Shemhamphorash Tarot Correspondences

Shem HaMephorash Tarot Correspondences

Shemhamphorash Tarot Correspondences

Shem HaMephorash Tarot Correspondences

According to Kabbalistic lore, 72 names of G-d can be derived from verses 119-121 in chapter 14 of the Book of Exodus. These names are known as the Shem HaMephorash. I won’t go into exactly how this is done but you can read about it HERE. By adding the suffixes -el or -iah to these names, 72 angels are created, each displaying a unique facet of God’s power and glory. In today’s post we are looking at the Shem HaMephorash Tarot correspondences.

Each of these 72 angels corresponds with 36 of the Tarot Minor Arcana cards (2-10 in each of the four suits). So there are two angels per Tarot card. Or two angels, each covering five days of the decan (ten days) of the corresponding card.

It didn’t take long for 18th-century occultists to start playing around with these Tarot correspondences. Sadly, few of them seem to agree on how. To date, I have come across four different systems of correspondences since I started looking into this more in-depth. I’m going to share two of them below. For the actual Golden Dawn correspondences which begin with the first decan Leo (did not resonate at all!), I refer you to Tarot Talismans by Sandra Tabatha Cicero and Chic Cicero.

Quinance = 5 days/half a decan

What most of the systems seem to have in common is that they designate each of the 72 angels as the ruler of a quinance (5 days or half a decan). Hence, if we start with the first decan of Aries, it would be ruled by Shem HaMephorash angel no. 1 Vehuaiah (first quinance) and Shem HaMephorash no. 2 Jeliel (second quinance). The ruler of the first quinance is also considered the daytime ruler of that decan and the second angel is the decan ruler at night.

Each of the 72 Shem HaMephorash angels also rules a time of day, during which they can be invoked, even outside their quinance. This starts with Vehuiah ruling between 12 AM – 12.20 AM etc. There are in total nine groups of eight angels each. Each group of eight angels belongs to one choir of angels, as listed below.

The Aces have no correspondence among the Shem angels but have the following Archangelic correspondences:

  • Wands – Michael, guardian of the Element of Fire, ruler of the Sun
  • Cups – Gabriel, guardian of the Element of Water, ruler of the Moon
  • Swords – Raphael, guardian of the Element of Air, ruler of Mercury
  • Pentacles – Uriel, guardian of the Element of Earth, ruler of Uranus

You can find a handy list of short descriptions for each of the Shem HaMephorash angels HERE.

The image you see above is from an angel oracle deck and book set which has sadly been split up. The book is lost and there is no box. I have had the cards for about ten years but cannot remember what the set is called for the life of me, so if anybody can help with this, I’d really appreciate it!

ETA Nov 2020: This is the Guardian Angel Oracle by Hinkler Press and it has been previously published under the name ‘Guided by the Angels Oracle’

Rosicrucian System of Shem HaMephorash Angel and Tarot Correspondences

Source Societas Rosicruciana

This is the most commonly used system, according to Christine Payne-Towler, and originates with the Christian Kabbalist Agrippa.


1. Vehuaiah – First quinance, first decan Aries – 2 of Wands – Time of day: 12-12.20 AM
2. Jeliel – Second quinance, first decan Aries – 2 of Wands – Time of day: 12.20 – 12.40 AM
3. Sitael – First quinance, second decan Aries – 3 of Wands – Time of day: 12.40 – 1 AM
4. Elemiah – Second quinance, second decan Aries – 3 of Wands – Time of day: 1 – 1.20 AM
5. Mahasiah – First quinance, third decan Aries – 4 of Wands – Time of day: 1.20 – 1.40 AM
6. Lelahel – Second quinance, third decan Aries – 4 of Wands – Time of day: 1.40 – 2 AM
7. Achaiah – First quinance, first decan Taurus – 5 of Pentacles – Time of day: 2 – 2.20 AM
8. Cahetel – Second quinance, first decan Taurus – 5 of Pentacles – Time of day: 2.20 – 2.40 AM


