the dragon's talons tarot spread

The Dragon’s Talons Rune and Tarot Spread

The Dragon's Talons Tarot Spread

The Dragon’s Talons Rune and Tarot spread is a totally universal and adaptable Tarot spread. So here we have a Rune and Tarot spread that can help you analyse and problem-solve any issue or situation. You do not have to use both runes and Tarot cards when reading with this spread. However, using both does provide a more in-depth reading.

If you do choose to work with both Tarot cards and runes, I recommend laying out the Tarot cards first. First, take a moment to reflect on the messages of the cards. Then lay the runes on top of the Tarot cards and see what additional information they provide, or what hidden layers of meaning they uncover.

The sample reading below is shared with permission by the person for who the reading is for. We are working with the Tarot at the End of the Rainbow for this reading. The theme of the reading is what the querent needs to know about their chronic back pain. And since I am not a doctor, I’m reading on the underlying emotional and spiritual elements that constitute the energetic root cause of chronic pain.

The Dragon’s Talons Rune and Tarot Spread – Sample Reading

dragon's talons tarot spread sample reading
  1. What is missing? 10 of Swords + Kenaz – Hope and inspired craftsmanship. The light at the end of the tunnel. (And possibly a session with a good acupuncturist!)
  2. What needs to be released? Queen of Swords + Wunjo – Cynicism + Joy = Schadenfreude. Delighting in vengeance on perceived enemies through their misery.
  3. How to bring in what is missing. Strength + Fehu – Embodying compassion and abundance. Allowing yourself a new beginning. Heart-centred creativity. Dropping from the mind (10 of Swords) into the heart.
  4. What releasing that which needs to be released can lead to. Queen of Cups + Gebo – Increased levels of compassion, empathy, and connectedness. An opening to psychic ability and greater faith in your inner knowing. A sense of being in communion with Spirit and all living beings.
  5. What to aim for in the longer-term/What action to take to achieve the desired outcome. 10 of Pentacles + Jera – Becoming more aware of how everything is interconnected and the karmic repercussions of our energy flow leads to taking greater responsibility for the legacy you leave behind. Take action now to secure improved conditions for future generations by cleansing the bloodline from negative karma.

To summarise: All healing begins with heart-healing. Improving the health of the heart and ridding yourself of negative energy will reverse bad fortune and improve your physical condition. But it will do so much more than that. It will enable you to leave behind a legacy of consciousness expansion for future generations.

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