DIY Love Lyrics Tarot Spread

romantic couple enjoying music

Sometimes we know that something is slightly off kilter in the relationship but we don’t even know which questions to ask to make it right again.

If you have a music app like which randomises songs, you can use it as an oracle to make your own Tarot spread. The randomly chosen songs can help you focus on the area of relating that is causing problems.

In order for this to work you have to suspend analytical thought for a while and surrender to synchronicity. Along a strictly logical line of thought, it may not make much sense to allow every third song on your Spotify love songs playlist tell you what needs fixing in your love life.

When I tried this for myself, the Great Oracle of Spotify gave me

1. Could’ve been – Tiffany (regret about what could have been)
2. All or nothing – Westlife (what I am holding back because of this regret)
3. Left outside alone – Anastacia (how this is causing me to isolate myself)

After the first three songs, I felt that the final and fourth song would provide the key/resolution since there was such a clear theme in the first three songs.

4. Just let me hold you – Paolo Nutini (acceptance)

These four songs provided me with four very clear card positions. By the way, there is no set number of songs/cards for this spread and you can lay the cards out in any pattern you wish, choosing the deck you feel most drawn to work with.

I worked with the Voyager Tarot deck and chose to lay the four cards out like this:

Voyager Tarot DIY Love Lyrics Tarot Spread

DIY Love Lyrics Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

1. Nurturing – Three of Worlds: What I have regrets about is not receiving the nurturing support I felt I needed and deserved.
2. The Star: What I am holding back is hope and grace.
3. Fear – Seven of Cups: I’m creating more and more things to be terrified about so that I can live inside my own bubble – because (apparently) that’s less scary (to the ego) than to stop isolating myself.

The 3’s are all connected to The Empress/Mother archetype, which means that the real root of the problem can probably found there. Not so strange considering early childhood abandonment.

4. Oppression – Five of Wands: What I need to do to allow myself to be held again is to break free from my own oppressive thoughts and replace them with complete acceptance.

The limitations imposed by my mother’s abandonment do not live anywhere except in my mind. My life force energy longs to stretch beyond those limitations. The Five of Wands is a card of restrained passion. The fire of Leo is frozen and restricted by the cold rings of Saturn.

The answer is really simple. I just need to release my old fears and let someone hold me. The hurt, abandonment, lies and collateral damage won’t disappear but I can’t begin to love unconditionally… unless I begin.

From now on, I can let each embrace have its own journey.

Now you try it! (Please share in the comments section!)

I leave you with the lyrics of the song ‘Last Request’ and wish you a wonderful weekend!

Last Request by Paolo Nutini

Slow down, Lie down,
Remember it’s just you and me.
Don’t sell out, bow out,
Remember how this used to be.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let’s get closer tonight

Grant my last request,
And just let me hold you.
Don’t shrug your shoulders,
Lay down beside me.
Sure I can accept that we’re going nowhere,
But one last time let’s go there,
Lay down beside me

Oh, I’ve found, that I’m bound
To wander down that one way road.
And I realise all about your lies
But I’m no wiser than the fool I was before.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let’s get closer tonight

Oh, baby, baby, baby,
Tell me how can, how can this be wrong?

Yeah, lay down beside me.

One last time let’s go there,
Lay down beside me

Blessed be!

☆ Lisa Frideborg

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  1. First Song: Fidelity (Regina Spector) – What to be loyal to: Two of Cups – to my friendships and partnerships.

    Second Song: How it’s Going to Be (Third Eye Blind) – What is to come: Ten of Wands – Movement despite challenges. Rewards of commitment.

    Third Song: Goodbye to You (Michelle Branch) – What to release: The Chariot – Aggressiveness, Need to Control, Imposing your will.

    Fourth Song: Hey, Soul Sister (Train) – What my soul desires: Three of Pentacles – Collaboration towards fulfillment of dreams

    Extra (thought I was done, but Pandora thought differently)
    Fifth Song: Here Without You (3 Doors Down) – What I’m missing: Five of Pentacles – Help is being offered, don’t be blind to it.

  2. Fun and creative way to generate a spread, Lisa! This really brings that magical spirit and soul on the move dancing around in music right into the reading. Great work!

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