9. Haziel – First quinance, second decan Taurus – 6 of Pentacles – Time of day: 2.40 – 3 AM
10. Aladiah – Second quinance, second decan Taurus – 6 of Pentacles – Time of day: 3 – 3.20 AM
11. Lauviah – First quinance, third decan Taurus – 7 of Pentacles – Time of day: 3.20 – 3.40 AM
12. Hahaiah – Second quinance, third decan Taurus – 7 of Pentacles – Time of day: 3.40 – 4 AM
13. Iezalel – First quinance, first decan Gemini – 8 of Swords – Time of day: 4 – 4.20 AM
14. Mebahel – Second quinance, first decan Gemini – 8 of Swords – Time of day: 4.20 – 4.40 AM
15. Hariel – First quinance, second decan Gemini – 9 of Swords – Time of day: 4.40 – 5 AM
16. Hekamiah – Second quinance, second decan Gemini – 9 of Swords – Time of day: 5 – 5.20 AM


17. Lauviah – First quinance, third decan Gemini – 10 of Swords – Time of day: 5.20 – 5.40 AM
18. Caliel – Second quinance, third decan Gemini – 10 of Swords – Time of day: 5.40 – 6 AM
19. Leuviah – First quinance, first decan Cancer – 2 of Cups – Time of day: 6 – 6.20 AM
20. Pahaliah – Second quinance, first decan Cancer – 2 of Cups – Time of day: 6.20 – 6.40 AM
21. Nelkhael – First quinance, second decan Cancer – 3 of Cups – Time of day: 6.40 – 7 AM
22. Yeiayel -Second quinance, second decan Cancer – 3 of Cups – Time of day: 7 – 7.20 AM
23. Melahel – First quinance, third decan Cancer – 4 of Cups – Time of day: 7.20 – 7.40 AM
24. Haheuiah – Second quinance, third decan Cancer – 4 of Cups – Time of day: 7.40 – 8 AM


25. Nithaiah – First quinance, first decan Leo – 5 of Wands – Time of day: 8 – 8.20 AM
26. Haaiah – Second quinance, first decan Leo – 5 of Wands – Time of day: 8.20 – 8.40 AM
27. Yerathel -First quinance, second decan Leo – 6 of Wands – Time of day: 8.40 – 9 AM
28. Seheiah – Second quinance, second decan Leo – 6 of Wands – Time of day: 9 – 9.20 AM
29. Reiyel – First quinance, third decan Leo – 7 of Wands – Time of day: 9.20 – 9.40 AM
30. Omael – Second quinance, third decan Leo – 7 of Wands – Time of day: 9.40 – 10 AM
31. Lecabel – First quinance, first decan Virgo – 8 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10 – 10.20 AM
32. Vasariah – Second quinance, first decan Virgo – 8 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10.20 – 10.40 AM


33. Yehuviah – First quinance, second decan Virgo – 9 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10.40 – 11 AM
34. Lehahiah -Second quinance, second decan Virgo – 9 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11 – 11.20 AM
35. Chevakiah – First quinance, third decan Virgo – 10 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11.20 – 11.40 AM
36. Menadel – Second quinance, third decan Virgo – 10 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11.40 AM – 12 PM
37. Aniel – First quinance, first decan Libra – 2 of Swords – Time of day: 12 – 12.20 PM
38. Haamiah – Second quinance, first decan Libra – 2 of Swords – Time of day: 12.20 – 12.40 PM
39. Rehael – First quinance, second decan Libra – 3 of Swords – Time of day: 12.40 – 1 PM
40. Yeiazel – Second quinance, second decan Libra – 3 of Swords – Time of day: 1 – 1.20 PM


