Have you ever wondered why Archangel Raphael, ruler of Mercury (Planet of Communication), is the main Healing Angel? What does communication have to do with healing? Today, we will explore this connection in the Archangel Raphael Healing Tarot Spread.
The connection between healing and communication is actually quite clear. When we are well and our body is in a state of perfect harmony, all the cells communicate in their normal, healthy way. Toxins, traumas, and energetic blockages upset this normal cell communication and throw our health off-balance.
The link is perhaps even more immediately apparent when we look at love relationships. In a healthy love relationship, communication flows in harmony. A rift in the relationship is almost invariably down to problems in communication… and the key to healing the rift is… you guessed it – communication.
Archangel Raphael is not mentioned in the modern versions of the Old Testament but he does get a mention in the pseudo-apocryphal book of Tobit. The story there goes that Archangel Raphael brought Sarah and Tobiah together after teaching Tobiah how to drive away the demon that killed Sarah’s husband on their wedding night and prevented her from consummating her marriage. Archangel Raphael also cured Tobiah’s father, Tobit, of blindness.
Because he brought these two Biblical soul mates together, Archangel Raphael gets pride of place as the angel at the top of the RWS Lovers card which corresponds with Gemini (ruled by Mercury). Hopefully, this also clears some of the confusion about why Gemini is the astrological correspondence for The Lovers Tarot card. There are always many layers of meaning to peel away when we dive deep into the occult correspondences for the RWS deck and its many clones.
God Heals
There are many ways to connect with and invoke the assistance of this wonderful Healing Angel, whose name means ‘God Heals.’
The simplest and most immediate way is to simply ask or pray… and if you like to use crystals, the colours you would need to use are green (harmony/homeostasis) or yellow (communication). Peridot is a yellow-green (olive) crystal that is wonderful for connecting with the healing energy of Archangel Raphael.
Now, some of you may think, ‘Hang on a minute! Aren’t blue crystals used to enhance communication?’ Yes, however, they are more associated with expression than the act of communicating. The difference is that the aim of communication is to bring together, integrate, and synthesise, whereas expression is about putting your point across (dissemination). The colour yellow helps us stay alert and quick-witted. Gold aids the assimilation of spiritual truths.
Healing Colours
As for the main healing colour, there isn’t one. In fact, all colours carry a healing vibration, but green is for harmony and as close as it gets if we had to pick just one, which is why it is often seen on hospital walls. However, energy healers channel white healing light and set the intent for it to go where/how it is needed.
For inflammatory conditions, use blue to soothe and restore balance. For poor circulation and hypotension, red may be useful etc. Archangel Raphael and his healing angels can assist with the energy healing process, which is why energy healers like to call on him for help before the start of a healing session.
Juniper and Lemon are two essential oils that I associate with Archangel Raphael. Lemongrass, lime, lavender and eucalyptus are other oils that can be used. Obviously, you can ask Archangel Raphael to bless any of your oils that you intend to use for healing purposes.
If you are a bit further along as an energy healer, you may wish to experiment with making your own vibrational Archangel Raphael essence. For this, you can use herbs, crystals, and Tarot cards. You may for instance choose to make a peridot crystal elixir with the direct method, adding a flower of choice and charging the clear glass bowl over The Lovers (Gemini), The Magician (Mercury) or The Hermit (Virgo). Depending on what sort of healing you are seeking for yourself or your loved one, you may wish to let this sit in direct sunlight or overnight on a full moon.
Angel Magick
Solar healing magick under the auspice of Archangel Raphael is best for when your vitality levels are low, such as after recovering from a long period of illness. Lunar healing magick with Archangel Raphael is great for all kinds of healing. Perform it on a Full Moon in Virgo (physical) or Gemini (mental/emotional).
Candle magick for healing is good any day of the week, which is handy because we don’t always get ill on a Wednesday which is the day of the week Mercury/Archangel Raphael rules. Use a light green or yellow/gold candle. If you don’t have any of the essential oils mentioned above for dressing the candle, almond or olive oil both work really well.
Because Archangel Raphael is the ruler of the Element of Air (intellect/communication/East) as well as the Patron of Healers, you can ask him for help and inspiration in creating your healing spell. If you wish to write it down, the traditional method is black ink on green paper.
Doing the Tarot spread below can be handy before you cast your healing spell…
1. Your ability to self-heal – Shows how and to what degree you are capable of self-healing. ‘Lucky’ cards here would be The Magician, The Sun and The High Priestess
2. What blocks communication – The main factor leading to miscommunication in the cells
3. Factor slowing healing down (avoid) – A contributing factor
4. This supports healing – A positive factor in your environment or someone in your social circle
5. Do this to heal (action advice)
6. Outcome in the near future, if you act on the guidance above
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Archangel Raphael a bit better.
Deck used: Thelema Tarot (affiliate link)
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Hi Lisa! I very much enjoyed reading this article about ArchAngel Raphael. I am a MariEL healer, I am a Gemini/and a 2 of Spades-8 of Hearts(a healers card)/I also have green gold eyes…just like a dark piece of Peridot. I feel naturally connected to AA Rahael.
When I do call on ArchAngel Raphael, I do notice more energy coming in. My tendency is to do absent healing, because I am a super absorbent Empath…..A blessing and a curse sometimes.!
I only wish for more time to work with all of this wonderful energy, it is my fault, I’m bogged in with extra duties, I care for my 7 month old granddaughter…who could say no to that?
Oh… did mention that I love all things green?!
Very soon, I would like to schedule a reading with you.
Love, Light and Blessings!
Thanks for sharing, Margie. I’ll have to google MariEL healing now… not heard of it before. Yes, I agree – being an empath is a mixed blessing indeed. Blessed be!
wow Lisa, this is such an awesome article.
I love reading about new ways to work alongside the angels. Amazing.
Healing is required in my family, and I recently lost a friendship 🙁
Going to try this one out. At least to let myself go, free of pain!
Thanks Ana, and healing wishes for you and yours. Blessed be!