wunjo rune tarot spread

Wunjo Rune Tarot Spread

wunjo rune tarot spread

Wunjo is the rune that teaches us about true joy – Not temporary happiness or pleasure, but true and lasting joy. It is about more than just a feeling; It’s a prescription for a process to teach us to become self-sufficient and not depend on others for our happiness.

How? By connecting with and learning how to stay connected to our inner source of joy, i.e. the spirit within. It is the ‘disconnect’ that creates the illusion of a separate self – the source of all our misery.

Wunjo teaches us that no matter what happens in the world around us, nothing can steal our true joy unless we let it.

The Anglo-Saxon rune poem for Wunjo:

Who uses it knows no pain,
sorrow nor anxiety, and he himself has
prosperity and bliss, and also enough shelter.

Learn more about holistic rune meanings and correspondences for Wunjo HERE.

Wunjo True Joy Rune Tarot Spread

Wunjo True Joy Rune Tarot Spread

1. How well aligned I am to my source of true joy (a ‘negative’ card here shows a need for shadow work/clearing blocks)
2. How I let others steal my joy / how I self-sabotage
3. How I sometimes confuse pleasure with joy
4. How my joy supports my mission in the world (your joy is how you inspire and bring hope to the world)
5. A new habit that supports my ability to stay aligned with my source of true joy

Wunjo True Joy Tarot Spread Sample Reading

1. How well aligned I am to my source of true joy – 10 of Swords

Not very!! At the moment, I’m feeling the 10 of Swords space (tether. end of.) due to spending too much time online and reading about all the shitty misogynistic crap that is happening in the world. Allowing myself to get dragged down by it is not the forward though. I need to think more about how I can contribute to the kind of world I want to see once patriarchy is finally dead and buried. My visionary ability is killed together with my joy, as we can see by this figure lying face down.

2. How I let others steal my joy / how I self-sabotage – Queen of Cups

I become passive, receptive and reactive, absorbing all the negativity around me like a sponge.

3. How I sometimes confuse pleasure with joy – The Hermit

There is no greater pleasure for me than to hermit away with a good book and not have to deal with real-life crap. This hermit likes to escape from it all as often as possible. However, this increases a sense of isolation and helplessness in the face of what is happening. Engaging more with people around me to create a sense of support and togetherness might help me align more fully with my source of joy than constantly seeking to escape.

4. How my joy supports my mission in the world – The Empress

When I feel connected and aligned, I become more joyfully creative. I have the ability to make the world around me more beautiful and inspire others.

5. A new habit that supports my ability to stay aligned with my source of true joy – 10 of Cups

Spend more time with friends and family. Strive to create a sense of belonging and community.

I hope this spread helps you locate and connect with your source of joy within – Please bear in mind that you need to allow for stillness and reflection if you wish to connect with your inner source of joy which is what some people refer to as ‘God’ or simply ‘Source.’

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