41. Hahahel – First quinance, third decan Libra – 4 of Swords – Time of day: 1.20 – 1.40 PM
42. Mikael – Second quinance, third decan Libra – 4 of Swords – Time of day: 1.40 – 2 PM
43. Veuliah – First quinance, first decan Scorpio – 5 of Cups – Time of day: 2 – 2.20 PM
44. Yelahiah – Second quinance, first decan Scorpio – 5 of Cups – Time of day: 2.20 – 2.40 PM
45. Sehaliah – First quinance, second decan Scorpio – 6 of Cups – Time of day: 2.40 – 3 PM
46. Ariel – Second quinance, second decan Scorpio – 6 of Cups – Time of day: 3 – 3.20 PM
47. Asaliah – First quinance, third decan Scorpio – 7 of Cups – Time of day: 3.20 – 3.40 PM
48. Mihael – Second quinance, third decan Scorpio – 7 of Cups – Time of day: 3.40 – 4 PM


49. Vehuel – First quinance, first decan Sagittarius – 8 of Wands – Time of day: 4 – 4.20 PM
50. Daniel – Second quinance, first decan Sagittarius – 8 of Wands – Time of day: 4.20 – 4.40 PM
51. Hahasiah – First quinance, second decan Sagittarius – 9 of Wands – Time of day: 4.40 – 5 PM
52. Imamiah – Second quinance, second decan Sagittarius – 9 of Wands – Time of day: 5 – 5.20 PM
52. Nanael – First quinance, third decan Sagittarius – 10 of Wands – Time of day: 5.20 – 5.40 PM
54. Nithael – Second quinance, third decan Sagittarius – 10 of Wands – Time of day: 5.40 – 6 PM
55. Mebahiah – First quinance, first decan Capricorn – 2 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6 – 6.20 PM
56. Poyel – Second quinance, first decan Capricorn – 2 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6.20 – 6.40 PM


57. Nemamiah – First quinance, second decan Capricorn – 3 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6.40 – 7 PM
58. Yeialel – Second quinance, second decan Capricorn – 3 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7 – 7.20 PM
59. Harahel – First quinance, third decan Capricorn – 4 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7.20 – 7.40 PM
60. Mitzrael – Second quinance, third decan Capricorn – 4 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7.40 – 8 PM
61. Umabel – First quinance, first decan Aquarius – 5 of Swords – Time of day: 8 – 8.20 PM
62. Iahhel – Second quinance, first decan Aquarius – 5 of Swords – Time of day: 8.20 – 8.40 PM
63. Anauel – First quinance, second decan Aquarius – 6 of Swords – Time of day: 8.40 – 9 PM
64. Mehiel – Second quinance, second decan Aquarius – 6 of Swords – Time of day: 9 – 9.20 PM


65. Damabiah – First quinance, third decan Aquarius – 7 of Swords – Time of day: 9.20 – 9.40 PM
66. Manakel – Second quinance, third decan Aquarius – 7 of Swords – Time of day: 9.40 – 10 PM
67. Eyael– First quinance, first decan Pisces – 8 of Cups – Time of day: 10 – 10.20 PM
68. Habuhiah – Second quinance, first decan Pisces – 8 of Cups – Time of day: 10.20 – 10.40 PM
69. Rochel – First quinance, second decan Pisces – 9 of Cups – Time of day: 10.40 – 11 PM
70. Jabamiah – Second quinance, second decan Pisces – 9 of Cups – Time of day: 11 – 11.20 PM
71. Haiaiel – First quinance, third decan Pisces – 10 of Cups – Time of day: 11.20 – 11.40 PM
72. Mumiah – Second quinance, third decan Pisces – 10 of Cups – Time of day: 11.40 PM – 12 AM

Lemegeton System of Shem HaMephorash Angels and Tarot Correspondences

Source Aaron Leitch

This Shem HaMephorash system originates with the Lesser Key of Solomon, according to Christine Payne-Towler.


