Uranus Retrograde Tarot Spread

Uranus Retrograde Tarot Spread

Uranus retrograde Tarot spread

Uranus goes retrograde tomorrow Tuesday, 7 August, 2018, at 2° Taurus. The Planet moves back into Aries on 8 November and goes direct again on 7 January, 2019, at 28° Aries. It’s not that long ago since Uranus moved into Taurus. You can refresh your mind about what that means HERE.

Expect the Unexpected

Essentially if Uranus had a motto, it would be ‘Expect the unexpected.’ This means that much of what this retrograde brings will not be predictable… so is there any point in reading about what changes to expect during this retrograde period?

Well, yes. First of all, what is true of all retrogrades applies to Uranus as well – This is a time for looking within. Many of the changes happening under the retrograde auspice of Uranus will take place within… and the thing about inner change is that the Tarot – being the mirror of the soul – excels at guiding us through these types of changes.

We also know that Uranus rules emotional freedom, independence,  sudden spiritual breakthroughs, innovation and an unexpected desire to change our lives completely which from the outside will look like we are turning on a penny and running the other way from where seemed to be heading.

These types of big changes happening within us can bring their own fair share of trauma so it should come as no surprise that trauma is very much part of the menu for what Uranus can cook up for us – especially when it is in harsh aspects to our inner planets (do check your own chart for transits!).

Forewarned is forearmed, right?

Retrograde Influences

So let’s take a look at how this retrograde may influence our lives, focusing mainly on changes to the psyche and our inner life. Rather than focusing on ephemeral things such as ‘enlightenment’ and ‘ascension,’ I’m asking the cards to help us stay grounded in reality (hard enough when Uranus goes retrograde!) by focusing on ‘enrealment‘ and ’embodiment,’ i.e. how to fully be in our bodies, expressing our True Selves.

With Uranus Rx in Taurus, the focus is about clearing the path for what we truly value and when Uranus passes back over into Aries in November, we get a chance to once again look at how happy we are with our self-expression.

The Uranus Retrograde Tarot Spread

Uranus Retrograde Tarot Spread

  1. Values undergoing transformation
  2. Blocks to clear for those values
  3. Self-expression undergoing transformation
  4. Blocks to clear for self-expression to be true
  5. How to best deal with intuitive flashes (express them in writing, art, take a gamble on a new venture etc)
  6. How to nurture healthy independence (remove toxic, co-dependent relationships etc)
  7. Old trauma to be cleared now (if the card is ‘positive,’ there may be none – instead you may see a helpful attitude or characteristic which will help your process of transformation along)
  8. What innovation this retrograde may bring (shows how you may completely reinvent yourself)

Please be gentle with yourself, especially during the rest of this month. The clarity and strength we need is more difficult to come by when Mercury and Mars are retrograde… and we still have one more eclipse to go this weekend! Feel free to ask for help in the comments if you get stuck on any of the cards.


Lisa Frideborg

Book a Tarot reading with Lisa!


  1. Great article & spread Lisa. There’s so much retrograde at the moment this is a great help to navigate it. Thank you ❤️

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