7 Magical Uses for Malachite

Malachite Elephant

Not too long ago, someone requested that I blog about the magical properties and benefits of working with the crystal malachite. So today I’m sharing my top seven magical uses for malachite. When I came across the photo of the malachite elephant above, I felt it was a perfect fit for illustrating just how powerful this crystal can be in terms of removing blocks to abundance and well-being.

Like all green crystals, it resonates with the heart chakra but there is also a connection with the gut (second chakra) and according to Melody, author of Love is in the Earth, it can also enhance the function of the throat chakra.

It is important to use malachite with caution when creating crystal elixirs. The indirect method is recommended as contact with water can release the copper and arsenic. The indirect method is to place the malachite inside a glass container before placing it in the bowl filled with spring water. A preparation made with the direct method may only be applied externally.

The Tarot card correspondences are The Empress, The Lovers, The Hermit and The Magician. The corresponding Archangels are Anael (Venus) and Raphael (Mercury). According to Melody, the numerological correspondence is 9, which is also the number of the Virgo Hermit.

7 Magical Uses for Malachite

Prosperity. Use malachite together with citrine to manifest greater financial abundance and to remove any obstacles such as feeling unworthy of receiving. Helps you be practical and responsible in all your business dealings.

Relationship harmony. Use malachite with rose quartz for deep harmony and healthy attachment without co-dependency.  Is also thought to inspire fidelity.

Autoimmune disorders. Use malachite together with garnet to heal from arthritis and amber for improving asthma. Together with peridot it can help heal IBS, colitis or Crohn’s disease. It can also help with clarity about any underlying causes of autoimmune disease.

Heals vertigo. Relieves the symptoms and helps you become aware of any underlying cause.

Enhanced immunity. Strengthens the immune system and is, according to Melody, able to fight tumors. Protects against radiation.

Removes spiritual blocks. Gives strength and courage on one’s spiritual journey and enhances psychic ability (especially when containing druse). Use together with clear quartz to clear communication blocks with the spirit world. Helps you stay balanced during the process of spiritual transformation.

Protection for travellers. Is said to be especially effective for air travel.

Spellcasting tips for malachite

If using malachite in your spell, think about which of the Tarot cards you might also use to strengthen your intent. You may, for instance, wish to use The Lovers, together with a pink candle if the focus is fidelity in romantic love. Or, for a gut healing spell, you would reach for the Virgo Hermit card and the crystal peridot. Green, light blue or white candles are generally used for healing spells. For an abundance spell, you may wish to light a gold or green candle.

Write your spell with the appropriate colour ink (green, gold or pink). Making the spell rhyme makes it more powerful. Chant it out loud three times (or three times three) to raise energy.

Any spells you cast must be kept secret. Once the spell has been cast, forget about it and go about your business as if the desired outcome is certain to manifest. Be open to things coming together in unexpected ways, rather than insisting on ways and methods you are already aware of or have tried before… Think about it, something new and different must be put into place for change to happen – better leave that part of it to the Universe.

Beltane is just around the corner and malachite just happens to be one of the stones sacred to Venus/Aphrodite. I hope you feel inspired to use (and experiment with) malachite in your Beltane ritual this year!

Love and Blessings


Work with Lisa

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂 I’m going to have to get me some Malachite!
    I’ve heard this is the year to collect powerful crystals.
    Blessed Be )0(

  2. Great information. Malachite is also conducive to Archangel Michael and a protective element in the dreamtime. ive kept a Blessed malachite rosary hanging over the head of the bed more than once.

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