Gentian is the Bach Flower Remedy for the ‘cup half empty’ personality. This is the type of person who is easily discouraged by the smallest setbacks and always expects things to turn out to their disadvantage. Their pessimism can be quite draining to be around and while they are only mildly depressed (compared to Mustard or Gorse) their persistent negativity does tarnish all expectations of future happiness, as well as their ability to heal.
Restores Faith
The positive state of Gentian, which this remedy can facilitate, is one of faith in life and more of a ‘cup half full’ personality.
A temporary Gentian state can occur for anyone who suffers a major setback, leading to self-doubt and a more pessimistic outlook than normal. One such example is someone who has recently been laid off and is not feeling positive about their chances of finding a new job. Another is the single/looking person who can’t seem to find anyone but Mr/Ms Wrong. And a final example is the school child who is feeling discouraged about their lack of progress at school and has started feeling inferior to their classmates.
Angelic Correspondence
In addition to taking the remedy, you may wish to invoke the assistance of Archangel Jophiel. Jophiel helps us regain a sense of optimism and adventure. Use the following prayer (or your own words):
Dear Archangel Jophiel, thank you for helping me see the beauty of the world once more. Renew my vision and allow me experience once more the thrill of the great adventure that is my life. So mote it be!
Use a gold candle to strengthen the intent. You can also try a few drops of Gentian in your bath. Visualise it filling with the tub a golden light that purifies you of pessimism and despondency as you soak.
You may also wish to try one of the following affirmations before taking your remedy:
I open up to greater levels of happiness with every breath I take.
The world is a beautiful place and I’m on the adventure of a life-time.
I can succeed at anything I set my mind to and have fun while doing it.
Lepidolite is a crystal that can help with despondency. Use it together with Gentian in order to speed up recovery. Lepidolite works on all chakras and inspires joy and helps you re-member your divinity. Wearing it can inspire fortuitous synchronicities that help restore faith in life.
The corresponding Tarot card is The Chariot. This card can help you move forward with renewed faith and optimism, as well as realistic expectations of your ability to succeed.

Featured deck: Bach Flower Inspirational Cards (affiliate link)
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