1. Vehuaiah – First quinance, first decan Aries – 2 of Wands – Time of day: 12-12.20 AM
2. Jeliel – Second quinance, first decan Aries – 2 of Wands – Time of day: 12.20 – 12.40 AM
3. Sitael – First quinance, second decan Aries – 3 of Wands – Time of day: 12.40 – 1 AM
4. Elemiah – Second quinance, second decan Aries – 3 of Wands – Time of day: 1 – 1.20 AM
5. Mahasiah – First quinance, third decan Aries – 4 of Wands – Time of day: 1.20 – 1.40 AM
6. Lelahel – Second quinance, third decan Aries – 4 of Wands – Time of day: 1.40 – 2 AM
7. Achaiah – First quinance, first decan Leo – 5 of Wands – Time of day: 2 – 2.20 AM
8. Cahetel – Second quinance, first decan Leo – 5 of Wands – Time of day: 2.20 – 2.40 AM


9. Aziel – First quinance, second decan Leo – 6 of Wands – Time of day: 2.40 – 3 AM
10. Aladiah – Second quinance, second decan Leo – 6 of Wands – Time of day: 3 – 3.20 AM
11. Lauviah – First quinance, third decan Leo – 7 of Wands – Time of day: 3.20 – 3.40 AM
12. Hahaiah – Second quinance, third decan Leo – 7 of Wands – Time of day: 3.40 – 4 AM
13. Iezalel – First quinance, first decan Sagittarius – 8 of Wands  – Time of day: 4 – 4.20 AM
14. Mebahel – Second quinance, first decan Sagittarius – 8 of Wands – Time of day: 4.20 – 4.40 AM
15. Hariel – First quinance, second decan Sagittarius – 9 of Wands – Time of day: 4.40 – 5 AM
16. Hakamiah – Second quinance, second decan Sagittarius – 9 of Wands – Time of day: 5 – 5.20 AM


17. Lauviah – First quinance, third decan Sagittarius – 10 of Wands – Time of day: 5.20 – 5.40 AM
18. Caliel – Second quinance, third decan Sagittarius – 10 of Wands – Time of day: 5.40 – 6 AM
19. Leuviah – First quinance, first decan Cancer – 2 of Cups – Time of day: 6 – 6.20 AM
20. Pahaliah – Second quinance, first decan Cancer – 2 of Cups – Time of day: 6.20 – 6.40 AM
21. Nelebael – First quinance, second decan Cancer – 3 of Cups – Time of day: 6.40 – 7 AM
22. Ieiael -Second quinance, second decan Cancer – 3 of Cups – Time of day: 7 – 7.20 AM
23. Melahel – First quinance, third decan Cancer – 4 of Cups – Time of day: 7.20 – 7.40 AM
24. Hahuiah – Second quinance, third decan Cancer – 4 of Cups – Time of day: 7.40 – 8 AM


25. Nithaiah – First quinance, first decan Scorpio – 5 of Cups – Time of day: 8 – 8.20 AM
26. Haaiah – Second quinance, first decan Scorpio – 5 of Cups – Time of day: 8.20 – 8.40 AM
27. Jerathel -First quinance, second decan Scorpio – 6 of Cups – Time of day: 8.40 – 9 AM
28. Seeiah – Second quinance, second decan Scorpio – 6 of Cups – Time of day: 9 – 9.20 AM
29. Reiiel – First quinance, third decan Scorpio – 7 of Cups – Time of day: 9.20 – 9.40 AM
30. Ornael – Second quinance, third decan Scorpio – 7 of Cups – Time of day: 9.40 – 10 AM
31. Lecabel – First quinance, first decan Pisces – 8 of Cups – Time of day: 10 – 10.20 AM
32. Vasariah – Second quinance, first decan Pisces – 8 of Cups – Time of day: 10.20 – 10.40 AM


33. Iehuiah – First quinance, second decan Pisces – 9 of Cups – Time of day: 10.40 – 11 AM
34. Lehahiah -Second quinance, second decan Pisces – 9 of Cups – Time of day: 11 – 11.20 AM
35. Chevakiah – First quinance, third decan Pisces – 10 of Cups – Time of day: 11.20 – 11.40 AM
36. Menadel – Second quinance, third decan Pisces – 10 of Cups – Time of day: 11.40 AM – 12 PM
37. Aniel – First quinance, first decan Libra – 2 of Swords – Time of day: 12 – 12.20 PM
38. Haamiah – Second quinance, first decan Libra – 2 of Swords – Time of day: 12.20 – 12.40 PM
39. Rehael – First quinance, second decan Libra – 3 of Swords – Time of day: 12.40 – 1 PM
40. Ieiazel – Second quinance, second decan Libra – 3 of Swords – Time of day: 1 – 1.20 PM


