The Groundhog Day Tarot Spread

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Are you or have you ever been in a relationship that is/was making you feel trapped and miserable? You have every intention of making things right (you do love each other), yet somehow things keep falling apart. It’s like Groundhog Day. Reactive responses are activated over and over again… ‘Oh boy, here we go again!’

We are unlikely to get relationship satisfaction through the belief that it’s our partner that has to change.
~ Joe Dunn and Mali Apple (The Soulmate Experience)

Irritation, anger, anxiety, fear and pride run the show… and somehow being right has become more important than being kind to your beloved.

Groundhog Day
Bill Murray in Groundhog Day

Break free from Groundhog Day with the Tarot

Ready to break free? Ready to establish a healthier pattern of relating? The Groundhog Tarot Spread is for you!


1. Spirit – Karmic Lesson. Love flows from Spirit, as does any Karmic lessons (past life stuff). This is your main current lesson… and all relationship lessons are about releasing blocks to loving!
2. You – BLOCKS, current attitude/approach. This card indicates how you may be stopping the flow of love through your mental attitude.
3. Your Partner – BLOCKS, current attitude/approach. This card indicates how your partner may be stopping the flow of love through his/her mental attitude.
4. Your Relationship – Current pattern of relating. This card reveals a main theme. There may be more but this is the one Spirit wants to shine the spotlight on right now.
5. You – NEW, more loving approach. This card shows you how you can refocus your thoughts to replace judgement with acceptance, and negativity with a positive approach or action.
6. Your Partner – NEW, more loving approach. This card shows you how your partner can refocus their thoughts to replace judgement with acceptance, and negativity with a positive approach or action.
7. Result/Outcome. This is the next step on the journey, provided you act on the advice given in positions 5 & 6.

Some of the Major Arcana cards that can indicate Karmic issues based on past lives are Judgement, The Moon, The Devil, Justice and The Wheel of Fortune. You can read more about the Karmic cards HERE.

Work together

Use this spread together with your partner if at all possible. If not, then please bear in mind that you can only be responsible for your portion of what needs to be changed, and allow acceptance to replace resentment about your partner’s role.

Focus on the love you have for him/her, rather than what annoys you and change what you can about yourself. Things will begin to change once you do this.

Even if your current pattern of relating is fairly healthy, there are always ways to make room for even more love in the relationship. Any form of withholding of love and affection will need healing and releasing if you wish to be truly happy in your most intimate relationship.

We often insist we can’t let go of things we find irritating or feel resentful about. But this idea is just another limiting belief
~ Joe Dunn and Mali Apple (The Soulmate Experience)

Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.
~ Sai Baba

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