Happy September Equinox! Mabon blessings to all my kith & kin in the Northern Hemisphere and Ostara blessings to you who live on the other side of the Equator. Today, night and day are equal and here in the North, we begin moving into the dark half of the year. This is a time for taking stock, bringing the harvest in, showing gratitude and sharing our abundance. We are going to do just that with a bit of help from the Libra Equinox Tarot Spread.
In the past, I have created Tarot spreads that are specific to Mabon. You can find them HERE and HERE. For the Equinox which heralds the start of the month of Libra today, I thought it would be nice to use a simple yet versatile spread that focuses more on the Libra energy. Libra is Libra in both hemispheres. This spread allows you to bring your being into harmony, whether you are celebrating Mabon or Ostara today.
The Libra Equinox Tarot Spread
- Balance this. Shows you a main aspect of your life right now that needs to be brought into balance for you to be in harmony, vertically (with the Divine/Self) or horizontally (other people, circumstances). A Major Arcana card shows that you need to align vertically. A Minor Arcana card points to a need for horizontal balancing of the scales.
- Second Harvest/first seeds. A seasonal message for the Northern (second harvest) and Southern (first seeds) hemispheres. Second Harvest shows you what in your life is now coming to fruition. This is your chance to take stock of where you are now with regard to your goals for 2017. First Seeds is about an action you need to take now in order to capitalise of the energy of spring so that you can move forward in the direction of your dreams.
- Foundation. This card shows you a personal strength or structure you can rely on and return to when you face challenges on your path.
- What to release. This no longer serves you and it’s OK to say ‘no’ to this aspect/person when they show up in your life.
- What to embrace. Seek out more of this in the future to stay on track for the rest of the year.
An Equinox Oracle
I felt drawn to pull a card from the Mythic Oracle for a message from Spirit for us all this Equinox and the card we got is Uranus from the absolutely gorgeous Mythic Oracle.
The message for us is about not being afraid to stand in our own power. It also encourages us to sometimes give ourselves a dose of tough love when it comes to areas in our lives that need more structure and discipline. The number 1 speaks of New Beginnings as well.
Furthermore, the Uranus correspondence gives us an element of surprise. I feel this relates especially to the spiritual journey we are on. Major breakthroughs are likely to take place between the Equinox and Yule/Litha. The thing to watch out for with Father energy is to not become too rigid or authoritarian. For some of us, this is exactly what we need to bring into balance now. Remember that all archetypes have both a light and a dark side.
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Hi Lisa!
Thank you very much for this insightful spread!
I got the High Priestess in the first position. I know I have to learn to rely more on my intuition and trust my inner voice, but I have a feeling that this card has also a caution message for me. I am wondering, what negative trait could the High Priestess be warning me off? Psychological manipulation of others maybe?
That is certainly one possibility. It’s always good to be aware of the full spectrum of meanings and to stay mindful of them. Glad you enjoyed doing this.
I would love to win a reading!
Happy Equinox and many blessings to you. My question is I was in partnership with someone on my page where we did tarot readings . Now I have decided to go alone and have told her so. Was my decision right ? Thank you so much . I hope the Spirit wants to tell me something.
Happy Equinox! Want to ask spirits if I get the uexpended by the end of the month?
Love & Light 🙂
Happy first day of spring indeed! After many months of drought, it’s finally raining!
Love the guidance and support here. Would love to know if my spirit guides have any messages. Ty
Dear April, they are showing me that you often have a feeling of being trapped by your circumstances. They are asking you to learn about the power of the breath to bring you back to a more serene state of mind where you are not blinded by your anxiety but instead capable of seeing the possibilities and opportunities that lie before you. Now would be a good time time to to start a regular meditation and pranayama practice so that you can learn to bring yourself back to the still poing within, using just a breath or two to get back to the zero point which is limitless possibility. You are always free to change your mind and your direction, and you can always ask for help when you feel lost or ‘trapped.’ Love and Blessings, Lisa
Hi Lisa I would love a free reading and today is my friend Johns bday
Lisa, I would love to win a general reading! Love to you!
Dear Cat, the card I pulled for you is the 8 of Cups. Whatever you feel is troubling you, the best solution is most likely to walk away from it, or at least make sure that there is no contact with the most bothersome aspect or person that is central to this situation. You can only control yourself, never another person… Love, Lisa
Hi Lisa,
Would really love a general reading, should i win the mini competition.
Thank you & Blessings to you Xxx
Would like to have monetary guidance help please. Thank you Lisa.
Would like to have a monetary guidance help reading please. Thank you Lisa.
Hello Lisa, I’m new here. 🙂 Happy Equinox! If chosen, I would like a general reading.
