The Uranus in Taurus Tarot Spread

uranus in taurus tarot spread

Contemplating what kind of Tarot spread to create for the ingress of Uranus into Taurus, I was guided to make it quite free-form since we always need to leave room for the unexpected where Uranus is concerned. This makes this quite an advanced spread which requires you to be able to read the Tarot intuitively in groups of three. 

That’s not to say you shouldn’t have a stab at it if you are a beginner reader. Simply relax and read the story you see in the cards as if you were reading for someone else. Write it all down and always trust your first impressions. Also, on the plus side, you have SEVEN years to make sense of this reading. Yep, you heard that right – That is how long Uranus stays in each sign before moving on to the next. All the more important to understand how this might affect your life, right?

Before diving into reading with the Uranus in Taurus Tarot spread, you might want to check out this article about the meaning of Uranus in Taurus, if you aren’t quite sure. You can find a Tarot spread for the retrograde period in 2018-2019 HERE.

The Uranus in Taurus Tarot Spread

uranus in taurus tarot spread diagram

1. Overall theme/main lesson
2-4. Area of life most impacted (sorry about typo in diagram)
5-7. Resources to draw on / action advice
8-10. Impact on unconscious mind / shadow aspects

Uranus in Taurus Sample Reading with the Morgan Greer Tarot

uranus in taurus sample reading with the morgan greer tarot

1. Overall theme/main lesson – The 10 of Wands here makes me think of ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ My strength and perseverance will be tested to the limit for sure. There will be times when I will have to learn to delegate / ask for help too which is something I find very difficult.
2-4. Area of life most impacted – Definitely work and my ability to earn a living doing what I love. Great upheaval and big endings happening in this area of my life.
5-7. Resources to draw on / action advice – Meditation, spending time in Nature and nurturing my close relationship. Living what time I have left on Earth from the heart.
8-10. Impact on unconscious mind / shadow aspects – A total re-orientation with regards to whence I gain my sense of stability. It will need to come from within or not at all. This comes as no surprise since this transit all happens in the 12th House for me.

Reading the columns, we get a slightly different perspective:

Column one – New insights gained in meditation will completely transform how I view abundance. It may take some shocking revelations and upheaval on the physical plane for Spirit to get through. Oh well, I’m the first to admit I’m a slow learner and often need to get smacked upside the head with the spiritual version of a 2×4.

Column two – Patience and perseverance through the hard times will pay off and I will always have enough to get by.

Column three – Transformation and increased psychic ability come from dropping my consciousness from my head to my heart. I will meet some of my deepest fears on this journey… the ones I’m not even aware of yet…




  1. Uranus just got done transiting my 12th house (Aries), I understand how you feel. I will share that during that transit (having both Mercury and Mars in Aries) a lot of my interests in the metaphysical arose. I was definitely confronted with a lot of fears and my faith was challenged. I will not say that I am fearless now (Chiron has just begun transiting my 12th and is stirring so many wounds…) but I will definitely affirm that I have gotten rid of many attachments and have expanded my perspective on certain things. When Uranus was hoovering over my Mars a lot of anger and impulsiveness erupted in me, all repressed anger from past situations. It’s only been one day that Uranus has been in my 1st house and I already had my Tower moment (got ghosted by a potential romantic interest). I suspect this will be the theme of the next 7 years as Uranus will be transiting over my Sun, AC, and Venus. I was so looking forward to this, but initial experiences have dampen my enthusiasm. Hoping things get better. Wishing you the best. 🙂

    1. Author

      Thanks for sharing, Ale. Sometimes the difficult lessons are the only thing that can make us grow. I see no point in praying or hoping for an easy ride. We seek comfort where we can find it and when the time is right, the right people and circumstances fall into place… and even then happiness is an inside job. 🙂 Blessed be!

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