2018 Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron Rx with Tarot spread

Full Moon in Aries with a Wounded Healer Tarot Spread

2018 Full Moon in Aries

I blogged about the Full Moon in Aries last year and though the Tarot spread I created then can still be used for this year’s lunation, I wanted something a bit special to help us focus on the Moon conjunct Chiron Rx aspect. I’m not going to pretend this isn’t of extra special interest to me, because this aspect conjuncts my own Natal Chiron. You can find a more general all-purpose Aries Full Moon Tarot Spread HERE.

Chiron, of course, is the ‘Wounded Healer.’ This asteroid/comet addresses what we are able to help others with but cannot for the life of us seem to heal in ourselves. When Chiron is in Aries, it deals with deep wounds to the sense of self, making us doubt that we even have a right to exist but we are excellent at validating others.

The T-square with Saturn, Sun/Mercury in Libra and Moon/Chiron in Aries demands that we take our inner work seriously and strive for a breakthrough. There is also a mystic rectangle happening during this year’s Full Moon in Aries, so I’m basing my Tarot spread on this aspect. You can learn about all the different aspects happening in this transformative celestial event in Gregory Scott’s video.

Since I have been struggling with my Chiron return for a while already, I was curious to see if the Tarot could offer some relief and insights during this lunar phase. The Moon illuminates what lies within the shadows of the psyche and nothing is more deeply buried than the wounds of Chiron…

The Wounded Healer Full Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

The Wounded Healer Full Moon in Aries Tarot Spread

1-2. How I can shine more brightly in the world
3-4. The nature of the Chiron wound and how it has held me back
5. What self-destructive impulse I must fight now
6. What strength I can carry forward
7-8. How to better share myself with others and feel like I belong
9-10. Transformation + ultimate break-through

Full Moon in Aries Sample Reading with the Hanson Roberts Tarot

Wounded Healer Full Moon in Taurus Sample Reading Hanson Roberts

1-2. How I can shine more brightly in the world

Page of Swords + 10 of Swords. This is about the Leo North Node for this lunation, which falls in my third house of communication, so I couldn’t ask for better cards. This is about having the courage to show my vulnerability more openly in the world and not shying away from talking about how horrible things have been in the past. I should wear my battle wounds with pride because I’m still here and still standing. I fell down seven times but I got up eight, as the Japanese proverb goes. I’m not a victim (I’m a survivor) or into ‘woundology’ but I do believe that we need to tell our stories of transformation even IF it means revisiting the pain… and I intend to begin doing just that today.

3-4. The nature of the Chiron wound and how it has held me back

8 of Swords + Knight of Cups. With Natal Chiron in Aries in the 11th House, I felt like I wasn’t taken seriously and as if people would rather that I shut up. It held me back communication-wise and made it difficult to focus on long-term project because I felt me effort was wasted. It also made me strive to appear emotionally strong and filled with purpose though I felt like an impostor.

5. What self-destructive impulse I must fight now

6 of Pentacles. To expect an act of charity as a sign that it is OK for me to forge my own path.

6. What strength I can carry forward

5 of Wands. My fighting spirit. I’m feeling my own Black Moon Lilith here. I’m always going to rebel if someone says I’m not good enough… even if that person is me…

7-8. How to better share myself with others and feel like I belong

King and Knight of Pentacles. Be embodied, responsible and fully present. Show up every day and be counted.

9-10. Transformation + ultimate break-through

4 of Cups + 3 of Pentacles. I move away from a sense of apathy that comes from thinking of myself in terms of past feelings of isolation and not being good enough, to becoming a team player who brings out the best in others as well as in myself, as we strive for excellence (not perfection) together.

Full Moon Blessings!

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  1. thanks for the reading of aries and because i was born March 30, 2003.

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