Changing You, Changing Me – A Couples Tarot Spread

dancing couple

Being and living with someone you love is like being involved in a perpetual choreography where you sometimes lead and at other times follow, but either way it changes you in ever so subtle ways. You have to adapt to the moves of your ‘dance partner’ and in doing so, you begin moving in new ways in the world…

Have you ever noticed how people who have been together for a long time often start taking on traits and characteristics of their partner? It may not be easy to notice when it happens to you though, as it tends to creep up on us. It can also be quite subtle in some cases.

The Changing You, Changing Me Tarot Spread

I created the Tarot spread below to help you see more clearly how being with your current partner (or an ex) has changed you. That way, if you don’t like what you see, you can change the dynamic.

Changing You Changing Me Tarot Spread

1. Current relationship theme – this shows you what the main issue is that currently affects your ‘choreography’

2. Higher purpose of the relationship – this is a theme that stretches across the lifetime of the relationship. This would be the title of your choreography.

3. Unconscious pattern or something on the outside affecting the relationship – This is a force you are not aware of. See at as the quality of the stage floor if you will…

4. How person 1 is changing person 2 – this is how person one dances to the beat of their own drum… see it as the dance solo before the pas de deux… and the energy this person brings to the couple dynamic.

5. How person 2 is changing person 1 – this is how person two dances to the beat of their own drum… see it as the dance solo before the pas de deux… and the energy this person brings to the couple dynamic.

6. How person 1 is being changed by person 2 – this is how person one changes in response to the movements and energy of their partner

7. How person 2 is being changed by person 1 – this is how person two changes in response to the movements and energy of their partner

Hope you enjoy trying this Tarot spread out for yourself and your partner. Feel free to ask questions in the comments below but please provide your own interpretation first and only ask specific questions about any card you may be a bit stuck on.

Blessed Be!

Lisa Frideborg

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