Last weekend, I had to fly to Sweden to attend a memorial service for my mother. I stayed with my sister, as usual. We were blessed with a couple of wonderful, sunny days of being together as a family and celebrating the life of our mother. Some time had already passed since she crossed over after suffering with dementia for several years so, it wasn’t a time for desperate sadness though, of course, there were tears too. We all felt her presence at the service as very light and joyful.
The next day, when my sister and I went for a walk in the forest and were blessed with seeing two yellow butterflies playing on the path in front of us. When grandmother died in January 1995, we attended a cold and snowy funeral. After the service we congregated outside the church in silence. Seemingly out of nowhere, a yellow butterfly landed in front of our feet – a miracle considering the time of year!
Many years later, I went to see a medium who finished our session with the words, ‘Oh, and your grandmother wants you to know that when you see a yellow butterfly, she is with you!’
My sister knew of this story so when two butterflies appeared like that we knowingly smiled at each other, like witches do.
Another highlight of this trip was doing some readings with my sister’s Cosmic Tarot deck. I had some really interesting psychic ‘clicks’ with this deck so I decided to order it. These days, I only bother with decks that feel truly magical.
Cosmic Tarot Deck Interview
1. Describe yourself in three words or less – Temperance
CT: Alchemist, healer & visionary
Me: Yes, that seems quite obvious to me. You showed up in the reading I did for one of my family members to show the completion of a long healing journey.
2. How would your best friend describe you using only three words? – Prince of Pentacles
CT: Hard-working & stubborn
Me: You have certainly been working very hard for my sister. Her deck was getting worn. I’m impressed!
3. What gift do you bring? – The King of Swords
CT: Mental clarity, focus and the ability to detach in times of trouble so that the Seeker can make well-informed choices from a calm place.
Me: That’s the gift most Seekers want so this is music to my ears.
4. What do you expect in return? – 2 of Swords
CT: That you try to achieve balance and peace of mind. Take a few deep breaths if you feel upset and if you can’t seem to calm your mind please wait and do the reading later. Always be mindful that we are trying to look for a resolution that allows the Seeker to make excellent choices. Sometimes the best thing to do is to simply wait. If you do not, you will no doubt find out just how stubborn I can be.
Me: OK, sounds fair enough.
5. How can you help me serve? – King of Cups
CT: I can help you be a calm, compassionate guide to any Seeker. I help you speak from the heart and to distill the wisdom from the heart into information at a level the Seeker is ready to receive.
Me: Sound fabulous!
6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? – 3 of Pentacles
CT: I think we will make a good team, you and I – We are both hardworking, ambitious and sincere.
Me: Why thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment and shall look forward to working together!
Lisa Frideborg
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it is good to read your review of this under-rated deck. Another advantage of this deck is the diversity of landscape, race and culture it depicts. It has a timeless multicultural feel which does not really excude anyone. All the minors apart from the Aces depict people with clear personalities, which makes it a good deck for readings with a lot of people involved.
Congratulations to your grandmother and now your mother for such a heavenly feat with the yellow butterflies, this is amazing.
Thanks, Alyss. The memory of those two butterflies will stay with me until I day – a constant source of joy and strength <3