*** I’m re-publishing this Tarot spread in the honour of spiritual teacher Wayne W. Dyer who died last weekend ***
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably read a self-help book or two. My favourite self-help author is Wayne W. Dyer. His book Your Erroneous Zones made an indelible impression on my 10 year old self.
And if you’re anything like me, you may also have read self-help books that made absolutely no impression at all. Sometimes it’s because the content isn’t very original or engaging, and sometimes it’s because of how we read – without pausing to think or integrate the material.
For the latter, I came up with this Tarot spread to facilitate the process of integrating the message of any self-help book:
SAMPLE READINGDo this spread before you even pick the book up and revisit it mid-way through. Revisit it one final time upon completion of the book. Take notes!
The ‘Voice resonance’ position will help you connect energetically with the book’s message. Here, with the Page of Wands (Fire), I would expect the voice to resonate in an uplifting an invigorating way, filling me with a sense of excitement and zest for life. This will correspond with the voice and intention of the author.
The aspect of self that is most challenged by this book is signified by The Chariot (Cancer), showing you that much of the focus will be on third chakra issues. This may not be true for everyone reading the book, but it will be true for you and gives you valuable insights about which energetic and emotional shifts to pay extra attention to.
The 8 of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini) shows you that the nature of the challenge will be to start incorporating seemingly disparate views and harmonising them – at the level of the third chakra. Meeting this challenge will liberate you.
The Devil (Capricorn) shows you that the theme of the process of change for which this book can act as a catalyst will be ‘To transcend self-imposed limitations.’
The King of Pentacles (Virgo) shows you that what awaits on the other end of this process is the integration of the quality of physical mastery. This King uses his personal power (third chakra) to skilfully meet the physical needs of self and others. He is health conscious and has an eye for detail.
If these qualities are not something you have been very enthusiastic about in the past, expect the voice of the Page of Wands to fill you with enthusiasm for them. The tools of this book can help you be more grounded and practical which means you will get more done.
Hope you’ll have fun trying this spread with your next self-help book… Would love to hear how you get on in the comments section below!
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Blessed be!
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Snag away! 😀
Love this! Am snagging!