A Life Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage

A Life Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage

A Life-Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage

Have you ever come across a passage in a book that seems to open a door to a room in your soul you didn’t even know existed? Last night, while reading from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, I came across such a passage. It is the passage below that inspired today’s Life Purpose Tarot Spread.

Sages have no fixed mind;
they make the minds of the people their mind:
they improve the good,
and also improve those who are not good,
that virtue is good.
They make sure of the true,
and they make sure of the untrue too;
that virtue is sure.
the relation of sages to the world
is one of concern:
they cloud their minds for the world;
all people pour into their ears and eyes,
and sages render them innocent.

Maybe it is my Pisces Moon but I have rarely come across a passage that resonates more deeply on the level of my psyche. This is my deepest, most heavily guarded secret: I have no other aspiration than to be like those sages. I have tried to simulate personal aspiration every now and again but there is simply nothing there to motivate me: money and fame are dust to me. I felt 100% validated after reading the words of Lao Tzu. I think this kind of validation is really important because we are so heavily bombarded with false notions of what it means to be a ‘success.’

It made me feel as if I had been given a chill pill and that maybe it’s OK to have no ambition other than to ‘cloud my mind for the world.’

I made a Tarot spread for you (if this resonates) and me…

A Life Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage

A Life Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage
  1. The real reason I lack worldly ambition (Check for pretence when the real reason could be laziness rather than aspirations of being a Sage)
  2. How I improve the good/not so good
  3. How I make sure of the true
  4. How the process of taking on the thoughts and feelings of others affects me
  5. How to ‘cloud my mind’ so that I do not take things personally
  6. How I can help restore innocence

A Life Purpose Tarot Spread for the Aspiring Sage – Sample Reading

  1. The real reason I lack worldly ambition. The Hermit. Well, I am lazy, but I’m glad to see The Hermit here. I mean, if there ever were a Sage Tarot card, this would be it!
  2. How I improve the good/not so good. The World. By inspiring people to transcend self-imposed limitations.
  3. How I make sure of the true/untrue. 5 of Pentacles. I humble myself and ask for help. I look to well-respected spiritual teachers/traditional teachings. I see myself as a small part of the web. I empty myself to receive divine guidance.
  4. How the process of taking on the thoughts and feelings of others affects me. The Emperor. I accept responsibility and speak with authority when I do speak.
  5. How to ‘cloud my mind’ so that I do not take things personally. 8 of Cups. Through continuously releasing emotional attachment and removing myself from any situation that might drag me down.
  6. How I can help restore innocence. King of Pentacles. By being very practical in my approach. I choose to deal with real-world problems in ways that are helpful and doable. I focus on being a good steward of the resources I have before me rather than seeking to increase my domain. I share my gifts freely with the world.

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