Does the world really need another deck of cards from Doreen Virtue? More specifically, do we need another DV Tarot deck? The Guardian Angel Tarot, The World’s Gentlest and Sweetest Tarot Cards, is her third, produced in as many years and it is by far the most sugary Tarot deck I have ever come across. It is like a strawberry and cream cake served in your grandmother’s garden on one of those rare summer’s days when the temperature is just right, the breeze feels like a sweet caress and the wasps haven’t yet figured out that you’re having cordial with your cake.
I had promised myself to NOT buy this deck. I have the previous two (Angel Tarot Cards and Archangel Power Tarot) and they were already borderline too sweet (Shadow avoidance/spiritual bypass warning) so anything sweeter would be sure to give me spiritual diabetes. Or so I thought. Yet, when I came across this deck in Waterstones earlier today, I couldn’t help myself. Was it the glitter? I don’t know. I reached for it. It couldn’t hurt to look at it more closely, right? Before I knew it I had another stamp in my Waterstones Stamp Card. WHAT?!

One of the most terrifying cards to get in a reading is The Tower. Not so terrifying here, right?

These are the three cards I pulled when asking the Guardian Angel Tarot who it is, how it can help me and what it expects from me in return…

1. Who are you? I am a facilitator of gentle life reviews and contemplation. (XX Judgement/Review and Contemplation)
2. How can you help me? I can help you shift your thoughts toward more positivity. (King of Swords/Guardian of Thought)
3. What do you expect from me? Free your mind! (8 of Swords/Eight of Thought)
I don’t see this deck gathering dust. It will be one of my working decks for sure!

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