time to say goodbye

Time to Say Goodbye? – A Tarot Spread for Letting Go

time to say goodbye

Letting go of someone you still love is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do in life. Today, we take an honest look at a relationship that is near its final stage with a bit of help from the Tarot. The ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ Tarot Spread can show you if letting go of your partner is for the Highest Good.

Jump to the ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ Tarot Spread

Many of us find it so difficult that we would rather stay and suffer instead. Because let’s face it, most of us are decent people and decent people do not enjoy breaking the heart of another person. And when it is the heart of someone we still love on some level, it hurts acutely because we feel their pain as our own.

There are probably as many reasons as there are people for why things do not always work out even when two people love each other. And then there is the classic… You were a great match for a while but then you grew apart. It happens even to those who swore it would never happen to them (I know because I used to be one of them). None of us like to admit defeat… So how do you know when it is time to say enough?

Anything Left to Fix?

It can be tempting to try to fix things and to examine the relationship dynamic endlessly for faulty patterns. That is all well and good if both of you are willing to do the work. But in the end, the person motivated to pack their suitcases is usually the one who has tried every trick in the book to resolve any long-standing relationship issues while the other partner has just settled. So on one level you already know that you are ready to say your farewells.

7 Signs That It’s Time to Say Goodbye

The following seven signs are typically present when it’s time to let go of a relationship:

  1. Lack of emotional connection: You no longer feel comfortable being open and vulnerable with your partner, and the spark or deep bond between you has faded.
  2. Communication breakdown: You rarely discuss important matters, both positive and negative, with your partner. Issues are swept under the rug rather than addressed.
  3. Aggressive or confrontational communication: Interactions are primarily characterised by criticism, defensiveness, contempt, or stonewalling. There may be constant arguing, mockery, or passive-aggressive behaviour.
  4. Loss of physical intimacy: Both sexual and non-sexual physical intimacy have become rare or non-existent in the relationship.
  5. Withdrawal from each other: You or your partner are emotionally distancing yourselves, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation within the relationship.
  6. Lack of trust: Doubts about your partner’s trustworthiness have evolved into suspicion, causing anxiety and fear in the relationship.
  7. Inability to envision a future together: You’ve stopped making plans together or discussing your shared future. You may find yourself daydreaming about a life without your partner more often than not.

All of these signs indicate significant issues in a relationship that may be difficult to overcome. If you recognise multiple signs in your relationship, it may be time to seriously evaluate its future and consider whether it’s worth saving or if it’s time to move on. The Tarot spread below will shed further light on the situation.

The ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ Tarot Spread

time to say goodbye relationship tarot spread for break-ups

1. Your relationship satisfaction levels

This card will uncover how even the flow of give and take is or if there is a particular issue that keeps rearing its head. If a card that seems to indicate perfect contentment in every way, such as The Star or the 2 of Cups shows up here, I would encourage you to look a bit deeper by pulling an additional card.

2. What you need

This is something you need on a profound soul level right now and suppressing this need would not be beneficial for either of you.

3. What is on offer to match your need

Reading this card together with the first two cards can give you quite a lot of detail about the current dynamic/tension.

Only pull the next two cards, (cards 4 and 5) if you realise that it truly IS time to say goodbye. If you are not ready, you must be in dialogue with your partner to find a resolution together.  What used to be a common-sense solution in the past, which is to commit (yes, commit – not try) for a year and a day, still makes sense. If you are not ready to let go, you just aren’t. However, putting a time limit on the situation might infuse it with hope. And it could just be that you have lessons to work through together still.

If you do decide to try for a year and a day, do it with all your heart…

4. How to proceed with the separation for the Highest Good

What to do right now… How to go about ending the relationship and what energy to bring to it/shield yourself from. The only two cards that would tell you to do nothing right now would be the 4 of Swords and the Hanged Man. Put things on ice for now. Trust Spirit to nudge you into action when the time is right.

5. How to stay whole in the process

Because breaking up is hard.

Let’s not forget that we can also invoke the assistance of the Angelic Realm. Archangel Michael is the Angel to invoke for cutting the emotional cords, archangel Raphael for healing and Archangel Raguel for the preservation of harmony (as far as this is possible). This is especially important when children are involved.

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

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  1. Hi Lisa, this is an awesome spread. Got right to the heart of things. Just a little confused about the outcome as I am a beginner. 1. I got the star. Then pulled a clarifier of 2 of swords. 2. 7 of swords. 3. King of pentacles. 4. Ace of cups. 5. Five of swords. A lot of variety here…lol. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. Author

      Hi Shannon, when you pull a clarifier you need to be clear on how it clarifies the first card, which will be based on YOUR understanding of that card. So my question back at you is ‘how?’ Also, you need to share your own interpretation and then I’m happy to answer any questions on a card you’re stuck on. Blessings, Lisa

  2. Hi Lisa, I was wondering how to know if the spread told me to keep at it or quit. This is what I got:

    1. Your relationship contentment levels – Eight of Swords (I took this as meaning that I feel trapped and like I don’t have options but that it’s self imposed)

    2. What you need for your soul’s growth – Page of Wands (I took this to mean that I need to develop some more confidence and start livening things up with this guy)

    3. What is on offer to match your need – The Lovers (An offer of love? Choices to make? This is the one that has me stumped…

    1. Author

      It simply means the choice is yours… to continue to feel trapped or to start feeling alive again. You can choose to try in your relationship or you can choose to leave. It’s up to you.

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Four card # 4 I received the moon? How would u interpret?
    Many blessings,

    1. Author

      Hi Caroline, The Moon is a card of reflection and trusting your own intuitive guidance… but first you have to make sure you are connected to out. So start a dream journal and take up a regular meditation practice if you have not yet done so. The Moon card often shows up when it is time for us to face our deepest fears, so this could be a signal that this particular relationship has brought up very old stuff for healing. Blessings

  4. Oh, I was going through your tarot spreads last night and literally, THIS is the type of spread I was looking for. Hmmm.. how perfectly timed? Doing this tonight. Theres a few things I know I’m meant to move forward from, so hopefully this will cast some light on the situation for my personal growth! Thanks 🙂

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