Reading The Map of Heaven by Dr Eben Alexander, I realise how important it is for us all to share our stories of divine connection and consciousness, so that is what I am doing here today. I do not believe I am extraordinary for having had this type of experience – I believe most of us have at least one big wake-up call from Spirit during our lifetime… It is just that we do not speak of it… and then we forget. That is why I decided to share about my own OBE (out-of-body experience) in today’s post.
Neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander was a sceptic of anything that didn’t fall within the paradigm of science until a near-death experience during a bacterial meningitis-induced coma. During this coma, he experienced many of the realms on the other side of the veil and life finally began to make sense to him.
Can you imagine how human evolution would speed up if we all began to re-member who we are and what life is all about? There is a golden thread of consciousness between your mind and your soul. This is the consciousness that is not dependent on the brain to function as Dr Alexander found out. And at around age five-six I found this out for myself.
A Sensitive Child
I was a sensitive child, prone to daydreaming and often preferring the company of books to playing with my friends. The games other children played often seemed crude, alien and cruel to me. I remember one occasion when I ran as fast as I could from the playground to distance myself from the pain and cruelty. I was shaken to the core with grief at the suffering of an innocent creature and the cruelty of the other children as they were laughing while tormenting a beautiful green grasshopper, pouring sand over it and running it over with a bike for sport.
Nighttime was difficult for me. At dusk, a sense of dread would come over me. Lying in bed, I often saw spirit faces (what some would refer to as demons) hovering over me. They fed on fear while my physical body was paralysed in that state between waking and sleeping, no doubt. Being constricted by the physical body was difficult for me as a young child and I would often leave and move about outside my body but stick around the earth plane. I still remember having a bird’s eye view of things in the flat where we used to live. Very few nights were without nightmares and I also suffered from bouts of sleep paralysis.
My mother left with my younger sister when I was three and my father struggled with coping on his own. He suffered from impulse control issues and would at times fly into a blind rage that sometimes lead to physical abuse.
A couple of years after mum left, I had a memorable OBE. It probably saved my life. But it also gave me an unshakeable faith in a meaningful design of creation and in the angels. I was lying in bed and once again the dreaded sleep paralysis set in but this time it was different – there were no demons. Instead, an invisible ‘hand’ gently lifted me out of my body and up into the Heart of Creation.
There was nothing but pure bliss and love surrounding me. I saw colours and geometric patterns not seen on earth and there were heavenly choirs singing. It’s hard to say how long this experience lasted in earth terms but I do know that I visited a limitless realm where time felt insignificant. I fell asleep peacefully that night, upon being returned to my body.
The experience remained vivid in my mind for many years and although the memory has faded now, I instantly recognise the experience in stories other people share about NDEs and OBEs. There was a reason for this happening. This experience alone was enough for me to hang in there through battling bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It was the start of my spiritual healing journey.
Comments 8
Thanks for sharing this Lisa, it’s beautiful!
I also have a Pisces moon so I can very well relate.
Thanks Eva, glad you enjoyed reading this 🙂 xx
Wauw, I don’t know what to say about the article except I could relate to it. I still remember having nightmares as a small child, 3-4 years old, and being unable to move and I was always flying away from devil/danger. A sleep paralysis does still happen to me occasionally but with audio experience too. I can’t explain it, I thought it is related to my anxiety/depression/stress. There was other experience I had while listening to your angelic video meditation which I finish in tears and with feeling of humbleness. Also very deep experience, I wanted to go back to that state and experience my understanding how small I am in this Universe and still feel humbled. Peaceful. Hm, and guess what, I am Pisces too in my sun zodiac :). Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much for sharing, Mira. I’m pleased you were so deeply touched by the meditation experience. Pisces is the most psychically sensitive sign in the Zodiac. Unless we make sure we stay grounded, we can indeed be more prone to anxiety (sometimes picking up on it from an outside source but believing it is our own), as well as addicitive behaviour in order to numb ourselves. The best way forward is to surrender to life of spiritual service, using our psychic gifts for the Light. Blessings, Lisa
We both share a Pisces moon so I’m always interested in reading about your life perspective. I too suffered from sleep paralysis as a child and know about the demons that appear. My first episode was at the age of 7. I also witnessed a very angry neighborhood girl gather a group of friends I was playing with to have us all watch her stone a pigeon much like your peers who hurt the grasshopper. I should have stopped her but frankly her behavior shocked me into silence. I don’t look back on my childhood with a sense of romanticism or a longing to return to it. My parents were very critical of my sensitive nature rather than supportive of it and wanted me to change my personality type completely. I have a little boy who has Pisces rising and he’s already showing signs of being empathic. My husband and I celebrate these qualities in his personality rather than try to control them as my parents did. I haven’t had an out of body experience yet but never say never! 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Megan – it’s interesting to hear about similarities with fellow Moon sign people. Sensitivity is definitely high on the list. Glad to hear you both honour these traits in your son. Blessed be!
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