spring into action tarot spread

The Spring into Action Tarot Spread

spring into action tarot spread

Happy New Moon in Aries, everyone! After a couple of warm-ish days here in the North of England, it is actually starting to feel like spring. Finally. It’s been a long winter and if you’re anything like me, you can feel the sap (life force energy) rising. What will you do with it? What creative projects will you channel all this energy into? How about using the brand new Spring into Action Tarot Spread to help with achieving your dreams and goals?

I’m asking, not only because it’s spring but because there is a New Moon today and not just any New Moon. The New Moon in Aries is the first of the Zodiac year. It’s the most auspicious lunation for starting something entirely new. Aries energy is very focused on the self – your own goals, dreams, and desires. Aries doesn’t sit around waiting for things to be handed to them. They go out and grab them with both hands. Now more than ever, it is important to use spreads like this one to empower yourself to spring into action in pursuit of your dreams.

It is important to set a steady course, especially over the next couple of weeks. This is because the Waxing Moon energy gives momentum to anything we wish to grow, cultivate or increase in our lives. However, in the case of the Aries New Moon, this energy does not just extend until the next Full Moon. Its influence lasts all the way until midsummer/Litha… So before you go ahead and give this Tarot spread a whirl, I want you to decide on a goal that you wish to pursue. Really try to visualize what you wish to get started within the next couple of weeks.

Positional meanings for the Spring Into Action Tarot Spread

  1. Succeed – What you need to do in terms to succeed with your goal.
  2. Power – What strength and power of your own you can count on to achieve your goal.
  3. Reserve – What other resources you can draw on to achieve your goal.
  4. Intent – What intent you should set for the New Moon (read with card 1)
  5. Navigate – How to best navigate any challenges that come along
  6. Goal – Where you will be with your goal on the Next Full Moon / Midsummer (you can pull one card for each if you like)

This Tarot spread can be used on any New Moon and also any time you start a new venture, challenge or adventure.

I hope you have fun with it – Feel free to share your reading in the comments if you decide to give this Tarot spread a whirl and don’t forget to share it with your Tarot-loving friends!

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