wunjo elder futhark rune meanings

Wunjo Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

wunjo elder futhark rune meanings

Wunjo – Rune of Optimism

The upright Wunjo rune is welcome in any reading because it shows that the seeker has the ability to remain positive no matter what the circumstances. The reversal of this rune shows tendencies to go overboard, to boast or to overreach. If you are a believer in the Law of Attraction this is the rune that signifies the pulling power of the mind to attract through strong positive intention. For those who do not believe that such things are possible, the Wunjo-type personality comes across as having somewhat miraculous powers of manifestation.

The verse describing this rune in the Anglo-Saxon rune poem hits the nail on the head (and I rarely feel that way about the rune poems):

Who uses it knows no pain,
sorrow nor anxiety, and he himself has
prosperity and bliss, and also enough shelter.

Stripped back meaning based on the actual word and shape

The root word for Wunjo/Wynn means ‘joy’ but I believe it may also be related to the modern Swedish word ‘vinna’ (to win).

Visually, it’s the flag of the conqueror or explorer who is the first to reach and claim newly discovered territory.

To have a Wunjo mindset then is to see yourself as essentially capable as well as ‘lucky’ (although we all know we each make our own luck), and to be tremendously confident in your ability to achieve anything you have set your mind to do. This extends to all areas of life.

The pronunciation of this word should be up for debate because the ‘WON-joe’ I have seen online does not sit well with my Norse origins. I choose to pronounce it ‘VINN-yo’).


  • Polarity: Masculine
  • Tarot card correspondence: 9 of Cups
  • Colours: All bright and cheerful colours
  • Archangel correspondences: Archangel Sachiel and Archangel Michael
  • Herbs: Lemon balm (summer), Cinnamon (winter)
  • Chakra correspondences: Solar plexus chakra
  • Health: Overall sense of well-being, psychosomatic illness, the ability to self-heal and regenerate. The ability to harness chi/mana from one’s surroundings.

Divinatory Meanings

General: optimism and expansion – Reversed: boasting, lack of confidence, overcompensating or overreaching

Love & relationships: great joy in the relationship, celebration, great friendships, harmony, anniversary – Reversed: people pleasing, not staying true to one’s own heart/self, feeling lonely

Health/wellbeing: using affirmations and taking one’s health into one’s own hands in general – Reversed: psychosomatic illness, being pessimistic about a diagnosis or prognosis, not looking after oneself, laziness

Business: striking gold, having the Midas touch, being brave and taking risks at just the right time, cashing in, promising start-up, prosperous acquisitions – Reversed: taking risks that are likely to fail, overspending, lack of prudence and foresight, poor work ethic, blaming colleagues or circumstances for own failure

Holistic Healing Tips for Wunjo

Chant VINN-yo for an instant energy upgrade. When you make the ‘vinn’ shape with your mouth, it forces a smile… Be mindful of this and feel a sense of optimism starting to spread throughout your being.

When you are out in nature, draw this rune in the palms of your hands and radiate the joy and optimism of your soul out to the plants around you. Open your senses to perceive what comes back. It may surprise you!

Sitting meditation for general optimism, confidence and well-being: draw the rune across over your solar plexus chakra and breathe in the colour yellow. Allow it to spread through your aura until you feel bright and ‘charged up.’

Use together with Kenaz and Gebo to draw the Right One to you in love spells.

In your prayers or when you send energy healing to someone, visualise this rune going into their aura and blessing them with great joy and optimism for the future.


  • The source of my happiness and healing ability is within me.
  • I attract only good into my life and inspire optimism in others.
  • My future is bright and I choose to be happy now.
  • Everything I put my mind to brings joy to others.
  • I enjoy happiness in all my close relationships.
  • I am strongly connected with the joy of creation.
  • I am in a constant positive and healing energy exchange with Nature’s loving and healing forces.

Wunjo Prayer

Dear Mother-Father God, Thank you that the joy of creation resonates so strongly within me. Please help brighten the world around me with my optimism and inspire faith in anyone who is feeling down. Amen and so it is!

Wunjo and Hyperborean Water Magic

It’s really straightforward with Wunjo. Simply charge water with Wunjo whenever the atmosphere or your own mood starts weighing you down. As always, when charging a body of water outside, always consult the local spirits first.

If you are in the habit of having a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning, this will be even better for you if you first charge your lemon water with Wunjo. Starting the day with optimism is so important for generating our desired outcomes.

How to Charge the Water

  • Draw the rune over your glass or another glass vessel with the pointer and middle finger on your dominant hand.
  • Chant the name of the rune three times.
  • Visualise the rune glimmering in the colour of your choice as you chant (see colour correspondences above).
  • Visualise the light from the rune charging every molecule in the water until the light expands beyond the glass. When the light has formed an aura around the glass that you can see or feel with your hands, it is ready to drink/use.

Try the Wunjo True Joy Rune Tarot Spread

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  1. I just realized I have a birthmark in the shape of Wunjo. I’ve always wondered whether it was a flag or a letter. Now I finally see it for what it is. Thank you!

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