The 4 of Cups is showing up to help you use the coming months of autumn to go within and reconnect with the magic and mystery of life itself. You may not be able to change your outside circumstances – some of which currently bore you to tears – BUT you can learn to see the world through a lens of childlike awe again in the near future if you accept this challenge and devote a little time every day to connecting with your heart and giving it what it needs. Honour your emotions and express them artistically… share yourself with others this way and you will forget you were ever bored. Love, Lisa <3
Hi Lisa, I’d like to know if there’s going to be enough money around to put my name on property? There may be a windfall but perhaps not enough? Mabon blessings Denise ✨ ⭐
Hi Denise, Mabon blessings in return. The King of Pentacles is a good sign that you will get there. Asking for a bit of help/taking the advice of someone well versed in money matters won’t hurt as this card can also represent a financial advisor. Lisa <3
A new boss came into my organization today and I’m nervous! What’s up for me career-wise? Thanks so much!
Hi Janice, with the 6 of Pentacles I see your prospects improving with the arrival of this new boss on the scene. It is also likely to provide you with an opportunity to assert your expertise and show that you can stand up for yourself. This person may seek to take advantage from their position of power. Standing your ground and maintaining sound professional boundaries will work in your favour. Blessings, Lisa
Generał about what to focus on in October! Thank You Lisa x
Hi Kasia, work is definitely in focus with the 3 of Pentacles. It is possible that you will working together with people who are quite competitive. Focusing on a spirit of co-operation and helping to bring out the best in your colleagues/team mates will bring out the best in everyone, help you to pull in the same direction and achieve excellent results. Blessings, Lisa x
Thank you for your lovely post
General. Thank you very much. I continue to learn from you
Thank you Lisa. Happy equinox
General. Thank you so much Lisa for everything you do for us in the community.
Hey Lisa! Would loovvee to have one of your awesome readings, thanks for sharing with us
General, and Happy Equinox!
General and happy Mabon to you as well!
Hi Lisa,
Please can I have a general, preferably about the coming week 🙂 x
Hi Kath, next week looks super busy for you. With the 10 of Wands, the only advice I can give other than ‘buckle down and get on with it – through gritted teeth if need be’ is to delegate some of the tasks if at all possible. I think you will have a great sense of achievement at the end of the week though. Trust that your best will be good enough and have a good friend on speed dial so that you can vent once or twice. This is a week of conclusions and tying up loose ends for you rather than new beginnings. If you are hoping to start something new, it will probably not happen quite as soon as you would like for it to. Blessings, Lisa x
Thank you, on a 13 days stretch with work so yes, gritted teeth indeed!
Something important midweek which would be a conclusion/loose end tied up. Bang on thanks x
Thank you, Lisa.
I would really love to have a general mini reading.
Hi Christina, I got the Star for you and the message I’m getting is it’s time for you to start making more connections with kindred spirits as well as to get involved in your local community where shining your light will make a massive difference. Pray for guidance and trust that it will come if you are not sure about how and where to begin. Everything will be revealed in perfect order and with perfect timing. Keep the faith! Blessings, Lisa
Lovely spread! Thanks for sharing your time and light! I’d love a free mini-reading, (general) if you are so inspired. Take care and many blessing! <3
Hello Lisa
Thank you for this. I’d love a mini reading. Just general really.
Thank you for this Equinox spread – I had 4 Court cards appear! Very interesting. ‘General’ reading please, if I’m picked. Thanks again!
Hello Lisa,
Thank you so much for your daily insight. I would love a mini reading! General but focus on career. Happy Fall Equinox! Hope you have a marvelous season.
Hi Lisa,
Today is an awesome day indeed. I’ve been having a tremendous luck and already said my thanks to the universe countless times!
Thank you for these mini readings. If I get picked I would like to ask if starting my online counseling YouTube channel is really the highest path for me.
Many blessings to you and this amazing page,
Hi Ana, I do believe it is since I got the High Priestess for you. You will act as a channel for the wisdom of the Divine Feminine in the work you do. Blessings, Lisa
Thank you Lisa I would love a general reading!
Hi Ellen, the 5 of Swords indicates that you in a complicated situation where emotional detachment is your best ally. Whenever you feel yourself getting upset or anxious about a situation – especially a situation that you cannot control – allow your breath to slow down by breathing fully into your stomach three times with ‘I AM’ on the inbreath and ‘calm’ on the outbreath. Once you have done that decide how you wish to FEEL and THEN decide what to do about it. Love, Lisa
I’m going to give this spread a go tomorrow. I like the chosen card from the Mythic Oracle and I can do with giving myself a dose of tough love. I feel as though I’m already in the middle of some major breakthroughs. I’d love a free mini reading please Lisa. 🙂 ‘General’