The Sweet Perfume Tarot Spread

the sweet perfume sign from the virgin mary

Miracles happen. Yes, it’s still the month of love and miracles are happening right now… One happened only last Friday, not long after I had posted the week ahead forecast, for which I was guided to use the Mother Mary Oracle, which promises to be a deck of ‘Protection Miracles & Grace of the Holy Mother.’ I’m not a sceptic but I wasn’t expecting a miracle after doing the reading. However, I did feel full of love for Mary and ready to open up to the divine feminine when my husband and I went for our usual lunchtime run on Friday, 17th of February, 2017. 

What happened about a third into the run defies all logic. We were running through freshly fertilised fields and nothing was in bloom… There weren’t even any buds in sight, yet my husband and I both picked up on the most delicate floral fragrance which though instantly recognisable as ‘flowers,’ neither of us could pinpoint. It was divine and lingered for about a third of a mile.

This isn’t my first time smelling heaven. It’s happened before. Out of the blue, a sweet fragrance will fill the room and I just know that angels are near. Though this time it happened outdoors and I just knew it was Mary, Queen of Angels, pouring her blessings on the world. The world needs it so very desperately now. The birthing pains are tremendous. The old, patriarchal paradigm is dying and angry white men are rising up to try to prevent what cannot be stopped.

Mary’s message is clear, ‘Just as my sweet perfume can cover the stench of manure in the fields, so divine love will overcome human hatred. I never left but you were blind by your hunger for power. Soon the world will be able to see me and then they will see my Son as he is.’

Prayer to Mother Mary

As I was lying in bed yesterday morning, the following prayer formed in my heart:

Blessed Mother, open the eyes of our hearts, so that we may take in what is happening in the world through your immaculate lens of love. Place a fragrant rose deep within our souls and touch our minds, lips, eyes, hands and feet with it, so that all our thoughts, words and actions align us with your magnificent grace. Make our presence sweet and fragrant like yours, so that we do not hesitate for a moment to open our hearts and arms to those in need. Amen and so mote it be!

I was also guided to create a Tarot spread for this prayer. You may wish to say the prayer before you lay the cards out.

The Sweet Perfume Tarot Spread

the sweet perfume tarot spread
  1. Which part of me has been hijacked by a need to feel powerful that I can now surrender into your gentle hands, Blessed Mother?
  2. How is the sweet fragrance of your unconditional love blessing me now?
  3. Which area of my life is in most need of being illuminated by your love or by a miracle?
  4. Where can I best serve God? What would you have me do?
  5. What challenge lies ahead on this path of divine service?

Sweet Perfume Tarot Spread Sample Reading with the Frideborg Tarot

the sweet perfume tarot spread sample reading with the frideborg tarot
  1. Surrender this: 8 of Cups. You think that you have to climb a ladder every time you leave something old behind as if your progress could be measured by the world’s standards of success. You have an agenda. So you feel disheartened at times because you feel you are failing at a game you were never meant to play. Surrender this need completely. Then you will be able to look back at all the things, situations and relationships you have left behind without regret or a feeling that you should somehow have ‘done better.’
  2. How I am blessed: Knight of Cups. Creativity. Your senses are coming alive. You are becoming ever more sensitive to heavenly inspiration and better and better able to express it in a way that the world can enjoy.
  3. Area of life that needs to be illuminated: The Hanged Man. The depths of your soul. I can help you escape the darkness of your self-judgement and despair. What my Son did is enough. Don’t try to spend your whole life trying to prove that you are worthy. You are infinitely worthy of the divine sacrifice and yet it is a deep mystery. I will illuminate this mystery so that you can see it with the eyes of your heart because you will never fully comprehend it with your mind. Let your heart be light now, my child… and turn that frown upside down!
  4. What you would have me do: King of Pentacles. Use the practical skills and resources you have for the highest good. Be the good steward who only has one agenda… To establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, not by force or power but by unconditional love. Love the little ones as my Son did.
  5. The challenge that lies: 10 of Wands. I cannot protect you against all the stresses and violence of this world. The pressure will keep building until a new creation has been born. But you must not forget to ask me for help. I can carry the part of the burden that is the sorrow of Light lost because of human greed and violence. The joy of your soul can never be destroyed if you trust me to replenish you every time you struggle.

Love and Blessings,

Lisa Frideborg

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