Not every Tarot deck is worth a seven-year wait but the Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland certainly is. I have been eagerly awaiting the full 78-card deck since 2010 when I got the Majors only deck and I am. blown. AWAY! The art in this deck is literally taking my breath away. Watch the unboxing video below and you’ll see what I mean.
And since I didn’t show the card backs in the video…

And here is Judgement from both versions…

The borders of the full deck are quite big but I don’t mind. I might get another copy and trim it… We’ll see. As far as border colours go, I find that navy blue works better with my intuition and seem less jarring the white. The card stock is thick and quite glossy so I don’t think the cards will wear out in a hurry.
I couldn’t use any of my regular deck interview Tarot spreads for the Star Tarot. The deck itself asked me to use an Elemental and intuitive layout. I didn’t even know what the positional meanings were when I laid the cards out, except that I had to have one card from Each Element and three extra cards for an additional message.

- The Major card: How this deck likes to approach questions about spiritual development
- The Wands card: How this deck will encourage a spirit of enterprise and creativity
- The Cups card: How this deck likes to read on love and relationships
- The Swords card: This deck’s approach to problem resolution
- The Pentacles card: A strength or weakness when it comes to reading about physical matters
- – 8. Intuitive message from the cards
My interview with the Star Tarot
- The Star (sic) – How apt is this considering the deck’s name?! This beautiful Star Tarot deck inspires hope and strengthens my faith, just like the Star card itself!
- Knight of Wands – The Star Tarot deck wants me to have more fun and embrace a spirit of adventure, especially with regards to my creativity. Stop playing it small and spending so much energy to stay safe… PLAY MORE!
- 2 of Cups – This deck will enjoy relationship readings as well as make these types of readings really heart-centred.
- 3 of Swords – This deck will always seek to balance heart and mind when it comes to problem resolution. Emotions matter. Heart healing takes time and sometimes there is no immediately apparent resolution. This deck is wise enough to know to allow for this…
- 4 of Pentacles – This is my birthday decan Minor and because of this I get a feeling that this deck wishes to help me gain a sense of stability. It will also do well with questions about wellbeing and all manner of practical issues. It’s a lovely sunny 4 of Pentacles, more reflective of the Thoth 4 of Disks titled ‘Power’ than of the miserly 4 of Pentacles found in RWS clones.
6 – 8. 10 of Swords, 10 of Cups and Temperance. Looking at the message this deck has for me, I can tell that it really wishes to help me balance heart and mind and assist with the process of soul alchemy. It’s not afraid to go all the way since we have two 10’s here… but it will always help me integrate the lesson and restore the balance and integrity of my soul.
Like I said in the unboxing video… this is a truly cosmic deck but it is also grounded. The Star Tarot appeals both to my inner child and my inner metaphysics nerd. It has a rare and sublime balance of cosmic Star and Earth energy that is so perfect for healing work and soul alchemy. I give this deck 5 stars out 5 and will literally hop on over to Amazon and do that next.
Check out Cathy McClelland’s art site HERE!

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Wow, that is a gorgeous deck! And what a wonderful reading, too. Hope you have many beautiful experiences together 😀
Totally enabled!!! I fell in love with the Majors via you, and now the entire deck. Can’t wait to hold it in my hands, thanks for sharing xo
How nice to hear your voice! It is so soft and kind.
I recently received my copy of this same deck and am also singing its praises to everyone. It is sure to become a treasure for all who own it and a classic in the Tarot world.
This is the most beautiful and resonating deck I have ever seen.
I must get it!
Gorgeous. I can feel it’s power! ♡♡♡
Love, Light and Blessings!