41. Hahahel – First quinance, third decan Libra – 4 of Swords – Time of day: 1.20 – 1.40 PM
42. Mikael – Second quinance, third decan Libra – 4 of Swords – Time of day: 1.40 – 2 PM
43. Veuahiah – First quinance, first decan Aquarius – 5 of Swords – Time of day: 2 – 2.20 PM
44. Ielahiah – Second quinance, first decan Aquarius – 5 of Swords – Time of day: 2.20 – 2.40 PM
45. Sealiah – First quinance, second decan Aquarius – 6 of Swords – Time of day: 2.40 – 3 PM
46. Ariel – Second quinance, second decan Aquarius – 6 of Swords – Time of day: 3 – 3.20 PM
47. Asaliah – First quinance, third decan Aquarius – 7 of Swords – Time of day: 3.20 – 3.40 PM
48. Michael – Second quinance, third decan Aquarius – 7 of Swords – Time of day: 3.40 – 4 PM


49. Vehuel – First quinance, first decan Gemini – 8 of Swords – Time of day: 4 – 4.20 PM
50. Daniel – Second quinance, first decan Gemini – 8 of Swords – Time of day: 4.20 – 4.40 PM
51. Hahasiah – First quinance, second decan Gemini – 9 of Swords – Time of day: 4.40 – 5 PM
52. Imamiah – Second quinance, second decan Gemini – 9 of Swords – Time of day: 5 – 5.20 PM
52. Nanael – First quinance, third decan Gemini – 10 of Swords – Time of day: 5.20 – 5.40 PM
54. Nithael – Second quinance, third decan Gemini – 10 of Swords – Time of day: 5.40 – 6 PM
55. Mebahiah – First quinance, first decan Capricorn – 2 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6 – 6.20 PM
56. Poiel – Second quinance, first decan Capricorn – 2 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6.20 – 6.40 PM


57. Nemmamiah – First quinance, second decan Capricorn – 3 of Pentacles – Time of day: 6.40 – 7 PM
58. Ieialel – Second quinance, second decan Capricorn – 3 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7 – 7.20 PM
59. Harahel – First quinance, third decan Capricorn – 4 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7.20 – 7.40 PM
60. Mizrael – Second quinance, third decan Capricorn – 4 of Pentacles – Time of day: 7.40 – 8 PM
61. Umabel – First quinance, first decan Taurus – 5 of Pentacles – Time of day: 8 – 8.20 PM
62. Iah-hel – Second quinance, first decan Taurus – 5 of Pentacles – Time of day: 8.20 – 8.40 PM
63. Anianuel – First quinance, second decan Taurus – 6 of Pentacles – Time of day: 8.40 – 9 PM
64. Mehiel – Second quinance, second decan Taurus – 6 of Pentacles – Time of day: 9 – 9.20 PM


65. Damabiah – First quinance, third decan Taurus – 7 of Pentacles – Time of day: 9.20 – 9.40 PM
66. Manakel – Second quinance, third decan Taurus – 7 of Pentacles – Time of day: 9.40 – 10 PM
67. Itaiel – First quinance, first decan Virgo – 8 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10 – 10.20 PM
68. Chabuiah – Second quinance, first decan Virgo – 8 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10.20 – 10.40 PM
69. Rochel – First quinance, second decan Virgo – 8 of Pentacles – Time of day: 10.40 – 11 PM
70. Iabamiah – Second quinance, second decan Virgo – 9 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11 – 11.20 PM
71. Haiel – First quinance, third decan Virgo – 10 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11.20 – 11.40 PM
72. Mumiah – Second quinance, third decan Virgo – 10 of Pentacles – Time of day: 11.40 PM – 12 AM

If you want to learn more about how to work with the Hebrew letters of the 72 Angels of the Name, I recommend The 72 Sigils of Power: Magic, Insight, Wisdom and Change by Zanna Blaise.


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