taurus full moon

2024 Taurus Full Moon Tarot Spread

taurus full moon

The Magical Taurus Full Moon

As far as Full Moons go, the Taurus Full Moon is perhaps the most auspicious for physical manifestation. That said, it also depends on which House it lands in. For instance, if the Taurus Full Moon lands in the 12th House in your natal chart, spiritual illumination is more likely than a raise or closing on a house.

Jump to the Full Moon in Taurus Tarot Spread

Go to the Full Moon Money Miracle Pick-a-Pile Tarot Readings

The 2024 Full Moon in Taurus on 15 November promises to be a powerful celestial event, with the potential for significant transformation and unexpected changes. Taurus, a Fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus, represents stability, material comfort, and sensual pleasures. When the Moon is in Taurus, it amplifies these qualities, encouraging us to ground ourselves, appreciate the physical world, and find security in our surroundings. However, this particular Full Moon is anything but ordinary, as it forms a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of revolution and sudden shifts.

Uranus, known as the “Great Awakener,” brings an element of unpredictability and excitement to this lunation. Its conjunction with the Moon in Taurus creates a fascinating juxtaposition between the desire for stability (Taurus) and the urge for radical change (Uranus). This cosmic configuration may lead to sudden revelations, breakthroughs in stuck situations, or unexpected growth opportunities. The energy of this Full Moon could shake up our routines, challenge our comfort zones, and inspire us to embrace new perspectives on material security and personal values. It’s a time when we might experience sudden insights about our relationship with money, possessions, or self-worth, potentially leading to innovative solutions or unconventional approaches to long-standing issues.

The Beaver Moon

The November Full Moon is also known as the Beaver Moon. Historically, the Beaver Moon got its name for two main reasons:

  1. As winter approaches, beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having prepared their food stores for the colder months ahead 
  2. This period also coincides with the traditional time for trapping beavers for their thick pelts, which were highly valued during the fur trade 

The Beaver Moon serves as a reminder of the transition into winter and the preparations that both wildlife and humans undertake to brace for the cold ahead.

Super Full Moon

In 2024, the November Full Moon will also be a Super Full Moon, adding an extra layer of significance to this celestial event:

  1. Increased visibility: As a Super Full Moon, it will appear larger and brighter than usual in the night sky. This is because the Moon will be at its closest approach to Earth (perigee) during its full phase.
  2. Stronger gravitational effects: The closer proximity of the Moon to Earth during a supermoon can lead to higher-than-usual tides. This might be particularly noticeable in coastal areas.
  3. Astrological significance: In astrological terms, the amplified energy of a Super Full Moon is believed to intensify the characteristics associated with the sign it’s in (Taurus in this case) and potentially heighten emotional responses.

This super full moon is a powerful time to start preparing for 2025.

Taurus Energy Tarot Cards

One of the most auspicious Tarot cards you could hope to get for manifesting is the Moon in Taurus 6 of Disks/Pentacles. In the Thoth Tarot, we see that all the other Planets are lining up to help as well…

6 of Disks Thoth Tarot Moon in Taurus

As you can see the title Crowley chose for this card is ‘Success’ – What’s not to love about that!?

In the Major Arcana, the card representing Taurus in the Golden Dawn system of correspondences is The Hierophant. The ruling planet, Venus, is symbolised by The Empress.

The Empress and The Hierophant Tarot

There is disagreement about which of the Tarot court cards carries the Taurus energy but for me, it is the Knight of Pentacles who feels most like fixed Earth, even though the RWS King of Pentacles has the symbols of Taurus decorating his throne… As for Court Card correspondences I’m more aligned with the Thoth system and the information Liz Hazel provides in her book The Tarot Decoded.

Knight and King of Pentacles Tarot Taurus Full Moon

2024 Taurus Full Moon Tarot Spread

taurus full moon tarot spread 2024
  1. Foundation: What have I built since the last New Moon in Taurus?
    This card represents the stable ground you’ve created, reflecting Taurus’s earth energy and the Full Moon’s culmination of efforts.
  2. Current Energy: How am I embodying the qualities of Taurus now?
    This card shows your present relationship with Taurean themes like material security, personal values, and sensual pleasures.
  3. Uranian Influence: What unexpected change or innovation is entering my life?
    This card reveals the disruptive or revolutionary energy that Uranus brings to this Full Moon, potentially shaking up your comfort zone.
  4. Resource to Gather: What do I need to collect or preserve for the coming season?
    Drawing on the Beaver Moon symbolism, this card suggests resources (material, emotional, or spiritual) to gather for future support.
  5. Release: What am I ready to let go of to manifest my desires?
    This card indicates what no longer serves your highest good and should be released under the Full Moon’s illumination.
  6. Manifestation Action: What concrete step will bring my desires into reality?
    This final card provides guidance on a tangible action to take, aligning with Taurus’s practical nature and the Full Moon’s manifestation potential.

To use this spread:

  1. Find a quiet space during the Full Moon in Taurus.
  2. Ground yourself and connect with the earthy Taurus energy.
  3. Shuffle your deck while focusing on your manifestation goals.
  4. Draw six cards and place them in the order described above.
  5. Interpret each card in relation to its position and the overall Taurus Full Moon theme.
  6. Use the insights gained to craft a manifestation plan that balances stability with transformation.

Remember, this Full Moon’s conjunction with Uranus may bring unexpected revelations or opportunities. Stay open to sudden insights that could reshape your manifestation journey

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