The 9 of Wands (Moon in Sagittarius) symbolises resilience, perseverance, and inner strength in the face of challenges. This card often appears when one has been through difficult times but is still standing strong, ready to face whatever comes next. In relationships, the 9 of Wands has several different meanings, reflecting different aspects of love, commitment, and personal boundaries. The corresponding Archangel for the Suit of Wands (Fire) is Archangel Michael.
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9 of Wands as Feelings of a Love Interest (Upright)
When the 9 of Wands appears upright in a love reading, it suggests that your love interest has been through some tough experiences in the past but remains resilient and cautiously optimistic about love. They may be feeling:
- Guarded and protective of their emotions
- Determined to see things through despite past hurts
- Cautiously hopeful about the potential of a new love relationship
- Ready to face challenges together
Your love interest may be weighing their past investments in love relationships against the potential rewards of opening up to you.
9 of Wands as Feelings when Reversed or Ill-dignified
When reversed or ill-dignified, the 9 of Wands can indicate that your love interest is struggling with unresolved issues from past relationships. Because they have not yet integrated past lessons and healed fully, their energy is likely to feel ‘prickly’ like the thistles in the image above. Their communication could be patchy or full of contradictory statements. They might be:
- Overwhelmed by past traumas and unable to move forward
- Exhausted from emotional battles and considering giving up
- Stubbornly holding onto negative beliefs about relationships
- Struggling to maintain healthy boundaries
This state reflects the challenges described in Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown, where unresolved issues can lead to a deterioration of the relationship if not addressed.
The 9 of Wands When You Are Single and Looking
For those who are single, the 9 of Wands suggests that you may be feeling battle-worn from previous relationships but are still open to love. It encourages you to:
- Learn from past experiences without letting them dictate your future
- Maintain healthy boundaries while remaining open to new connections
- Trust your instincts and inner strength when meeting new potential partners
The 9 of Wands As Your Attachment Style in the Relationship
The 9 of Wands can represent an anxious-preoccupied attachment style. You may:
- Be hyper-vigilant about potential threats to the relationship
- Have a strong desire for closeness while fearing abandonment
- Struggle with trust issues due to past experiences
Understanding your attachment style can help you work towards a more secure attachment.
The 9 of Wands As the Attachment Style of Your Love Interest
If this card represents your partner’s attachment style, they may exhibit:
- A tendency to put up emotional walls for self-protection
- Difficulty fully opening up due to fear of getting hurt
- A need for reassurance and patience in the relationship
The 9 of Wands As the Energetic Connection
In terms of the energetic connection between you and your significant other, the 9 of Wands (when upright or positively aspected) symbolises:
- A relationship that has weathered storms and grown stronger
- A shared resilience and determination to make things work
- Potential challenges that you face together, strengthening your bond
However, reversed or ill-dignified, the connection could be one of mistrust. One or both parties could be ignorant about how to uphold and/or respect sound boundaries.
The 9 of Wands As the Potential Outcome
As an outcome card, the 9 of Wands indicates:
- A relationship that will require effort but has the potential for long-term success
- The need for both partners to work on trust and openness
- A strong foundation built on shared experiences and mutual support
In Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, this outcome corresponds with the Commitment component where partners decide to maintain their love despite challenges.
The 9 of Wands in a Relationship Breakdown
During a relationship breakdown, the 9 of Wands may signify:
- One or both partners feeling defensive and unwilling to compromise
- Exhaustion from ongoing conflicts and considering whether to continue
- The need to reassess boundaries and personal needs
This stage aligns with the Stagnation phase in Duck’s Model, where partners must decide whether to work on the relationship or move towards termination.
Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!
Angelic Love Tarot Ritual for Sound Boundaries
To perform this ritual, you will need:
- The 9 of Wands Tarot card
- A red candle
- A quiet, comfortable space
Light the red candle and place the 9 of Wands card in front of you.
Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Breathe in peace and let go of tension. Be fully present in the now.
Invoke Archangel Michael with this prayer (or use your own words):
“Archangel Michael, you who teach me courage, I call upon your divine presence. Please assist me in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in my relationships. Help me dissolve any patterns that no longer serve me and guide me towards love that honours my worth. Amen.”
Meditate on the 9 of Wands card, visualising a golden light surrounding you, representing your personal boundaries. Know that you are worthy of respect and honour. Feel this deeply.
When you feel ready, thank Archangel Michael and extinguish the candle or allow it to burn out safely.
Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!
The Sound Boundaries Love Tarot Spread
This spread helps you reflect on past experiences, assess your current boundaries, and move forward with wisdom and strength in your relationships.
- The Lesson Learned (Center card)
- My Current Boundary Strength (Left)
- Area Needing Stronger Boundaries (Right)
- How to Maintain Healthy Boundaries (Top)
- Potential Outcome with Improved Boundaries (Bottom)
Love Tarot Card Meanings + Rituals Index