Uruz Rune Tarot Spread

Uruz Rune Tarot Spread

Uruz Rune

In today’s post, I share the Uruz Rune Tarot Spread to help us tune into and harness the power of the Elder Futhark Rune Uruz. The second rune in the Elder Futhark rune alphabet is Uruz. Uruz is said to be a rune of masculine energy, perseverance and prowess because of its association with hunting large game and the rite of passage this often constitute to a young lad on the threshold to manhood. However, it is also a rune that can symbolise the chaotic creative life force and forces of nature.

This leads to an interesting juxtaposition between the runes where the Empress Tarot card is seen by some to correspond more with the ‘masculine’ Uruz rune. They see the Emperor Tarot card as corresponding more with the ‘feminine’ Fehu rune. My personal preference is to associate Uruz with The Emperor but there are no hard and fast rules. Always go with what’s right for you.

Norse Gender Swapping

Of course, Norse mythology puts the Sol-Luna gender division on its head as well, with Sunna being the Goddess of the Sun and Måni being the God of the Moon. Personally, I think it is healthy to gender-swap primal forces to learn how each of them contains the seed of the other and neither is fully one or the other. At the Source level, there can, of course, be no division.

Wach Out for Burn-Out

I remember pulling the Uruz rune upright (brightstave) not long ago, on a day when I seemed to have unlimited energy and was able to do tremendous amounts of work and the next day it showed up reversed, aka merkstave,  because I had overdone it and burned myself out. You could be playing with fire when this rune shows up.

Uruz can bring a new opportunity… but watch out! With Uruz, the opportunity may very well be disguised as misfortune – In this sense, there is a similarity with The Tower (Mars) which also happens to be a card of (brute) masculine force/sexuality. The straight-up Tarot correspondence for Uruz is The Emperor (Aries, ruled by Mars).

A Rune of Healing

Uruz can be a rune of healing, especially if it shows up in the upright position after a long period of illness when it is likely to provide a surge of life-force energy. Uruz is associated with Thor, the God of Thunder, and protector of Asgård. You can read more about the healing properties of the Uruz rune HERE.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Uruz

The aurochs is proud and has great horns;
it is a very fierce
beast and fights with its horns;
a great ranger of the moors, it is a creature of mettle.

Below, I have created a Tarot spread for the Uruz rune to help you memorise its meanings as well as better understand how to tap the power of this rune.

Uruz Power Tarot Spread

Uruz Power Tarot Spread

1. What makes me strong
2. What weakens me
3. How to increase my energy levels
4. What new opportunity to look out for
5. What mental/physical strength I need to manifest this new opportunity
6. How to persevere until I reach my goal

Feel free to share your reading with the Uruz Power Tarot spread in the comments below. As always, I’m happy to help with any card interpretations you may be struggling with as long as you share your take (with positional meanings) first.

If you want to check out some YouTube videos on the runes from someone who knows their history really well, I recommend that you subscribe to Arith Häger. For the linguistics side of things, I highly recommend Dr Jackson Crawford. They are both extremely generous with sharing their wealth of knowledge free of charge, so massive kudos to both of them!

Take me back to the Elder Futhark Rune Index!


Comments 2

  1. Great spread, Lisa. I used it with my Wildwood Tarot, which was interesting. I love the gender switching reminder; made me think of the yin/yang dichotomy, each in itself, each in the other.

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