Gnostic Tarot Review and Deck Interview

Gnostic Tarot Review and Deck Interview

Gnostic Tarot Review and Deck Interview

When I first learned about the Gnostic Tarot on the Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio YouTube channel, I knew I had to have it. The Gnostic Tarot is created by Miguel Conner and his wife Saraphinah Benavides Conner with art by Matt Schmitz. While I haven’t had time to study the deck in-depth yet, I wanted to share the Gnostic Tarot review and deck interview as soon as the deck arrived. More people need to know about this deck, especially those who are keen to learn more about the teachings of the ancient Gnostics.

Click HERE to order your copy of the Gnostic Tarot. This is not an affiliate link and I don’t earn anything from your purchase or for publishing this post.

While I don’t feel this deck is suitable for a beginner Tarot Student, you can still use it without previous knowledge of the Tarot if you approach it more as an oracle deck. The downloadable guidebook will provide you with all the information you need.

The Gnostic Tarot Workbook
Printed version of the Gnostic Tarot Guidebook

However, don’t get too excited about the word ‘workbook’ in the title. This is more like a traditional LWB (little white book) but with quite in-depth information for the Major Arcana cards. This is the only small gripe I have with this deck. I would have loved more information about the Minors/Journey cards. There is one 7-card spread included but really, you can use this deck with any Tarot spread.

The cards are standard/traditional Tarot card size with a silky matte surface. The artwork is stunning and the card quality is excellent–It shuffles like a dream!

The Gnostic Tarot Suits

The Major Arcana is still the Major Arcana and it reads like a lexicon or ‘Who’s Who’ of the main players in Christian Gnosticism. Though the cards have non-traditional titles, they do have the traditional Roman numerals at the top of each card. Additionally, the guidebook has included traditional card titles.

For the Minor Arcana, we have the following suits:

  • Wands – Norea’s Journey
  • Cups – Sophia’s Journey
  • Swords – Christ’s Journey
  • Pentacles – Simon’s Journey (Simon the Magus)

I highly recommend this YouTube video for learning more about the deck creators’ thoughts behind this suit division into journeys as it is very enlightening. They also explain their thinking behind some of the choices for the Majors.

Video Flip-through to Music

Gnostic Tarot Deck Interview

Gnostic Tarot Deck Interview

1. Describe yourself in three words or lessPage of Cups/Seeker from Sophia’s Journey

GT: Sophia’s Avatar

2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less? 6 of Swords/Christ’s Journey

GT: My constant companion

3. What gift do you bring? King of Wands/Gnostic King from Norea’s Journey

GT: I help you accept life as it is so that you can engage with it fully, regardless of how things look right now. You will have more agency in the world under my guidance.

4. What do you expect in return? The World/Yaldabaoth

GT: That you complete the material journey.

5. How can you help me serve? 4 of Swords/Christ’s Journey

GT: I can block the lies of the archons when you centre yourself and work with me in stillness.

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? King of Cups/Gnostic King from Sophia’s Journey

GT: I help you connect to the sensuality that allows you to promote the Alchemical Wedding and Sacred Marriage in ways that are pleasing to others.

Check out my other Tarot and Oracle Deck Reviews!

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