 Well… I was never any good at comforting people. I like to sleep through the actual process of transformation that I trigger in you. You’re on your own there… don’t come crying to me! It may seem harsh but it is for your own good and preps you for initiation.

4. What types of readings do you prefer?
Seven of Swords (Moon in Aquarius):
 Problem-solving, cartography-type readings – helping you map uncharted territory but definitely not holding your hand when you set out…

5. How do you challenge me?
Queen of Swords (Libra): I like to poke you in the eye. Nothing is as it seems. Enter my castle and you will understand!

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  1. The death card shows Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, after she's bitten the apple. Though it may seem like a death card would mean death, the card doesn't necessarily mean actual death. In this case, Snow White is wakened from a kiss after a horrible experience and all her dreams come true.

    The Six of Swords card (not in this draw) is the ferryman guiding a girl asleep, or dead, in a coffin over the waters, similar to the traditional image of a woman and child being ferried over waters. Its a similar type of card meaning I suppose, but the girl in the coffin is more peaceful where Snow White's poisoned apple death has a more severity to it. The reds and whites of that card are like blood on snow. Its a more severe card.

  2. Hello Lisa! Do you have any comment on 6 of swords card?Somehow I think it looks more like "Death"

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