8 Things ChristoPaganism Isn’t


“…but with God, all things are possible.”

The main problem with ChristoPaganism is that… there is no problem. Yet people on both sides of the fence shake their heads and call it ‘impossible’ (which actually spells I’m possible). Meanwhile, those of us who are on an alternative Christian/ChristoPagan/ChristoSophianic Path, quite happily leave the philosophical and theological quibbles to those who find amusement in such things.

Unless you share in the experiences of those of us who are on a ChristoPagan Path, you simply won’t get it. And that is fine – We would never seek to convert you… Heck, most of us don’t even care if you ‘get it.’ Yet, for some reason, I feel compelled to do my bit to help people at least understand what ChristoPaganism isn’t, and in this way, hopefully, clear some of the most common and popular myths.

8 Things ChristoPaganism Isn’t

1. It’s not syncretism

Contrary to popular belief, a ChristoPagan will not actively engage in syncretism (construct a new religion via the amalgamation of contradictory beliefs). Being a ChristoPagan is about recognising one’s experience of both God and Goddess and embracing it, much in the same spirit as Hildegard von Bingen. Hildegard never referred to herself as anything other than Christian but clearly had mystical experiences that led her to embrace Nature and the Goddess in a Pagan-esque manner.

2. It’s not a post-truth construct

It’s not because we live in a society where anything goes as long as it feels good that ChristoPaganism is now emerging in the public eye. There have always been Christian mystics who had the same connection with the Goddess and Nature as modern-day ChristoPagans. Theology does matter to us but we would rather keep an open mind and continue to seek answers than buy a one-size fits all patriarchal and hierarchical construct because we see clearly where the dogma of yore has brought us. Those of us who have been on Earth before are grateful for the opportunity to finally be able to explore in peace, without putting our lives at risk.

3. It’s not superstition

ChristoPagans are not ‘lapsed’ Christians with sprinklings of superstition on top. We are not on this Path out of fear (which is what superstition is all about) but out of a deep yearning to go ever deeper down the Path of Love. We see things ‘muggle Christians’ don’t but many of the great saints did (and still do)… and no, that doesn’t make us better (or worse), just different.

4. It’s not a movement that seeks to destroy the church

If anything, it is a movement that seeks to revive her and bring her back to her gnostic, early church roots, before Patriarchy tore the things out of Holy Writ that empowered people in general and women in particular.

5. It’s not something we believe in out of ignorance of history

Many Pagans are understandably upset with ChristoPagans because of the history of prosecution of people with beliefs that were (and still are in some instances) considered heretical by the church. In past lives, many of us who belong to Christ were also killed by the church. We mourn this part of church history and we are here, in part, to make sure it can’t happen again. We are also acutely aware of how the politically driven canonisation of the Bible destroyed vital parts of divine feminine wisdom.

6. It’s not greed

We’re not cherry-picking to get the best of both worlds. Again, we are simply acknowledging the mystical reality we perceive, and it is this that makes it possible for us to honour both Paths.

7. It’s not a religion that seeks to manipulate through magic for selfish gain

Divine magic (no matter what Path you are on) is always about aligning with God’s will and any spells we cast are shaped out of our desire to be vessels for Heaven on Earth.

8. It’s not going away

We were born this way. Some of us have had many incarnations on a Christian Path and now we have returned for a silent revolution, to help the Church once more embrace the Goddess, Nature and the Elementals. We are here on a direct mission from Sophia. Our numbers will keep growing until we reach the tipping point.

Next time, I’ll explore what ChristoPaganism and Jesus Christ mean to me.

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  1. Hildegard von Bingen was one of the saints i studied and admired in my early 20s. I have embraced many religions in this particular lifetime. I was wholly pagan, later to be replaced by wholly pentecostal Christian. A healing crisis brought me back to my Reiki practice and intuitive work. And some twelve step work brought me to the realization that many of my choices were based on fear of punishment. ..trying to live a path that was defined for me. The truth i have discovered is that, like many before me, i have to figure this out for myself.

    All of my musings, meditations and healing work have brought me to the place where i can no longer deny the feminine face of God. Knowledge of Her has healed those places within me that were broken by abuse for virtue of being born female into a world that doesn’t seem to like women. I feel we sisters need our divine Mama to heal.

    I have never heard the term ChristoPagan. It seems appropriate to what I’ve been experiencing in my own search. Thanks for your post, Lisa.


    1. Author

      Thanks for sharing your Journey, Victoria. Yes, we need our Divine Mother, just as much as we need our Father. Lots of Love, Lisa

  2. Although I feel no calling to the ChristoPagan path, I deeply honour those that do. It’s wonderful that you can walk the path that is right for you, rather than feeling you have to twist yourself up to fit someone else’s model. For me, that’s probably one of the most important parts of the pagan side of that equation, along with the divine feminine and honouring this beautiful planet and all its creatures 🙂

    1. Author

      Thanks, Chloe! Hildegard said it best ‘We cannot live in a world that is interpreted for us by others…’ 🙂 Blessed be!

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