7 holistic creativity boosters

7 Holistic Creativity Boosters

holistic creativity boosters

It’s Wellness Wednesday today on the Angelorum blog and we are kicking this new series off with some holistic creativity boosters.

Very few topics are as related to wellness and a sense of well-being as creativity. When you are in a state of creative flow, you automatically feel fantastic because the life force energy is flowing freely through you… So today we are going to look at ways of facilitating more creative yumminess in our lives.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
~ Martha Graham

Creativity Creates a Sense of Meaning

Being creative makes life meaningful. You and I are not here to be consumers and couch potatoes. Life is about exploring our talents and using them for the highest good of all.

It is easy to get blocked and stuck if we strive for perfection in our creative endeavours. We need to return to the mindset of the young child who does not worry about the outcome but who is being creative for the sheer joy of being in the creative flow. The more we do this, the more we open up to inspiration to flow and the more inspiration flows, the happier we become.

And the more courage you have to make mistakes along the way, the greater the chance that you will bring something entirely new and absolutely brilliant to the world. On your deathbed, it is not the mistakes you will regret… Regrets come from an unexplored potential. So be fearless!

7 Holistic Creativity Boosters

Flower Essences 

* Iris Flower Essence – helps you feel more inspired and stop procrastinating.

* Creative Essence (Bush Flower Essences) – combines the power of Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Red Grevillea, Tall Mulla Mulla, and Turkey Bush to remove blocks to creativity and self-expression so that you can express yourself freely and clearly in speaking and singing.

Yoga Flow for Creativity

Herbal Remedy

* Brahmi (bacopa monniera) – An Ayurvedic remedy that relaxes you while sharpening your mind (which is essentially what nicotine does). Some people use it to treat Alzheimer’s. Ideal for writer’s block!

Essential Oils

  • Rosemary – boosts memory function and has an energising effect. (Do not use if you suffer from epilepsy)
  • Lime essential oil – stimulates and boosts happiness levels.
  • Cardamom – boosts creativity and enhances libido. Great for being romantically creative, in other words. When was the last time you surprised your lover?


  • Sodalite – can help you overcome writer’s block
  • Garnet – helps you act on your inspiration instead of just dreaming…
  • Amber – boosts both confidence and creativity

“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
~ Sylvia Plath


“Sit as little as possible; give no credence to any thought that was not born outdoors while one moved about freely—in which the muscles are not celebrating a feast, too.” ~ Nietzsche

We all know that a walk in fresh air clears the cobwebs off the mind. Try to get outdoors if at all possible. Nature has the ability to inspire even those who are immobilised for any reason.


“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
Maya Angelou

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