The Year Card Tarot Spread


The painting above is of Father Time, aka Saturn, who is a visually represented as a blend of the Tarot Hermit and the Angel of Death in classic art. In Victorian times, Father Time, was often shown together with a young child representing the New Year, such as in the New Year’s greeting card below:


The year is drawing to an end, so I thought I’d share a Year Card Tarot spread to help you make the of the archetype that provides an overall theme for the year ahead. Those of you new to the concept of a Tarot Year Card may wish to check this post out first.

Before you begin your reading, make sure you will not be disturbed and have your journal at hand so that you can take notes. Shuffle the deck well and then look for your year card, face up. Your year card goes in position one and the cards on either side in positions two and three. Then gather the cards back up, shuffle and cut once more before you deal the cards in positions four through seven.

The Year Card Tarot Spread

a tarot year card tarot spread to divine the year ahead
  1. Your Year Card
  2. Father Time’s Scythe – What must die away now to make room for the new lessons this card will bring
  3. The Young Child – What mental attitude you will most benefit from when integrating the lessons of your Year Card
  4. The Hour Glass – What circumstances along the time/space continuum will bring the energy of your Year Card to the fore
  5. Challenge – The main challenge accompanying those circumstances
  6. Action Advice – How to overcome this challenge in practical ways (read with card 3/mental attitude)
  7. Father Time’s Gift – The outcome and the harvest you can expect at the end of next year

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Frideborg Tarot Year Card Sample Reading

Frideborg Tarot Year Card Sample Reading
  1. Your Year CardTemperance (Sagittarius/Archangel Sachiel). Temperance is an invitation to engage actively in soul alchemy, to find balance within and refine my vision. I’m looking forward to the challenge of finding the middle ground that this card presents me with.
  2. Father Time‘s Scythe – What must die away is the energy found in the 9 of Pentacles. This card is one of self-sufficiency… and even there I can go overboard, isolating myself and thinking I don’t need anyone else.
  3. The Young Child – Ace of Cups. The mental attitude I need to develop is simply allowing my mind to drop into the heart. My intellect won’t get me nearly as far as my heart will in the year ahead. Soul alchemy is always done to refine the dross of the ego to the gold of Higher Will.
  4. The Hour Glass – Judgement. Fated circumstances will force some life-changing decisions… or maybe just one big one… Time will tell!
  5. Challenge – The main challenge when faced with these circumstances is to do what is necessary and to be a good steward with the resources I have, for the Higher Good.
  6. Action Advice – The World here is about carefully closing doors on the past. This Saturn energy card helps me stay realistic and grounded through big personal shifts.
  7. Father Time’s Gift – The harvest I can count on is twofold: to be a vessel for tears and to always receive enough grace to manage. Increased psychic ability is another possibility with this Moon in Cancer energy card.
Lisa signature


  1. Hey! I have a question is okay to get all reversals for this? My year is Chariot!
    2. the sun (r) 3. Seven of pent(r) 4. 4 of cups (r) 5. 6 of cups( r) 6. King of wands (r) 7. Nine of swords (r)
    Is this bad? I’m still learning tarot! I understand I have a lot to let go from the past

    1. Author

      Hi Skylar, thanks for stopping by! Personally, I don’t use reversals but there are several different ways to approach them. One is as stuck energy and since that seems to fit with your own understanding, that does sound like the way to go here. I never see any cards or messages from the cards as bad–they all serve to help us gain deeper insights into our psyche and the world around us, so it’s all just useful information.

  2. Hi Lisa, I am really confused about the 4/5 and 6 cards in my reading. Death is my year card. On either side was 7 Pentacles and Hanging Man. Give up traditional job and look within for transformation. (I’m currently writing a book as I’m unemployed)
    The next cards in order are Kings of Swords, Cups and Pentacles followed by the Hermit. I understand the Hermit is also part of my transformation but who or what are the kings? I’m unsure to read them separately or all together. Thank you!

    1. Author

      You need to read them both separately and together. Kings are about mastery and to get THREE in one spread is highly significant. The Hermit is good for writing/getting published. Aim high! Blessings, Lisa

    1. Author

      Hi Shivangi, in an Emperor year you must buckle down, become organised and prepare to work hard. You will probably be happiest if you are your own boss. It’s a year of learning to establish stability for yourself and your loved ones, as well as taking on more of a leader role in general. Father issues may pop up… but only because now is a good time to resolve them! Blessings, Lisa

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