Gemini Super Full Moon Mercury Retrograde

Gemini Super Full Moon Tarot Spread

Gemini Super Full Moon Mercury Retrograde

Let’s face it, the Gemini Super Full Moon on Sunday 3 December isn’t going to be a light and breezy one. Not only is it a Super Full Moon, adding extra oomph to how this lunation affects us emotionally… but Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is going retrograde the same day. This retrograde is in Sagittarius, conjunct Saturn.

This gives us an unusual opportunity to take a closer look at the lessons we have been learning during Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn in Sagittarius has forced some of us to become more practical about our beliefs. You might have found yourself looking at your beliefs from the point of view ‘Is what I believe truly useful for the Highest Good of All?’ You may have even discarded some beliefs and practices tied in with those beliefs simply because you realised that though they made you feel good or had a temporary soothing effect, they didn’t help the planet or your spiritual evolution as much as you hoped they would.

Tying Up Loose Ends

The Super Full Moon in Gemini can hopefully help us detach enough to do the end-of-year review we need to do now and to tie up any loose ends. These could be loose ends with regards to any projects we had planned for this year but didn’t finish yet, or they could relate to the lessons brought by the Lord of Karma, aka Father Time, aka Saturn soon about to leave Sagittarius on the 19th of December for a much happier journey through its ‘home sign’ Capricorn over the next couple of years.

Gemini energy is at home with duality and polarities. It likes to play the devil’s advocate and relishes bouncing between opposing views to ‘test’ them. With its ruler Mercury, going retrograde, these types of mental gymnastics are best applied to our inner journey over the next few weeks. There is also a sense of a need to slow down when Mercury goes retrograde and with the Saturn conjunction, it may even feel like slamming on the breaks or trying to run through a vat of treacle, depending your transits and circumstances.


To summarise, now is a good time to be brutally honest with yourself about your values, beliefs, lessons learned and lessons that still need tweaking. Use the next few weeks to discard beliefs and visions that are not useful so that you can truly make the most of Saturn’s entry into mega-practical Capricorn. Meddling in the affairs of others is likely to backfire at this time.

The Tarot Spread below is one I created especially for the Gemini Super Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. I know that’s a mouthful but bear with me. The spread itself is fairly simple and hopefully succinct/pertinent enough to be useful.

2017 Gemini Super Full Moon Tarot Spread

Gemini Super Full Moon Tarot Spread

1. Area of tension/polarity – Look at the card and think about how you are divided over the issue described by the card.
2. How I can grow in this area – How would things be different if you could resolve the tension/polarity
3. What I must discard to transcend polarity – This is something that contributes to your tension
4. What I need to embrace to overcome polarity – This resolves/relieves (some of) the tension
5. This is tricky and needs a more practical approach – This is something that requires a more hands-on approach
6. Talk more about this to resolve any remaining tension – Gemini resolves things through communication. This is something you could do with discussing with a friend or trusted advisor

2017 Gemini Super Full Moon Tarot Spread

Gemini Super Full Moon Tarot Spread Sample Reading

1. Area of tension/polarity – 2 of Swords: Making choices in general. Feeling damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Being afraid of closing any doors. Not wanting to commit. Having spent so long in limbo concerning some key issues, limbo feels like the comfort zone.
2. How I can grow in this area – 3 of Wands: Making more choices and being more proactive is what will start opening the doors to new opportunities and collaborations. There is an extrovert in there somewhere waiting to come out and play.
3. What I must discard to transcend polarity – 9 of Swords: Worries about making a wrong move. Worries about past mistakes. Anxiety over the future and feeling as if being proactive is futile. Thinking about overthinking (seriously).
4. What I need to embrace to overcome polarity – The Moon: My deepest fears. My intuition.
5. This is tricky and needs a more practical approach – 8 of Swords: Overthinking rather than doing in general. Just. Do. It. #geminirising
6. Talk more about this to resolve any remaining tension – Knight of Pentacles: The practical steps I need to take now concerning the work I want to do. The nitty-gritty. The boring stuff. The path of truly committing to a goal will take me down. How I can be more dependable.


Half of the cards in this spread are Air and two are Gemini energy cards (8 and 9 of Swords). The only Major Arcana card (The Moon) is also the only Water Element card. It is a Water Element card that resonates with the anxiety in the Gemini energy cards and it means I must make room for my emotions to rise and meet any looping or anxious thoughts. After doing this spread, I can see a holding pattern more clearly and that is always the first step toward breaking free but it is not a bypass remedy which allows me to skip dealing with my underlying fear head-on.

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  1. A wonderful post and a great explanation of the upcoming full moon/retrograde energies. We’ve also got the Solstice breathing down our necks!
    All the best,

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