ace of pentacles as feelings love tarot readings

Ace of Pentacles As Feelings (with Love Tarot Spread and Ritual)

ace of pentacles as feelings love tarot readings

The Ace of Pentacles (Element of Earth) promises powerful new beginnings in the realm of matter and all that is manifest. In today’s post, we look at the Ace of Pentacles as feelings in love and relationship Tarot readings. The Suit of Pentacles corresponds with Archangel Uriel. So today I also share a Love Tarot Ritual with Archangel Uriel for manifesting a new, stable and secure love relationship. Finally, there is an Ace of Pentacles Love Tarot Spread for trying new things that will help you bond as a couple, inside and outside the bedroom.

Go to the Ace of Pentacles Love Tarot Ritual with Archangel Uriel

Jump to the Ace of Pentacles Love Tarot Spread for Stability

Ace of Pentacles as Feelings of a Love Interest (Upright)

When the Ace of Pentacles appears upright in a reading about a love interest’s feelings, it suggests that they view the relationship as a valuable opportunity for growth and stability. This person may be considering the practical aspects of a partnership, such as shared goals, financial compatibility, and long-term potential. Their feelings are grounded and steady, indicating a desire for a relationship that can withstand the test of time.

The Ace of Pentacles generally bodes well in terms of the commitment component of the relationship. Your love interest may be ready to invest time and energy into building a solid foundation for the relationship, focusing on shared values and mutual support. However, depending on surrounding cards, they may be more interested in just your physical body. The Ace of Pentacles next to the Knight of Wands, for instance, is rarely a good sign of commitment and stability.

Ace of Pentacles as Feelings when Reversed or Ill-dignified

When reversed or ill-dignified, the Ace of Pentacles can indicate hesitation or fear surrounding commitment. The love interest may be struggling with feelings of insecurity or doubt about their ability to provide stability in the relationship. This could stem from past experiences or current circumstances that make them feel financially or emotionally unstable.

From the perspective of the Investment Model, a reversed Ace of Pentacles might suggest that your love interest perceives high costs and low rewards in pursuing the relationship.

Ace of Pentacles When Single and Looking

For those who are single and seeking a relationship, the Ace of Pentacles represents a promising new beginning. It encourages you to approach love with a grounded and practical mindset, focusing on building a stable foundation for a future partnership. This card suggests that you may encounter opportunities for love in unexpected places, possibly through work or shared interests related to material pursuits.

Ace of Pentacles As Your Attachment Style in the Relationship

The Ace of Pentacles as an attachment style indicates a secure and stable approach to relationships. You likely value consistency, reliability, and mutual support in your partnerships. This aligns with the secure attachment style, where you feel comfortable with both intimacy and independence.

Ace of Pentacles As the Attachment Style of Your Love Interest

If the Ace of Pentacles represents your love interest’s attachment style, it suggests they are likely to be dependable, trustworthy, and committed to building a secure relationship. They may prioritise creating a stable environment for the partnership to flourish, focusing on practical matters as well as physical intimacy.

Ace of Pentacles As the Energetic Connection Between You and Your Lover

The Ace of Pentacles as an energetic connection indicates a strong, grounded bond between partners. This connection is characterised by mutual support, healthy boundaries, shared goals, and a focus on building a stable future together. In terms of Lee’s Styles of Loving, this energy aligns mainly with Pragma and Storge.

Ace of Pentacles As the Potential Outcome

As a potential outcome, the Ace of Pentacles is highly favourable for relationships. It suggests the possibility of a stable, long-lasting partnership that brings both material abundance and loyalty. This outcome aligns with the concept of equity in relationships, where both partners contribute and benefit equally, leading to high satisfaction and commitment.

Ace of Pentacles in a Relationship Breakdown

In the context of a relationship breakdown, the Ace of Pentacles may indicate that practical concerns or financial issues have played a significant role in the dissolution of the partnership. This card might appear during the intrapsychic phase of the breakdown, where individuals evaluate the costs and benefits of continuing the relationship.

Angelic Love Tarot Ritual with Archangel Uriel for Manifesting a Stable Love Relationship

archangel uriel

Materials needed:

  • Ace of Pentacles Tarot card
  • Green candle
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A piece of paper and a pen


  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Cleanse the area with smoke/incense.
  3. Place the green candle in the centre of your space or on your altar.
  4. Put the Ace of Pentacles card in front of the candle.

Ritual Steps:

  1. Light the green candle, focusing on its warm glow.
  2. Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.
  3. Invoke Archangel Uriel by saying: “Archangel Uriel, ruler of Earth and guardian of stability, I call upon your presence and guidance. Please join me in this sacred space.”
  4. Visualise a warm, golden light surrounding you, representing Uriel’s protective energy.
  5. Hold the Ace of Pentacles card in both hands and say: “Ace of Pentacles, the symbol of new beginnings and abundance, I invite your energy into my life and my heart.”
  6. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a loving, stable relationship. Feel the emotions of security, joy, and contentment.
  7. Write your intention on the piece of paper. For example: “I am open to receiving a loving, stable relationship that brings mutual growth and abundance.”
  8. Place the paper under the Ace of Pentacles card.
  9. Spend a few moments in quiet meditation, visualising your ideal relationship and feeling gratitude for its manifestation.
  10. When you feel ready, thank Archangel Uriel by saying: “Thank you, Archangel Uriel, for your guidance and support in manifesting this loving and secure relationship.”
  11. Allow the candle to burn out naturally, or if you need to extinguish it, do so with gratitude.

Repeat this ritual weekly or monthly as desired, always approaching it with an open heart and a sense of gratitude. Remember that manifestation works in harmony with your own actions, so remain open to new opportunities and experiences in your daily life.

Check out the Angelorum Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads!

Ace of Pentacles Love Tarot Spread for Stability

This spread combines the Ace of Pentacles’ themes of new beginnings and material manifestation with a focus on physical and emotional closeness, helping you and your partner explore ways to deepen your connection both inside and outside the bedroom.

ace of pentacles love tarot spread
  1. Foundation: What is the current state of our relationship’s security?
  2. Growth Opportunity: What area of our relationship is ready for new growth?
  3. Physical Connection: How can we enhance our physical intimacy?
  4. Shared Goals: What mutual aspirations can strengthen our connection?
  5. Potential Outcome: What abundance awaits us if we embrace this new beginning?

Love Tarot Card Meanings + Rituals Index

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