Monday Blessings, soul family! In yesterday’s card of the day post, we had the ambitious 3 of Pentacles and today we have another card from the same suit. Today it is the Page of Pentacles that greets us with a message that we do well to learn from everyone and everything today. This is a wonderfully practical energy to align with during Taurus Season. When we accept things as they are and admit that we may not know all there is to know in any given situation, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities.
The Suit of Pentacles corresponds with Archangel Uriel.
Learn from Everyone and Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset
The Page of Pentacles embodies the spirit of a novice, eager to absorb every lesson life offers. When this card appears as the card of the day, it signals a perfect moment to adopt a beginner’s mindset regardless of our current knowledge or expertise. The Page invites us to see the world as if for the first time, to rediscover our sense of wonder and curiosity.
What the Page of Pentacles Signifies
The Page of Pentacles is often portrayed as a young scholar or apprentice, holding a golden pentacle with awe and intense focus. This card highlights themes of new beginnings, practical planning, and the initial steps towards manifesting tangible achievements. It’s a call to ground your dreams in reality, setting the stage for future growth through diligent learning and application.
Three Ways to Align with the Page of Pentacles Energy Today
- Start a New Educational Endeavor
Dive into a subject you’ve been curious about but never really took the time to explore. Whether it’s starting a new book, enrolling in a course, or simply watching educational videos, approach this learning experience without any preconceived notions. Let this fresh knowledge shape your perspectives in novel ways. - Create a Practical Plan for a Personal Project
Channel the Page of Pentacles by specifically outlining a new personal goal or project. Take practical steps like setting a budget, outlining needed resources, and scheduling time to work on it. Ensure your plan is grounded in realistic expectations and small, manageable milestones to celebrate along the way. - Tend to the Details
Like the Page, who closely examines the pentacle, today might be ideal for paying closer attention to the small details of your daily tasks. Whether it’s re-organising your workspace, meticulously checking your emails or refining a work presentation, focus on the little aspects that contribute to a larger goal.
Relating the Page of Pentacles to My Life Experience
I only skipped school once in primary school. I was seven years old and decided to walk to the library that day rather than attend my classes. It was the 70s so nobody batted an eyelid seeing a 7-year-old kid wandering around on their own. Upon arrival, I settled into the green library sofa and read to my heart’s content. Did I learn more by doing that than going to school? I believe so. It also makes for a nice childhood memory and I don’t have very many of those.
My thirst for learning new things has always been insatiable. I very much identify with this Page. Now in my 50s and with the gift of 20-20 hindsight, I can see clearly that where I went wrong was when I shut down my beginner’s mindset and insisted on all-black-or-white certainty.
Affirmation of the Day
I approach this day with the open heart of a beginner, eager to learn and unafraid to explore new possibilities.
Deck in the video: Thoth Tarot (with a borderectomy by yours truly)
Wishing you a joyful day, filled with magic and laughter!

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Thanks for sharing your childhood story. I can totally see you in the library reading all day.
Can you imagine a child trying to do that now? lol
Even at an old age, we can still be pages.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Tara. No, it simply wouldn’t happen in this day and age. We were lucky in a way, even growing up with the constant threat of ‘Are they gonna’ drop the bomb or not.’