Universal Celtic Tarot Deck Review and Interview

Universal Celtic Tarot Deck Review and Interview

Universal Celtic Tarot Deck Review and Interview

A couple of weeks ago, I reviewed the Mystical Tarot of the Saints with art by Cristina Scagliotti (concept by Psychic Nathe). I am totally in love with this deck and continue to work with it daily. Because I’m so naturally drawn to Cristina Scagliotti’s art, I decided to check out her more well-known deck, the Universal Celtic Tarot (concept by Floreana Nativo). So far, I’m not disappointed!

The Universal Celtic Tarot deck (affiliate link) is produced by Lo Scarabeo. This means that the cards are slightly smaller than in a regular Rider Waite Tarot deck. Many Tarot readers prefer this smaller size as it makes the deck easier to shuffle. The card finish is silky matte (my favourite) and the cards have just enough flex in them to shuffle beautifully, no matter what technique you use. Some may consider the cardstock on the thin side but I don’t.

The world that shines forth in the Universal Celtic Tarot is a world of myths and legends where Mother Nature and her Elementals are very much in focus. This world is inhabited by elves, gods, unicorns and dragons as well as humans. I was very happy to see The Morrighan featured as Arcanum XIII in this deck.

The deck creator has used traditional card titles and suit names which makes this deck easy to work with. However, the imagery does stray quite far from traditional RWS depictions in some instances so may not be ideal for the absolute beginner.

You can view all 78 cards of the Universal Celtic Tarot in the video below.

Video Flip-through to Music

Universal Celtic Tarot Deck Interview

universal celtic tarot deck interview

1. Describe yourself in three words or lessPage of Swords

UCT: Inquisitive, curious

2. How would your best friend describe you in three words or less? Ace of Swords

UCT: Talkative, wise

3. What gift do you bring? 3 of Wands

UCT: A spirit of cooperation that easily reaches and works with your deep mind. This is because of your love for stories and fairytales as well as your imaginative nature.

4. What do you expect in return? Knight of Pentacles

UCT: That you get practical with the guidance I provide and do the work to the point of completion.

5. How can you help me serve? 6 of Wands

UCT: I can strengthen your confidence in reading intuitively. We have fun together and that gives you a more attractive energy for others to be around.

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself? 5 of Wands

UCT: I’ve had to take some flack for featuring the Norse Runes rather than the Ogham in a supposedly Celtic Tarot deck. However, it is a UNIVERSAL Celtic Tarot and set in a different world so I can do whatever the feck I like. This is something you should bear in mind for yourself also. You have every right to deviate from the ‘norm’ and expectations of others. It’s a fact that you’ll be much happier if you stop comparing yourself to others.

Me: Brilliant, thank you so much. I love working with you already!

Check out my other Tarot and Oracle Deck Reviews!


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