Perthro Rune Tarot Spread

Perthro Rune Tarot Spread

Perthro Rune Tarot Spread

Perthro is the rune of the Seer, Oracle and Mystic. In the Tarot, it corresponds with The High Priestess and The Hanged Man. In general, it asks the Seeker to go within for answers and to not neglect signs and synchronicities all around her. Much that is hidden has yet to be uncovered before the Seeker’s path is clear.

In dealings with others, the Perthro rune could be a sign that they are hiding something from the Seeker. Perthro is a rune of secrets, mystery and prophecy. In a relationship reading, it can show up for two souls that are destined to do the Great Work in unison, together with Gebo, Wunjo and Mannaz.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Perthro:

““Perthro is a source of play and laughter for the great, where warriors sit blithely together in the banqueting hall””

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Perthro HERE.

Perthro Oracle Rune Tarot Spread

Perthro Rune Tarot Spread

1. What you know about your question – If this first card does not resonate at all, it’s a sign to not consult the oracle/your inner wisdom at this time. You could simply be too attached to a specific outcome.
2. What you don’t know  – This is what is currently hidden from view about the situation or person you are asking about
3. What you think you know that you are wrong about or need more info on
4. What sign to pay attention to – This is about a future event, dream or sign that will provide some of the missing pieces of the puzzle
5. How to act on this sign
6. The best possible outcome
7. Final adjustment to make for this outcome to happen (or what needs to change for a different outcome)

Perthro Oracle Rune Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

1. What you know about your question2 of Wands. I’m asking about a person I’m hoping to work with at some stage so this is a green light to keep going with th reading.
2. What you don’t knowPage of Pentacles. Some form of work is already underway, or at the very least, the seed for future work has been planted.
3. What you think you know that you are wrong about10 of Wands. I was wrong to think that the reason for this collaboration not going forward is that the other person is somehow too busy, burdened or not in a good place.
4. What sign to pay attention toKing of Cups. This is almost too straightforward but it seems pretty clear that the other person will reach out when they are good and ready and able to invest in our work with their whole heart.
5. How to act on this signThe Lovers. A clear sign to simply go ahead with the collaboration. The time is right for coming together, for the Highest Good.
6. The best possible outcomePage of Swords. Our ‘child’ – a writing project.
7. Final adjustment to make for this outcome to happen6 of Cups. Stay positively mindful of the deep soul/past life connection which brought us together in the first instance.

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