Sowilo Success Rune Tarot Spread

Sowilo Rune Tarot Spread

sowilo rune tarot spread

Sowilo means ‘sun’ and is the rune of success. Like The Sun card in the Tarot, this rune usually makes the Seeker smile whenever it shows up in a rune reading. It means that whatever you are facing, you will have the strength to deal with it and you will be successful.

Sowilo can help us be true to ourselves and is an extremely important rune for the Highly Sensitive Person to work with so that they do not allow their energy to be siphoned off by people who come to them for help or to simply take from them.

Sowilo is a rune of the True Self, beyond the little/separate self. Working with it creates a future pull that helps us overcome the things that threaten to hold us back or hide our light under a bushel.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Sowilo:

“Sun is by seamen always hoped for when they fare far away over the fishes’ bath until the brine-stallion they bring to land.”

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Sowilo HERE.

Sowilo Success Tarot Spread

Sowilo Success Rune Tarot Spread

1. What I want to manifest (choose face up) – If you can’t find a card that is a perfect fit, replace with the 9 of Cups
2. Strength or talent to draw on
3. Where to focus my efforts and energy 
4. A challenge along the way 
5. How to overcome it
6. Determining factor – Success depends on this. This is something that must happen along the road for success to be ensured. You may need to acquire another skill or tool, or some event must take place.

Sowilo Success Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

1. What I want to manifest – 9 of Cups. This is a creative project that has been brewing for a few years now and my wish is to complete it, not so much for financial gain (though welcome enough) but because it is part of my legacy
2. Strength or talent to draw onThe Moon. My Moon, Mars and NN in Pisces (Zodiac sign corresponding with The Moon) are all pulling me along. I can trust my intuitive guidance.
3. Where to focus my efforts and energy  – 10 of Swords. The written word. Go to all the darkest places. No need to avoid any of them. Wrestle with them and remember the words of Psalm 23.
4. A challenge along the way9 of Swords. It’s going to get painful because of extreme levels of self-doubt… and I may lose some sleep over it.
5. How to overcome itThe Star. Focus on the positives and the things that inspire hope. Mind over matter. Meditate and keep clearing the negative looping thoughts. This is also funny because I have started giving myself a little star in the margin of my journal for every day I do something toward this creative project.
6. Determining factor7 of Pentacles. Oodles of patience will be required. OK, well played Tarot, well played. It’s a longstanding joke among people who know me well how impatient I am… So yeah…

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